Sorry it took so long

Zach and I were just hugging and it was soo comfy. Soon enough, my stomach was bubbling with butterflies. The way he held me, it made me feel so safe. Safety was something I had never known. I had never had someone to embrace. Olivia had been in Minnesota for over 7 years now and I had only gotten to visit her 3 times. Any other friends I somehow had, left immediately, leaving me with almost no one to confide in.

But this matter if he knew it or not, it meant an awful lot to me. I realized that we had been up in his room for a good 20 minutes and the boys had no idea what we were doing. Who knows, maybe no one noticed. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't because it was a large room and we were all so engrossed in the movie.

"Zach, I love your hugs, but we should go back. The other guys are gonna get, ya know, suspicious," I said lightly to him. He was so relaxed I didn't want to bother him. He grudgingly nodded his head and let go of you. I could tell that he was sleepy and wanted to cuddle, so I figured I'd allow it.

We both headed down the stairs and I caught Corbyn's eye. At first, he looked rather worried, but then noticed that I was in Zach's clothes and calmed down, just to tense up again. Zach sat first, then I did and almost instantly, his head dropped on my lap. I thought it was absolutely adorable, so I began to massage his head and play with that fluffy hair of his. I could feel his smile grow in his sleep and he held on to my leg, not allowing me to move a muscle.

"Hey Ava," Corbyn whispered in my ear.

"Mhmmm Corbsy?" He looked a little nervous to ask his question. I could already guess what it was though, saving him from saying anything, "I was uncomfy in my clothes so I asked Zach if I could borrow some of his. Sorry it took so long," I said with a small, reassuring smile. His face relaxed and he nodded his head, feeling relieved. As I looked back at the TV, I noticed him blushing a little, and let me tell you it was the cutest thing ever.

A half an hour later, I could feel my eyes start drooping and I felt a wave of sleepiness overcome me. I gently laid my head on Corbyn's shoulder and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Corbyn's POV

We were watching the scene where Ron is doing the chess match and sacrificing himself, when I felt something on my shoulder. Ava had fallen asleep on me! Well this makes up for her asking Zach for clothes earlier, she's precious! I caught the other boys attention and pointed to her. They all said their individual "aww"s and agreed that everyone was tired.

I moved Zach's head off of Ava's lap and took her up to my room. I wouldn't be sleeping with her though, we didn't know each other well enough for that. I tucked her into the bed and made sure she was comfortable and grabbed one of the pillows and a blanket and plopped down on the floor.

It wasn't the most comfortable thing ever, but all I cared about was that Ava slept well. I had a lot to make up for and it started here. It was around midnight and I wasn't really that tired. I got up and went over to my desk, looking for some paper. Maybe I had an idea for a song. Who knows?

I began to brainstorm and think hard, but I didn't have to do that. I just took one look at Ava and the words spilled onto the paper...

If all it is is 8 letters why is it so hard to say?

If all it is is 8 letters why am I in my own why?

Why do I pull you close and then ask you for space?

If all it is is 8 letters why is it so hard to say?

I didn't know if I loved Ava, but I definitely had a liking to her. She was different. She was new. She was her. I wanted to grow my friendship with matter how many trials we would face, we would face them together.

No matter what.

I wanted to be with her.

Author's note: heyyy this is a lil short, sry bout that, but I'm in a rush. Oky byesss!!
