Chapter 11

Okay I hope this is going to become a longer chapter than the last one.



"What are you guys doing explain!" My mom seemed furious, "I've been meaning to tell you this.."

"Max what are you doing?" Tul seemed a little panicked "You know I've never been in a relationship before so there was no reason to tell you that I acutally prefere Boys over Girls"

"And now you're in a relationship or what?"

"yes" "But I thought the reason you never dated befofe was that.." she stopped "It's fine, he knows about it"

"What? But you never tell anybody, you told your assistant only with hesistance and I think not even the full truth, but you told him? How long do you even know each other?"

"Not for long but.."

"Then why? What is it? Just because you're in love or what?"

"Yes, I love him but that's not the reason I told him in the first place"

"I..I..don't understand this"

"Mom, you know this legend when you meet you soulmate you get to see colours"

"Yes, why are you talking about it. it's just a legend. Doctors said it's impossible"

"It's not"

"How do you know?"

"Because I found that someone that makes me see colours!"


"It's Tul..he makes me see colours, he let's me experience what the world thinks is impossible."


"Giving me love, showing when he kisses me.."

"I don't want to know the details"

"No mom, when he kisses me I can see the whole world in colours, it doesn't last forever makes me freaking happy"

"Can you prove it?"

"You want us to kiss right here?"

"No go to another room"

"How about this, we go to Mai's room and you come after in 5 minutes?"


I take Tul's hand and guide him to my sisters room. After I close the door Tul turns around "I'm surprised she didn't say anything about you being gay"

"Yep, I hope that won't come later"

"Then shall we?"

I pull Tul intoa kiss, a kiss not that intense would have been enough but I needed some strengh and love and I also wanted Tul to feel my love. I sliede my tongue into his mouth, making him gasp in surprise, the kiss was way to short as we seperade, because my mom will come in any second. I turn around and take the chance to look around in the room once again. Knowing some names to the colours made it even more interessting for me to look at them, my mom enters "So prove it to me"

"Soo..I only know a few colours that Tul thought me, I'll learn more soon"

I walk around pointing a some objects in the room naming the colour they are. My mother got impressed more and more, then she took out her phone showing me a picture "Can you say the colour this object so I can be sure, you didn't just learn it"

"It's a tree there is brown and green and there is a flower with red"

The expression of my mom changed she probably realised I wasn't joking at all, she set down on the bed.


After some time my mom left she was still confused but it looked like she was beginnning to like the fact that i had the ability to see colours now.



I turned around to look at Tul, "It's just a stupid thought that came to my mind.."

"What is it?"

"You're not with me just because I make you see colours, are you?"
"What? No, never. I love you and you're my soulmate, I would be crazy if I wasn't in love with the perfect person you are for me"

A smile came across Tuls face"How are you so cute?" he said and jumped right into my arms. I spin us around making both of us laughing out loud, when suddenly we hear the bell ring "Who is it this time?" I take a look at the monitor, "fuck, it's my assistant, it's weekend what on earth is he doing here?"

"How about we act like nobody is home?"

"He has his way to come in that wouldn't be a good solution"

We hear the door open in shook. My assistant stands there mouth whide open to see me and Tul together on a weekend.



Yay it's longe rthan the last one, I thought this would be a good ending of this weeks chapter so..
