Chapter 12 (Part 2) : Moving Forward

"Hey love birds! Aunt HeeYoung wants us back before lunch!"

Cyril squeezed the girl in his arms lightly as if signaling her that they need to go. Eira however shook her head and kissed Cyril's palm. 

"Go ahead...I'll be there in a minute or two..."

Cyril moved back slightly and was about to protest when Eira placed a finger on his lips, "I won't cry anymore... I promise."

"You better keep that promise Ms. Choi..."

Eira grinned mischievously, "or what?"

Cyril smiled,  glad to see the mischievous Eira back, "you don't wanna know..."

"Whatever Mr. Lancaster. I'll pretend that I'm scared of your threat."

Cyril chuckled and gave Eira one last kiss on the forehead before he walked to the direction of the four other boys. Eira crouched in front of the grave and lightly touched the white stone.

"Uncle Chunghee said that it was of your request to transfer your heart to me... I really wanted to ask why but I guess all I can do now is to guess your reason hm? I could imagine you scolding me for being here all the time. Seriously, you and Ben are both worry warts. I'm fine... "


Chunghee was on his way to the laboratory to ask when he saw two ambulances coming in. He stopped for a bit and ran directly to the laboratory.

"Anything about Dr. Park's heart request?"

The nurse shook his head "No donors yet for Miss Choi, Dr. Lee. I'll inform you personally if one comes in."

ChungHee sighed and thought of suggestions he could provide his hoobae once he gets back to the operating room. He rushed back to the operating room but he was intercepted by a male nurse who was panting like crazy.

"Seongsang...nim...." *pant* "Where's... Park... Seonsangnim?" *pant* *wheeze* *pant*

Chunghee raised an eyebrow, "he is currently operating on someone... I can relay any message for him if needed."

The nurse exhaled loudly and nodded, "a patient agreed to volunteer the heart for Ms. Choi... I want to inform Dr. Park because Dr. Bae said the patient is not going to last..."

Chunghee clenched his fists... finally seeing a small speck of hope for He Ran. He motioned to the nurse: 

"take me to Dr. Bae... I'll bring the heart to Jungsu. He Ran needs the transplant now..."

The nurse didn't bother to spare a glance at the surgeon and ran to the operating room where a beautiful doctor was waiting. 

The lady doctor brightened as soon as she saw the surgeon, "Dr. Lee!"

"Seul Gi! Your assistant told me there's someone willing to give their heart?"

Seul Gi nodded, "the patient would like to speak with Dr. Park before giving the organ away"

"I'll speak to the patient instead."

Seul Gi nodded and led the way to the patient bed, Chunghee took in the appearance of the patient and he noted that the patient's face was ruined because of the glass that has stuck to half of it. 

There were also some large lacerations on the patient's arms and neck. On the patient's head was a bandage covering his head that is now soaked in red. The patient moved a bit motioning the surgeon to come nearer and Chunghee did...

Chunghee moved his ear closer to the patient's lips and the patient said in a low raspy voice-

"When I die, give my heart to Choi He Ran. Tell her... I love her so much... and... that I'll... always do... even if she can't see me anymore."

The patient stopped and Chunghee raised an eyebrow, "what is it?"

Seul Gi handed the patient's jacket to the older and he looked questioningly at the patient, "inside..."

Chunghee looked at Seul Gi who nodded before checking the pockets of the jacket he was holding... from the breast pocket, he found a medium sized blue box... the patient forced a smile despite the pain.

"Do you... want me to give this to He Ran?"

The patient smiled and continued in the same raspy and soft voice, "Y-yes... One last favor doctor..."

"Go on, I'm listening..."

"He Ran... she should not know that I love her more than I'm supposed to...please... "

"I don't understand why you want me to do that for you but I will... you have my word"

Chunghee saw the fluctuations on the patient's life line during their little discussion and he can't help but feel pity for the patient on his deathbed...

*sharp inhale* "Doctor... don't feel bad for me... a part of me is going to be with the girl I love..." *sharp inhale* "I'm satisfied..."

The lifeline jerked and Seul Gi pushed Chunghee away as she tried her best to recover the dying patient.

==============END FLASHBACK=================

Eira fixed the bouquet of carnations properly on top of the grave, "You know what... Su Dae noona had finally regained some of her memories... not everything yet but at least she's recovering right? Appa... appa's therapy is going well... he can move a bit now but the doctor said it will take some time."

She straightened making her bracelet with dolphins and stars move with her, "Big Brother Yoon Sook, I miss you... I really do... I wish you were still here with me... with us."

Eira breathed deeply and she smiled when she felt a comforting cold breeze, "ah you're here aren't you?"

She placed a hand on her chest and exhaled, "let me correct that... you are always with me... thank you for giving me another chance to live and to love... I'll take care of your heart for you so please don't worry about me wherever you are."

"Oi you squirt! We need to go! Aunt Hee Young called and she said the Kangs are already at your house!"

"I'll be there big brother!"

Eira stood and adjusted the skirt she was wearing and smiled, "big brother Yoon sook... I need to go. It would be bad if your parents would wait a long time right? I'll be back tomorrow to bring you yellow bells. Bye for now..."

"Love, we really need to go...its starting to rain"

Eira felt the raindrops on her body and she held onto her fiancé's hand... 

"uh right, sorry...."

Cyril gave a quick peck on Eira's lips and smiled, "Its all right... let's go, Uncle and Aunt are waiting...."

The lovers walked hand in hand back to the car ignoring the slight downpour of rain. Cyril motioned for the others to get into their van as he opened the door for Eira.

As the car's engine revved to life, the wind carried the whisper of an angel watching over the girl who now possesses his heart. 

"Be happy Eira...I will always love you."
