The Tavern

On the way back from a one-week lasting patrol the group stopped in a small village. The knights decided to spend their evening in the tavern. Much to the displeasure of Arthur, who knew that he had to pay for the whole jest and his manservant, who was, even if he loved all of them deeply, slightly annoyed and grumpy through sleep deprivation.

But the knights ignored any protest and dragged them along to a shack that had definitely seen better days.

Arthur raised his eyebrow, looking at the dirty front of the building.

"I know you are accustomed to finer things but believe me, it looks better from the inside and they have the best mead in the whole country." Gwaine looked like a child standing in a candy shop when he opened the wooden door and dragged Percival into a surprisingly clean room.

"Why am I not surprised that he knows this place", Arthur turned towards Merlin, who was smiling about the behaviour of his friend.

"Let's see how long it takes him this time until they throw him out."

"Do you want to bet?"

"Gambling Arthur? You spend to much time with him." Merlin grinned. "But why not. What's your guess?"

"I say two hours or less."

"Alright I think around midnight. If I win, you have to tell Gwaine that you were the one that set all of his socks on fire."

"And if I win you have to tell Percival that you were the one that cut the sleeves of his shirts."


Smilingly they sealed their bet with a handshake.

"Lovebirds, are you coming?" Gwaine's voice interrupted the silence.

Merlin opened the door and turned with a small bow and a sarcastic smile to the King.

"After you, sire."

The tavern consisted out of ten tables, which were pressed into the small space. It was still early in the evening nevertheless the room was already crowded with people in various stages of alcoholism.

The knights had occupied a table in the left corner and had already ordered mead for everyone.

Merlin and Arthur sad down at the end of the table between Elyan and Lancelot.

"I think you are going to win", whispered Merlin to Arthur and pointed towards Gwaine, who was already on his second tankard and flirted heavily with everyone around him.

"What is he going to win?" Lancelot and Elyan leaned in closer.

"We made a bet how long it will take them until they throw Gwaine out", answered Arthur smirkingly.

"Hmm." Elyan tossed a look towards the knight in question. "I mean he is already known here. I give him five minutes."

"You really have no faith in him." Lancelot smiled. "It will take him at least ten."

The group burst into laughter, which lead into a confused look by their betting object.

Surprisingly for everyone Gwaine wasn't the first one who was ordered to leave this evening.
