Chapter 20

*Sneha Pov*


I don't know why my life just goes on and on in the regular pattern for some time and gives a sudden shock and changes into a different pattern.

This is not the first time it happened. I am actually getting used to these changes happening once in a while.

At first I got used to the life with my brother and his friends and my bubble just got busted when those revelations were made.

Next I got used to the life where I ignored them and made my own life with College, friends and job. That too changed when they realized their mistake and don't forget I got a boyfriend.

Now at present I totally got used to where I am busy along with my friends trying our best to make our company enter the success path.

It is working actually beyond our imaginations. I have this boyfriend of mine too who always keep touch with me.

He encourages me too much that I can't even bear. My brother and his friends too joined the parade with him in this department.

As for Samrat I have not seen him properly these past few months.

Yes! Already months passed and there is still a nagging voice in my head.

About what it is nagging I don't know but it is nagging. It is about one thing for sure.

The relation of mine and Virat is like a straight line. There is no change at all. Like it is missing something.

Every day I get this thought and I immediately brush it away like I am doing at present.

I kind of miss the small talks with Samrat. For all the birthday parties or the anniversaries I attend, he always stay for few minutes and leave telling that he is busy.

Remaining members are not even stopping him at all.

As today is Saturday I decided to visit everyone. When I entered their colony I immediately glanced at Samrat's house.

As expected everyone are in the Bhai's living room surprisingly even Samrat.

I cleared my throat letting them know that I am here.

They immediately have bright smiles and hugged me one after the other.

After we all settled down Bhai said "We are hearing a lot about your company Neha!"

"Yes! We are very proud of you." Ramesh said.

"Thanks guys. But there is still so much to do." I said.

"Sneha! It is only six months after you decided to start a company. This is huge success." Imran said sternly letting me know that I can't win in this argument.

I laughed and nodded.

I enjoyed so much and when I decided to leave Bhai asked "Are you coming here tomorrow?"

"No Bhai! I am going to our home town." I replied without thinking.

"Why?" he asked me confused and a little loudly catching everyone's attention.

"I just have some work Bhai." I replied lying completely.

"Don't lie to me Neha! Why are you going there?" He asked me and he gave me a stern look like he will not leave me until I tell him.

I closed my eyes and said "Tomorrow is Virat birthday. I am going there to surprise him."

Everything just stilled and there is no noise at all.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the blank look of Samrat. Yup! That is what he is doing these days.

Not only near me but even near everyone.

"Do you have to?" Bhabhi asked looking a little towards Samrat.

"He surprised me on my birthday Bhabhi. I should go there. He will be happy to see me too." I replied giving my reason which I don't know why I am giving.

She nodded understandingly.

I left the house and started my vehicle and I don't know why but I wanted to turn around.

So I did and saw Samrat coming near me.

"Here!" he said giving me my purse which I forgot inside the house.

I took and was about to go he held my hand and pulled me towards him.

He hugged me tightly and started taking small breathes.

"Don't hate me!" I whispered hugging him tightly.

"I will never." He said.

We still hugged for some more time and he released me but started caressing my cheek.

"I am stupid right?" he asked me.

I nodded giving him his answer.

"I wish I wasn't." he said after that.

"Me too. I wish you weren't." I said honestly.

He gave me a small smile hearing my reply.

"Be normal Samrat. You will find someone." I said with kind of heavy heart.

He shook his head and kissed on my forehead.

Before leaving he said "Enjoy!" and I stopped myself from stopping him.

I shook my head and left the colony and went to my apartment with restlessness.

I couldn't sleep that night and at 12 I called Virat.

"Happy birthday Virat." I said when he lifted.

"Thanks Beautiful!" He said.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Waiting for you call Beautiful." He replied.

"Hmm.. What else?" I asked him.

"Is everything alright Beautiful?" he asked me with concern in his tone.

"Ofcourse it is!" I replied immediately.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"I am sure Virat! I will talk to you tomorrow take rest." I said and after hearing his 'Good night' I hanged up.

That was close call. The thing I am getting stressed is because of the hug.

No I am not feeling guilty for hugging him but I am feeling guilty for not feeling guilty.

Urgh!! I am just going to kill myself in future for sure with these thoughts.

I groaned and tossed around on the bed and finally give up.

It is time for me to not ignore any feeling or thoughts which I am doing for the past few months.....


I am giving back to back updates for being slow these past two days guys....

So i read the comments and saw that everyone is missing Samrat. I know he is hurt and depressed but he is not doing the main thing that he should do.

Until then this will continue and i hope you all loved the encounter between both Sneha and Samrat.

As for Virat i am just saying that he is and will be a good guy...

And what Sneha is planing to do by thinking everything again.

Comment plz and vote......................................
