Chapter 15

You wake up mid-day and find yourself sweating. You put on a clean pair of leggings, and because you can't find a shirt of your own, you decide to wear one of Minho's shirts. You make your way out of the tent, to find that business is as usual in the glade. You walk over to Newt's tent and see him sleeping. He's shirtless and only in his underwear. You kick him in the side and say "Wake up ya lazy shank" he groans loudly, and you realize that he's still hurt from yesterday. "Sorry" you whisper as he throws the blankets off of him and stands up to dress.
"What time is it?" He groans.
"Around noon."
"Is Minho up yet?" He asks.
"No you shank I'm dead" you turn around to see Minho walking into the tent "Good morning. I like your shirt." he winks at you.
"Goo-" you begin to speak but are cut off by the alarm of the box. You, Minho, and Newt clatter out of the tent and are met by Thomas. "What the hell? We shouldn't have a new Greenie for another week" Newt says. You dash off to the box to find Alby holding a small capsule containing a single pill. Next to him, stands Gally holding a small piece of paper. They both turn to face you.
"What is this?" Alby shouts holding the capsule.
"How am I supposed to know?!" You say. Gally holds up the small piece of paper and written on it, you see three words:


"For the girl? What's that supposed to mean?" Newt asks.
"It means it's for the girl, shank" Gally says. "So what is it?"
"I don't know." You say.
"Then why is it addressed to you?" He says.
"I don't know." You say again.
"You had to have asked for this, or else why would they give it to us?!" He shouts, "What is it?"
"I honestly don't know." You keep your cool, and walk up to Alby and take the capsule.
"Y/n, don't touch that." Minho walks up next to you.
"It's a pill." You say, mostly to yourself.
"I don't care what it shucking is, don't touch it." Minho says.
"Why?" You turn to him, holding the capsule in your hand.
"It could kill you, y/n" Newt speaks up.
"But it was meant for me!" You say, getting irritated.
"Y/n, who knows what it's for?! It could kill you." Minho says, trying to take the capsule from you.
"If they wanted to kill me, wouldn't they just do it in the maze?!" You shout at him. You don't want to be in another argument with Minho, but you really want to see what this pill does. You're the only girl, the Creators wouldn't hurt you, would they?
"Well, what if it hurts the baby?" He asks quietly.
"The baby would be better off dead than in here." Gally points out.
"Y/n, I'm not letting you take that pill." Minho says.
"Me neither" Newt and Thomas both say at the same time.
"Fine." You say, fighting the urge to take it now while you can. You hand the capsule to Minho who stows it in his back pocket.
"Are you hurt?" You ask him, looking at all of his bruises and cuts. "You should probably go to the med jacks. Same with you Newt" you gesture for the two of them to go, and they obey. Good thing too, because they were both in rough shape. You sigh and turn to Thomas.
"Wanna go for a walk?" He asks. You nod your head and walk with him to the deadheads. When you are out of earshot of the other Gladers, he asks "What do you think that pill was for?"
"I'm not sure. You have any ideas?"
"I was thinking it had something to do with that baby of yours." He pokes you in the stomach. "I don't know. Maybe give it super powers or something."
You laugh, "That's probably it." You continue on your walk through the woods, and when it begins to turn dark you turn around. {tuuuuuuurn arooooooound} You and Thomas eat dinner with Chuck, because both Minho and Newt are sleeping in the homestead for the night.
"Did you really ask for that pill, y/n?" Chuck asks.
You sigh, "For the hundredth time, I didn't ask for it! They gave it to me. Whoever they are."
"What if it's something really important, like it will give you back your memories or something?" Chuck says.
"She's not taking the pill, Chuck. Alby won't allow it." Thomas says.
"Alby won't allow it?" You exclaim, "Alby could care less if it hurt me! Minho's the one who really won't allow it."
"So are you and Minho still like- a thing?" Chuck asks, extremely awkwardly.
You sigh and shake your head slowly. "I don't really know. I love him and all, but he didn't need to hurt Newt like that." You replay the moments of Minho and Newt beating each other up from yesterday. It hurts to know that you could ruin their friendship that easily.
"Y/n, Minho was just trying to protect you." Thomas puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah but Newt was just trying to help!" You say, tears forming in your eyes. You don't want to lose either of them. They both mean so much to you.
"Honestly y/n, I would be pissed off at Newt too if I were Minho." Thomas says, a sound of annoyance in his voice.
"But why mad at Newt? Shouldn't he be mad at me? I'm the one who told Newt first. It's not even his fault!" You get up, leaving your empty plate at the table. You storm out and into the night. I'm taking that pill. You think, I have to.
You head off towards the Homestead, and find Minho awake and Newt sleeping in a cot next to him.
"Hey" you whisper when you walk in. "How ya feeling?"
"Like klunk." He whispers back. "I would stay out of Newts way if I were you. The kid is stronger than he looks."
You chuckle. "You better get some sleep." You lean over the bed that Minho is sleeping in to give him a hug. When you wrap your arms around him, you slip one hand down towards his back pocket. You feel the edge of the capsule against your fingertips, and you grab and pull slowly as you pull away from the hug. You give him a kiss on the forehead.
"I love you" you whisper. "Will you love me, no matter what happens to us?"
"I will always love you, y/n." He smiles, clearly unconcerned. You give him one more kiss and then walk away with the capsule hidden in your left hand. When you exit the building, you take out the pill and examine it. There are no markings on it, but it's clearly meant to be swallowed. It's very small, and it appears to be yellow in color. You throw the pill back in your mouth, and swallow.

Authors Note
Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading this chapter. Did you like it? It seemed a little short but I think that's okay considering what happened. What do you guys think the pill is going to do? I'm curious as to see what you guys think. :) Don't forget to comment and vote for this chapter! It really encourages me to get off my lazy butt and keep writing! :) I love you!
