Chapter 6

I didn’ t mean to offend her but when I saw her with Aiden, my eyes saw red. Why the hell was he talking to her?, well it’ s not his fault, none of them actually know about Steph and I. She literally ignored me the whole week, making me feel worse than I already was, maybe I should introduce her to my friends and label our relationship, the worst case scenario is that my dumbass friends make fun of me for a while and get bored…it’ s worth it, right?

Steph's POV
I didn’ t really want to speak to Noah so I avoided him. I couldn’ t help but feel like I was getting played and I hated the feeling. I really liked Noah and he told me he liked me a few times but has refused to let this friends know about us, whatever we are. I decide to go to the coffee shop just in front of the school. I sit and order for my coffee and pick out my novel to read, as I read I feel someone sit in front of me and when I look up, it’ s Noah. Of course.

“ What do you want?” I ask, sounding harsher than I intended.

“ You said when I figured out what I want, I should find you. Well here I am” , he says.

“ Well, what do you want?” I ask again, looking up from my book.

“ I want you, Steph. I always have I just didn’ t want to believe it. With everyone tagging me a player I kind of immersed myself in that role and I have never really liked or wanted anyone before but I want you” he says looking into my eyes.

“ I…do…do you really mean it” , I ask wanting to be sure I heard well.

“ Yes Steph, I mean it” , he says and takes my hands in his.

“ So you’ ll take me to your friends?” I ask, suddenly excited.

“ Yeah, sure” , he says and I see a flicker of something in his eyes but it disappears before I can decipher what it is.


I’ m on the steps leading to Noah’ s frat house about to meet his friends and I’ m freaking out like crazy. It’ s weird how this makes me feel like I belong now. All this while sneaking off with him for lunch made me feel like I was his rebound or medium of escape but now I actually feel like I am somewhere in his life. We enter the house and it reeks of pot and booze, I look at Noah and he has a deep scowl on his face. Uh-oh. I see 3 guys on the couch and a girl with one of the guys, Lila. He shakes his head and starts the introductions.

“ Steph, meet Justin, Ian, you already know Jake and Lila.

“ Hi” , I say looking at Lila who’ s smiling at me.

“ Everyone, meet Steph, my uh, my girlfriend” he says, nervous. I snap my head so fast.Girlfriend huh. Gasps are heard round the room and then clapping and hooting erupts and I look over at Noah who’ s smirking at me.

“ Well that went well, don’ t you think?” I say as we walk back to my room.

“ Yeah actually, better than I expected” , he says.

“ Well, thanks Noah” , I say when we reach my room.

“ For what?” he asks.

“ For letting me in” , I say and he replies with a kiss, a slow, sensual kiss. I pull away first before my inner whore acts out on my imaginations.

“ Goodnight Noah.”

“ Goodnight Steph” , he says and pecks my lips one last time before he walks away.

I woke up a tangled mess from tossing and turning all night. You would think that after what happened last night I’ d at least get a decent rest, but no. I really need to get a comfier mattress.
It was Saturday and I had nothing to do so I decided to go to the coffee shop after showering.
I got there and decided to call my mum, we’ ve only spoken a few times since I got here and I needed to know how she was faring but before I picked up my phone I saw someone enter the shop. Aiden. I really have no idea why Noah told me to stay away from him; he seemed like a nice guy. When he saw me, he smiled and came to sit in front of me.

“ Hello Steph” , he said when he sat down.

“ Hey Aiden” , I said and discreetly look to the window.

“Haven’ t seen you around lately, have you been hiding?” he asks smiling.

“ Nah, I’ ve been busy” , I reply, still looking out the window really hoping Noah doesn’t come here.

“ Looking out for lover boy? don’ t worry, he won't do anything to me” , he says and I look at him.

“ Oh” , was all I could say. We continued talking, well more him than me, not for long though, because an angry Noah walks into the coffee shop. Does he have a radar or something, how does he always sniff Aiden out?

“ What did I tell you Aiden” , he growled as he approached us.

“ To stay away from a friend of mine” , he says and looks at me.

“ Steph get up, we’ re leaving” , he says and looks at me. I'm tempted to talk back but comply because I’ ve never seen him so pissed before.

“ Why Noah, don’ t want her to find out your dirty little secret huh?” he says smirking at Noah tauntingly.

“ Secrets?, what is he talking about?” I ask Noah, whose face had suddenly gone from angry to pleading. Okay.

“ Nothing.” “ Stop talking Aiden” , he says.

“ Eh, I won’ t humiliate you, not now at least” , he says and walks past us.

“ Bye Steph, see you later” , he says before walking out of the coffee shop. My God, what just happened?


We walk back to my room and instead of the normal goodbye at the door, I ask him to come in.

“ Noah, what the hell just happened” , I ask searching his eyes.

“ Nothing you need to worry about” , he says looking at the floor.

“ You never tell me anything” , I say exasperatedly and he sighs and he grabs my face in his hand.

“ I’ m sorry you feel that way Steph, I just I'm not really good at this” , he says.

“ I’ ll help you, just tell me stuff sometimes. And no need to worry about Aiden, I care for only you” , I say assuring him.

“ I know, Aiden’ s just bad company and I don’ t want you around him, that’ s all” , he says, his hand falling away from my face.

“ What happened between you two? You guys seem to have history” , I say and he looks away.

“ History I’ m desperately wishing to forget” , he says somberly.

“ Is it that bad” , I ask.

“ You really don’ t wanna know” , he sighs.
