dragon mating season part two Sting x Mira

Let's start with Sting and Mira yeah?

No one pov
Sting pinned Mira down and undress her and kissed her. Mira couldn't stop crying because Sting was holding her tight and undress himself forces his member inside her tight womanhood and ignores her cries "please stop" she begged him but he didn't stop he kept on thrusting in her hard and fast and Mira cries she couldn't help but cry because of the pain Sting is doing to her she can't stand it she is weak because Sting put handcuffs on her that makes her magic not work when she wears it and her magic won't work with it on "PLEASE STING STOP!!!!" She cried "NEVER!!!!" He shouted as he covered her mouth with his hand and begin thrusting into her faster and harder the room was full of crying, moaning, and groaning because of Mira's crying, and moaning, and Sting's groaning and how hard he is thrusting into her a lot and it hurts for Mira because her virginity is now taken away by the all mighty Sting.

Btw guys sorry if I haven't update lately it's that school had got to me and I had been having anxiety because of my brother who died in 2017 and he was only 18 years old now he is 19 years old in heaven and my other brother is with my ex and she is only using him for my family's money and I heard her cheating on my brother with someone else and sorry for this part being short but the Rolu part would be long for you guys thanks guys I'll try my best to update
