My castle crumbled overnight

I run down to my dad's lab downstairs, and I get there as Rocket says, "All right, the glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freakin' fingers?" "I'll do it," says Thor stepping forward. "Excuse me?" says my dad. "It's okay," says Thor, and he steps towards the glove. "Stop, stop. Slow down," says my dad. "Thor. Just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet," says Steve. "I'm sorry. What, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" says Thor. "We should at least discuss it," says Scott. "Look, sitting here staring at the thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty," says Thor. "Normally, you're right. It's not about that. It's not that," says my dad, and Thor shushes him. "Hey, buddy," says my dad. "Stop it! Just let me. Just let me do it. Just let me do something good. Something right," says Thor, which breaks yet another piece of my heart. I don't know how much more sad things I can take in my life. Let alone, today. "Look, it's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I'm telling you. You're in no condition," says my dad. "What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" asks Thor. "Cheez Whiz?" says Rhodey. Thor points at Rhodey and shoots him a dirty look, and I look at Rhodey and shake my head and roll my eyes. "Lightning," says Thor. "Guys, Thor is a god no matter what condition he's in. So if anyone has a great survivability shot at this, it's Thor. But if anyone has any other suggestions, I am open to whatever will bring Wanda and everyone back." I say. Everyone does a head tilt that says, "Well, she's got a point." "Lighting won't help you, pal. It's gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him. None of you could survive." says Bruce walking over to the gauntlet. Thor looks upset, but I know that deep down, Thor knows Bruce is right. "How do we know you will?" asks Steve. "We don't. But the radiation is mostly gamma. It's like... I was made for this." says Bruce, and he picks up the gauntlet.

"Good to go, yeah?" asks my dad. "Let's do it," says Bruce. "Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago you're just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years," says my dad. "Got it," says Bruce. We all get ready for Bruce to snap by activating any shields or drawing our weapons in case. I am standing next to my dad, using my suit to make a shield. My dad has Friday activate Barn Door Protocol, where the compound goes on lockdown until my dad disables it. "Everybody comes home," says Bruce, and he puts the gauntlet on. The gauntlet is on Bruce's arm, and the power of the Infinity Stones starts to sink into his veins. The pain makes him drop to a kneeling position, and we see rainbow electricity-looking lines go all the way up his right arm, which is the gauntlet arm. It burns off the sleeve of his shirt.

"Take it off! Take it off!" says Thor. "No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?" asks Steve. "Talk to me, Banner," says my dad in his Iron Man suit. "I'm okay. I'm okay," says Bruce. Then Bruce gets the strength to snap, falling to the floor seconds later. The doors open, and I walk out of the room for a minute with Scott. I look outside for a moment, then I go back to my dad, and the compound blows up, and I am knocked unconscious for the tenth time in my life.

I feel someone shaking me and saying, "Maddie! Madison! Come on. Please wake up!" I open my eyes and see my dad bending over me. I sit up, and I ask, "How long was I out for?" "Ten minutes tops. Now, come on, there's something you need to see," says my dad. He leads me to a ledge, and he points out Thanos. I facepalm myself, and I say, "Looks like time likes to mess with us if we mess with it." My dad nods and says, "Madison, I can't lose you, so stay here, and Steve, Thor, and I will fight him." I don't have the energy to fight my dad on this, considering Thanos's giant ship is there, probably loaded with his army. I watch as Thor summons Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, then he and Steve, and my dad walk over to Thanos.

I can't hear what they're saying but knowing Thanos. It can't be good. After a few minutes, Thor summons lightning and hits a special part of my dad's suit, giving his suit extra power. Thanos is pressing Stormbreaker in Thor, and Steve lifts Mjolnir and throws it at Thanos. "There are three Mjolnir lifters now?!" I say out loud. Three meaning Thor, Steve, and Vision. Thanos and Steve fight, and Thanos breaks Steve's shield in half. I see Thanos's army come down from his ship, and I walk over to my dad and stand next to him.

"Cap, you read me? Cap, it's Sam, can you hear me? On your left." says a voice I haven't heard in a very long five years. Steve and I turn over our left shoulders and see a portal open. T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye walk out, and T'Challa nods. Sam flies out of that portal, and lots more appear. I am scanning for one person, Wanda.

I see more people walk or fly out of the portals. Some I know, some I don't. Then I spot her. She flys out of a portal with her red powers. I fly over and land next to her, and we smile and nod to each other. Now is not the time for hugs, talking about the last five years, or anything like that. Now is the time to save the world.

Then we see Ant-Man, well, technically Giant-Man right now, emerges from the ruins of the compound holding Bruce, Rocket, and Rhodey in his hand. He sets them down, and they walk over to us. All of the good guys line up and get ready to fight the Fight of Our Lives. Steve says, "Avengers..." he summons Mjolnir. "Assemble." Then we all charge, and Wanda, me, and anyone who can fly flies, and we start the battle. "This is for you, mom," I say as I fly deep into the battlefield.

I use my repulsers to bring down two of the dragon-like Chitauri at once, and then I take down more of Thanos's army with more of my suits powers. Giant-Man punches a dragon-like Chitauri, and it slams to the ground dead. I use my suit's abilities on some of Thanos's ships, and they crash to the ground on top of some of his army. Yay me! Wanda and I fight side by side in the air for a long time. I make sure to look down and see if anyone on our team needs help. Occasionally someone will, and I use my suit's abilities to help them while still flying next to Wanda. I am trying my best to keep track of my dad to make sure he is okay.

I hear Clint on comms asking what to do with the stones, and Steve says something about getting them away from here, and Bruce says they need to go back to when we took them or something. I am not fully listening. I am fighting. I hear Scott's car horn go off, and Steve asks, "Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" "Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!" says a woman named Valkryie. Valkryie is currently flying on a pegasus. "Scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?" asks Tony. "Uh, maybe 10 minutes," says Scott. "Get it started. We'll get the stones to you," says Steve. "We're on it, Cap," says Hope Van Dyne, aka Wasp. I am flying, and I see Clint running through the battlefield, holding the gauntlet with all of the stones intact. I facepalm myself. The stones are on the battlefield, which means Thanos has a chance to get them. I am amazed that I can see certain people on the battlefield, considering I am flying at a good height. I see T'Challa stop some of Thanos's army with his Vibranium powers from his suit, and Clint gives him the gauntlet. And so the game of pass the gauntlet begins.

Thanos throws his sword at T'Challa, and Thanos starts to run at T'Challa. Wanda and I land, and we stop him. "You took everything from me," says Wanda, and I realize that she doesn't know that this is a different Thanos. "I don't even know who you are," says Thanos. "You will," says Wanda. Then she uses her telekinesis powers and flies, picking up some rubble with her powers. Wanda throws the debris at Thanos, hitting him, and he gets up, and I throw use my suit's powers, knocking him over. Then we land and throw blasts of our powers at him. Thanos hits me, and I crumble to the ground, and I stand up, and I see Thanos trying to kill Wanda with his sword. She is on her knees on the ground, and she is using her powers to keep the blade away from her. It looks like Thanos is using all of his strength to bring his sword down towards Wanda. Wanda uses one hand to block the sword and the other to make a powerful blast knocking Thanos's sword out of his hands and chipping it. The tip of his blade is glowing a faint red from Wanda's powers. Then with one hand, she lifts him in the air with some rubble, and Thanos starts screaming. I smile for a second before helping her.

I use my lasers and hit different parts of his body, and I know it hurts. Thanos yells, "Rain fire!" "But, sire, our troops!" says one of Thanos's henchmen. Thanos cries back, "Just do it!" Then lots of blasts rain fire on the battlefield and Wanda uses her powers to make a shield, but a shot lands next to her, and she goes flying through the air and lands on the ground hard. I notice that other people are using their powers as shields too. I'm flying, and some blasts hit the bay, and I say, "Uh, is anyone else seeing this?" I see Doctor Strange run over, and he uses his powers to stop the water from drowning all of us.

Then suddenly, the blasts stop, and they start shooting into the sky instead. I see a fireball-looking thing come down and go straight through Thanos's ship, and it goes back up again. There is only one person with that kind of power who wasn't already here. Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel. I look up, and I see Carol flying and looking down at the battlefield. Then to our teams' delight, Thanos's ship drops into the bay. "Danvers, we need an assist here," says Steve, and the battle resumes.

I see Carol fly down, and she lands next to Peter, aka Spiderman, who, as of right now, has the gauntlet. Thanos's army starts charging at Peter and Carol. Wanda and I start flying over to them, and we hear Peter say, "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all of that." "Don't worry," says Wanda. "She's got help," says Okoye. Then the most powerful girls on our team assemble right there. "I wish you were here for this, mom," I say.

We start walking slowly, and then we pick up speed, and Wanda and I, along with Valkryie, fly. Wanda uses her powers to take down the Dragon-like Chitauri pretty easily. I use my suit's powers to help Wanda. Valkryie is flying on her pegasus, and she uses her spear to cut into the armor of one of the Dragon-like Chitauri. Carol is holding the gauntlet, and she uses her powers to fly as fast as she can to the Quantum tunnel in the back of Scott's van. Thanos tries to stop her, and he gets blasted by some of my team members. Then he throws his sword into the open back of the van, and it barely makes it there before Carol can, and the Quantum tunnel is destroyed. The tunnel explodes and releases some energy that sends Carol flying, and she drops the gauntlet because of the blast's power.

I see Thanos try to get to the gauntlet, and my dad shoves him out of the way, and they fight a little before Thanos hits my dad, and he goes flying. I quickly fly over to where they are with Wanda close behind me. Thanos tries to get to the gauntlet only to be stopped by Thor, who uses both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker against Thanos. Then Steve jumps on Thanos's back and tries to pull Mjolnir and Stormbreaker towards him to help Thor. Thanos breaks free and hits Thor, and he falls to the ground. Thanos flips Steve over off his back and punches Steve, who lays on the ground.

I try to run over to Thanos to stop him, but Wanda grabs my wrist and says, "Madison, it's too dangerous," "Wanda, I know it's dangerous, but I can't lose again. Especially not to Thanos." I say. I take my helmet off so I can see better.

We watch as Thanos runs over to the gauntlet, and he picks it up as Carol punches him repeatedly with her powers. Then Thanos grabs her wrist and spins her around before throwing her, and she lands on the ground hard. Thanos puts the gauntlet on and is about to snap, and Carol gets there just in time, and they fight again. Then Thanos grabs the Power Stone, and he blasts Carol. Then he puts the stone back in the gauntlet. I see Doctor Strange slightly hold up a finger but not all the way. I guess my dad knows what he means because he fights Thanos again.

Without Thanos realizing it, my dad takes out all of the stones and has the hand of his suit hide them, facing the ground as his suit's unique Stark tech adapts to a gauntlet. "I am inevitable," says Thanos, and he snaps. Nothing happens. He looks at the gauntlet, and it's empty. He looks at my dad, and he's on his knees, and the stones fly into his right gauntlet, and the power of the Infinity Stones sinks into his veins. "And I... am Iron Man," says my dad, and he snaps his fingers. Thanos's army and ships start turning to dust. Thanos sits down, and then he dusts. I stick my tongue out at him as he does.

My dad weakly makes his way over to a wall. He drops to the ground in a sitting position, and I run over to him. "Daddy, can you hear me?" I ask. My dad nods slightly. "That was a very heroic thing you just did. I'm proud of you," I say. I know he's going to die. There's no way he'll be able to survive this. Rhodey lands and removes his helmet. I move to the side a little, and he cups my dad's face in his hand. Tears start streaming down my cheeks. "Mr. Stark?" says Peter as he gets there. Rhodey bows his head and moves away. "Hey!" says Peter, breathing shakily. "Mr. Stark. Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won! You did it, sir. You did it. I'm sorry, Tony," says Peter, crying. I put my arm around him, and he stands up. The people who know my dad is surrounding us.

I kneel in front of my dad, disable my suit's right hand, and I put my bare hand on my dad's Arc Reactor. My dad puts his hand over mine. "Hi, Dad," I say softly. "Hey, squirt," says my dad softly. "Friday?" I ask. "Life functions critical," comes the reply I hoped I would never have to hear. "T-thank you for the h-happiest years of my life," I say through tears. "I'm proud of you," mumbles my dad. I can tell he's in his final minute or so of life. I'm full-on crying at this point. My dad looks away for a moment. "Daddy? Look at me," I say. He turns his head to face me, and I make eye contact with him. "I'm gonna be okay. Just keep mom happy for me. I love you, 3,000," I say. Then I say the words I've never wanted to say. "You can rest now," I say. I watch as the light in his Arc Reactor goes out. It only goes out when the user is dead or not wearing the suit. My dad's hand loosens its grip on mine, and then it falls.

I start sobbing hard on my dad's shoulder. He's gone. Both of my parents are gone. Yes, they died as heroes, but I'm alone now. I'm an orphan. I look up and look behind me for a few seconds, and everyone is down on one knee with their head bowed, in tribute to my father.
