
stanley awoke to a knock on his door, feeling tired and absolutely drained from the previous days. he didn't want to even think about getting out of bed, he just wanted to snuggle up under his covers, forget about everything and the world, and be engulfed in a deep slumber. he knew he shouldn't have felt this way, but he didn't exactly want that slumber to end.

he felt those past few days were actual shit, and he just wanted bill to be with him and relieve these feelings. his heart ached at the thought of bill.

ms. ellen hadn't been there since the night bill left either, making stanley feel more alone than ever. he still had his friends of course, but he would never talk to them about his feelings, and they were all being plucked away from him and the facility one by one. first was bill, then eddie, then mike and el. of course, they had all exchanged contact information, stanley hiding these behind his bed so they wouldn't be found during the very thorough room searches.

ms. caroline entered the room, making sure the boy was awake.

"your doctor would like to see you, stanley."

he didn't know what time it was, but as always, he knew it was way too fucking early.

he didn't understand why dr. boyde called everyone in so early, asking so many questions when they had just woken up. it was too early for him to even function, he thought, so how could he even create answers for these questions?

stanley stood up without responding, the nurse leaving the room.

he pulled out whatever clothing he had, not really paying attention to what it was as he didn't exactly care, and changed.

he didn't bother going into his bathroom to fix his hair or brush his teeth, that could wait until after breakfast.

the boy stepped out of his room, shutting the door behind him and making his way to the infamous chair outside of the office.

he sat down, almost dozing off in that seat. looking at the clock, he grew annoyed with his doctor. it was 5:53 am, way earlier than the doctor had ever called him in before. did dr. boyde want stanley to hate him? stan tried his best to like the man and be polite, but everyone hated him. it was just sort of a thing in brook meadow, as the man had called everyone in so early, bombarding them with questions, and wasn't exactly the nicest person. it wasn't that he was rude, but his decisions weren't exactly the best for some of the patients.

the door soon opened, revealing a very awake dr. boyde, and stanley wondered just how he did it.

he opened to door for stanley, letting him in first and and both of them making their way to their usual seats.

"i'm sorry to call you in so early, stanley, but i have some news." the doctor spoke, forcing a smile on his face.

stanley didn't respond, waiting for the doctor to continue.

"i'm sure you've noticed ms. ellens absence the past few days, and it has come to my attention of how close you two have grown, as she has shown through attempts to help you and recent decisions. she has decided to adopt you, stanley. we're going to be working on your treatment plan for this session, and you'll be leaving tomorrow morning."

stanley felt a smile form on his face for the first time since bill left, finally feeling loved and accepted by a parental figure. he was so ready to leave, and he was excited to see how everything would go. he wished bill was there for him to share the news.

"so, we've diagnosed you with obsessive compulsive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. as for the ocd, we've decided to have you do outpatient cognitive behavior therapy, which will mainly work with exposure and response prevention, and we'll start you on escitalopram to hopefully help with your thinking. your medications will be managed by an outpatient psychiatrist. for the dysthymic disorder, we're going to continue with the fluoxetine, and this will also be something you'll work on with your therapist. your other medications should help with anxiety, but we're going to continue your prn hydroxyzine for panic attacks. this will also be managed with your therapist, and you may be able to do a partial hospitalization program if you would like to or if your new guardian would like you to."

the boy nodded, taking in all of the information as dr. boyde finished his write-ups. he wasn't exactly excited for the therapy, diagnosis, and medications, as they all reminded him of how messed up parts of him really were.

"i really hope you've found some sort of guidance in your time here, or at least felt safe for the time period. i know ms. ellen will keep you safe, and you'll always have her. if you ever have thoughts of hurting yourself and don't feel like you can communicate these feelings, you need to go to the hospital or call for an ambulance. it's very serious and although you may think it's not that serious, you need to be somewhere safe. i really wish you the best of luck outside of the facility." he said, standing up and opening the door for stanley.

stanley only felt safe with bill. one of the only good things that came out of this was meeting bill. he knew he would never feel that safe again, he knew he'd always have a missing place in his heart where bill used to be.

although he actually heard the doctor say something nice for once, and it did lift his mood a bit, he would never be completely happy without bill. he knew he had to accept that or he'd end up in the same situation again, which he was completely terrified of because he knew it could still happen, he just knew he'd always be missing something without bill.


i'm so glad i finally updated agh, i just never have motivation. also, no super happy ending for stanley :/ (i'm kidding don't hate me, there's still a lot left don't think this is the end oops)


