Chapter 16

Junmyeon's POV

I studied the ancient document trying to fully decipher its faded script. The prophecy, first told to me as a nursery rhyme when I was a small child, but in recent years it had become much more than that. The words had a much deeper and darker meaning than I had initially thought.

"Born of both mind and spirit, now a reaper in disguise. She is riddled with secrets, you can see it in her golden eyes. Nine will come forth, but only one will survive. She who controls the darkness will control the fate of all who thrive," I mumbled to myself, I tried to continue reading on, but it was absolute nonsense.

I screamed in frustration and threw the book across the room.

I always think about it, this ancient script, it was my destiny to find her, the ink on my skin told me so. She was my destiny and in the end might end up being my downfall. I knew small parts about my role in this prophecy and they were not comforting.

"The calm sea will be haunted by images of what is to come. He will become obsessed with the future and soon come undone."

I shuddered at the thought, the line was forever running through my mind. She haunted my dreams with thoughts of what could come. This is why I need to find the girl and destroy her, for the good of the planet and to save myself from my fate.

I heard two knocks on my door, I quickly grabbed the book and hid it inside my desk.

"Come in," I answered when I had regained my composure.

A short girl entered my office and I instantly recognized her as the youngest daughter of the L/n family and my new intern.

The girl gulped, "Hello sir," she bowed, "my name is Y/n L/n, and I am the new intern."

I smiled hoping to calm her nerves, "nice to meet you Miss L/n, I am Kim Junmyeon, but to be professional, call me Chairman Kim."

I stared at her intensely, she didn't look very elegant. I mean her outfit was more than professional, but she seemed very out of place here.

Y/n was about to run her hands through her hair, probably a nervous habit, when she stopped because of her beret. I froze, she had two tattoos on her wrists. They were identical to two of the tattoos from the book. One of them resembled a beast and the other a aeriel view of a tornado.

"If I may ask," she nodded, "why do you have two tattoos on your wrists?"

Her eyes widened and she unconsciously stared at her wrists, "Oh, well these are temporary tattoos, my friend put them on me without my permission."

I nodded, not fully convinced by her answer, "Okay, then let's get to work. I have a meeting in ten minutes," I handed her a notebook, "please take notes over important parts of this meeting for me."

She nodded and followed after me to the meeting.

Time skip...


It was finally time for lunch, and I was absolutely starving, like I was beginning to imagine people as food. I smiled to myself as I grabbed my keys and was about to leave when I was summoned.

"Miss L/n, would you like to have lunch with me?"

I looked over at Chairman Kim. The offer was unappealing, but I was in no position to say no, so I nodded silently. He smiled and lead me over to his car. He opened the door and I sat inside, I was uncomfortable to say the least.

"So, why were you interested in being an intern at my company?"

I mentally screamed at his choice of conversation. I couldn't just say that my parents forced me to apply because I had to take over the company or else I'd be disowned.

"I knew I needed firsthand experience in this field before I could take over my family's company," I responded calmly.

He nodded, "but why do you want to take over your parent's company?"

I almost scowled at this question. Was he trying to make me admit that I hated my lot in life?

"Can we please talk about something else, I'm not comfortable with this conversation."

"I'm sorry, was I prying too much into your personal life, I don't mean to," he sighed, "I just don't have much else to talk about."

"You could ask about my school, my favorite foods, my favorite movies, soulmate tattoos, my hobb..."

"How about soulmate tattoos, I've always found that an interesting topic," he said with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

I nodded suspiciously, "okay, where is your soulmate tattoo?"

"Its on my back, yours?"

I don't know which one to say, so I quickly blurt out what comes to mind, "Mine is on the back of my neck."

He nods and mumbles something incoherent under his breathe. I look out the window and see that we've arrived at a fancy restaurant. He parks the car and we walk into the place. We sit at a table and he attempts to resume our conversation.

"So what does your tattoo look like?"

I don't know why, but something inside me told me I shouldn't tell him the truth, "uh, it looks like a compass."

Shit, why did I say compass, it basically looks the same. I am terrible at lying.

"What does yours look like?"

"A scythe with black wings"

I laughed to myself quietly, "who is your soulmate, a reaper."

He looked at me strangely and mumbled something under his breathe.

3rd Person POV

While she stared at her strange boss the last and finale mark began to etch itself into the skin of her back. It was what seemed to be a delicate water drop and it will be the one to seal her fate.

(This is the tatttoo)

Time skip...

Sehun POV

I drove up towards Y/n's house and pressed the button. The gates opened and I drove through and parked I the driveway. I walked upto the door and rang the doorbell.

"Who are you?"

"Hello sir, I'm Oh Sehun and I'm here to see your daughter Y/n."

He nodded and let me inside the house. We walked towards the livingroom and he told me to take a seat.

"Y/n will be back home from her internship in ten minutes," he said before sitting on the chair across from me, "So, who are you to my daughter exactly?"

I paused, did he not know we were dating? I guess I should tell him then, right?

"I'm her boyfriend, sir."

His eyes widened in shock, "this must be what she has been trying to contact us about recently."

I sighed, I'm happy she was at least trying to tell him about us. It would feel weird if I was the only one who wanted them to know.

"I will be honest with you son, I don't think you suit my daughter well."

I practically choked on my saliva. Did he not approve of our relationship? Who am I kidding, I sighed, who would approve of our relationship. She was out of my league.

"What does your soulmate tattoo look like son?"

"Why?" He gave me a stern look as an answer, so I conceded, "umm, here."

I showed him my right wrist and some unknown emotion flashed across his face, but it happened so fast I might have imagined it.

"Get out," he said softly, I gave him a confused look, "Get out right now!"

I startled to my feet, "what do you mean?"

"I MEAN GET OUT AND NEVER GO NEAR MY DAUGHTER AGAIN!" He screamed and as I was about to leave he threw a glass vase directly at me.

The vase broke against my chest leaving both shallow and deep cuts on my body.

"Hey dad I'm—," Y/n gasped behind me, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

"Y/n, you are misunderstanding, I'm just trying to protect you," her father tried to explain.

I was starting to get lightheaded, I could feel my body losing strength, but just as I was about to fall Y/n caught me.


I held Sehun tightly as I glared at my father. How could he do this to him? Was my father becoming crazy.

"Don't come any closer," I growled, "you have already made one mistake, don't make another."

I hoisted Sehun onto my back and made my way out of the house. There was only one person I could think to go to, Yixing. He could help him.

I gently placed Sehun on the passenger's seat ignoring the blood that would stain the inside of my car and began to drive to Yixing's apartment building.

When we got there I hoisted him on my back and struggled to walk upto Yixing's apartment. It was pretty late, so no one was there.

"Dammit," I cursed as I notice the 'out of order' sign on the elevator.

His apartment was on the third floor, so I slowly walked there one step at a time. I was covered in blood, sweat, and tears by the time I arrived at his door, but it wasn't over yet.

I rung the doorbell and waited.

"Hel— What happened?"

"No time to explain, just help me."

F/n POV (Father's name)

I paced around the living room. I know what I did was irrational, but I feared what was to come. Y/n knew absolutely nothing about what her future foretold.

"M/n (mother's name), what we feared is upon us."

"No, we need more time."

"We have run out," I spoke softly, "one of them has found her."

My wife shook her head refusing to believe what I was saying, "no, we hid her so well, this can't be happening."

"Her powers showed up recently, and she listened to us about hiding and never discussing them, but now we can't lie to her anymore, we already had to erase the memories of those boys that night."

"I know, I didn't like doing that either, but how can we be so sure she didn't tell anyone, Y/n is not a good liar," she said her tone laced with worry, "we should just take her away."

"How could we do that to her?"

"The government will come after her F/n, we can't let them get her," she looked at me, "you know what we must do."

"I wished it wouldn't come to this, but I agree."

I've updated, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, because now the plot is finally getting intense, I just needed to introduce all of the members before I could do this. Please vote and comment
