Multiverse No.1

Hiiiiiiii I'm backkkk!!! I figured this would be a good one to start with, since I love the musical and todoroki would literally by JD in this au. I have seen people do this before, so I'm gonna try it! *IMPORTANT*: mentions of suicide, murder, depression, and great singing Be prepared. one more thing, I am sooo sorry if the lyrics come out like a really long paragraph, you should probably watch the video first lol. Tell me what you think of the first reaction!

The screen lit up and words were displayed on the screen

Multiverse No.1----Meant to be yours

"Oh gosh! well, I don't think you two can watch this!" kiki said as she turned to look at Kota and Eri.

"W-what? what do you mean they can't watch it? I thought this was family friendly!" Deku replied to the brunette. "Welll, yes and no. Each universe is different. you see, one universe could have Izuku be a cute cat and the next he could be a bloodthirsty villian!" The young girl giggled.


"A CAT!?"


"why would he want to be a villian?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, he is our innocent little cinnamon role! Deku would never harm anyone!" Kirishima chimed in. "well.... let's just say that he took a certain someones advice, and then was saved by the lov and wanted revenge!" The girl said as she side-eyed Bakugo. Bakugo and deku tensed as they heard this. Everyone stared at them confused, "Hey, are you ok?" shoto asked Izuku who was sitting next to him.

"I'm fine!" he replied, putting on a fake smile.

He's lying, Todoroki thought but didn't ask anymore questions.

"That villian universe seems so cool!" Toga yelled bouncing in her seat. "oh It's the readers favorites!" Kiki replied

"Readers?" Denki and shinsou asked at the same time, turning to each other and blushing. 

"OMG! FORGET I SAID ANYTHING!! YOU HEARD NOTHING!" Kiki waved her hands in front of her, clearly flustered, " LET'S START!"

She snapped her fingers and Eri and Kota went to a play room while the multiverse began.

The scene showed todoroki wearing a trench coat inside of a bedroom

"Oh, look it's me" Shoto said as he looked at the screen.

Todoroki turned towards a door, "Hiding in the closet!?" the young boy laughed

"Closet?" Aizawa mumbled

"why is he laughing?" fuyumi asked

"Just watch!" kiki replied

He walked towards the closet and put his hand on it, "Come on! open the door!"

"Who is he talking to?" momo asked

"about that," Kiki began, "In this au Midoryia is a girl and Shoto is her 'boyfriend' of sorts"

"OMG! A GIRL!" half the theater yelled

Izuku blushed and todoroki could feel his right side getting hot.

"boyfriend huhhhhhh!" Denki teased them 

"SHUT UP! LET'S JUST WATCH!" Bakugo yelled. 

"Geese, sorry" denki said slouching in his seat.

On the other side of the door you could see a female midoriya wearing a blue school uniform looking outfit.

"whoah, he really is a girl!" Uraraka said, dumbfounded.

"No, I'll scream and my parents will call the police!" Izuku said, holding his head.

"All is forgivin baby! come on out and get dressed!" Shoto clapped his hands, "your my date to the prep rally tonight!"

"What? why?" Izuku asked through the door, looking like she had been crying

"my poor baby" inko said

"Mom, I'm right here, I'm fine!" Deku replied trying to comfort his mom.

"well our classmates thought they were signing a petition!" The scene changed back to shoto, his eyes blood red smiling evily, "you got to come out and see what they really sighned!"

"I don't like where this is going..." Tokoyami began

"me neither" Iida replied. All of class 1-A agreed with them.

"You chucked me out like I was trash," Todoroki started singing, "For that you should be dead—" he continued, waving his arm around angrily.

"woahhhh! that is not shoto!" Natsuo gasped.

"But! But! But! Then it hit me like a flash," He sang, giving the camera another creepy smile, "What if high school went away instead!" It then showed Izuku looking terrified holding her hand to her mouth. "Those assholes are the key! They're keeping you away from me! They made you blind, messed up your mind, But I can set you free!" Shoto sang as he walked towards the closet with a crazed look.

(I'm just going to write the lyrics, pls watch the video, I'm too lazy for this and I'm in class :P)

You left me and I fell apart,I punched the wall and cried—Bam! Bam! Bam!Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside!And so I built a bombTonight our school is Vietnam!Let's guarantee they'll never see their senior prom!I was meant to be yours!We were meant to be one!Don't give up on me now!Finish what we've begun!I was mean to be yours!
So when the high school gym goes boom with everyone inside—Pchw! Pchw! Pchw!In the rubble of their tombWe'll plant this note explaining why they died!JD AND STUDENTS (spoken):We, the students of Westerburg HighWill die. Our burnt bodies may finally get throughTo you. Your society churns out slaves and blanksNo thanks. Signed the Students of Westerburg High'Goodbye.'JD (sung):We'll watch the smoke poor out the doors.Bring marshmallows,We'll make s'mores!We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!I was meant to be yours!We were meant to be one!I can't make this alone!Finish what we've begun!You were meant to be mine!I am all that you need!You carved open my heart!Can't just leave me to bleed!Veronica, open the—open the door, please'Veronica, open the door.Veronica, can we not fight anymore'Please, can we not fight anymore'Veronica, sure, you're scared,I've been there. I can set you free!Veronica, don't make me come in there!I'm gonna count to three!(Spoken) One! Two! Fuck it!Oh my God! 'No! 'Veronica'!(Sung)Please don't leave me alone'You were all I could trust'I can't do this alone'JD AND STUDENTS:Still I will if I must!

"omg" mitsuki whispered as she craddled both rei and inko.

"WHAT THE HELL?? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT HALF AND HALF?" Bakugo screamed turning to look up at Shoto. Todoroki couldn't move and deku was trying his best not to cry.

"Calm down everyone, it was fake!" Kiki started saying before all might cut her off, "what do you mean it was fake? We just watched Midoriya kill herself!"


the crowd looked at the girl, some were crying, others where just sad and confused.

"W-what happened to me?" shoto asked, breaking the silence. 

"Wellll... For that I'm going to send rei to the room with eri and Kota, I'm afraid she's not in the best place mentally to listen to the story, even though it's a short one." 

"o-ok" rei said through tears. Kiki snapped her fingers and rei dissapeared. 

"so, basically, In this world there are no quirks, and shoto is a only child. his family was happy for a little while, until his mother killed himself by going into a building that was on fire, I think"

The audience stared at her, dumbfounded. Fuyumi started crying and dabi tensed.

"I know, the irony huh," kiki said looking at endeaver who had just rolled his eyes.

"anyways, after that todo and enji travled everywhere, not staying for longer than a few weeks. This caused shoto to have depression and he started slowly going insane. It didn't help either that his father ignored him and made him do everything, including paying taxes and cooking their meals."

Fuyumi was sobbing and shoto was looking at his lap. deku turned to shoto and hugged him. todo let out a little sigh, relief flooding him over as he relized that this was a different universe. 

"When todo met izuku," the girl continued, " He figured he could use her. Izuku fell in love with him, not knowing that he was crazy. they started dating and it lead to this." kiki said waving her hand at the screen.

The hug between izuku and shoto had become awkward after that last explanation, but none of them dared to let go, for they were leaning on each other for emotional support at this point.

"can we move on?" uraraka asked through tears.

"Yes, please" Denki said quietly.

"ok," kiki said, "let's see what's next"

OMG! THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG LMFAO! this shit is harder than it looks! Respect to ya'll who do this for a living, also thank you for 15 views already!! omg! I love ya'll!!!

Word count: I395
