Part 3

Evan and I hadn't spoken in a week. Nothing personal, just haven't had the need. Well I have wanted to talk to him but haven't had the guts. So, I'm playing candy crush on my phone at work trying not to think about Evan. It was starting to get easy until a boy in a black hoodie came into the store. Alright no big deal just a customer, normal procedure.

"Welcome to subway where friend's are made, dreams come-" I stopped my customary annoying line to see that the person standing across from me was none other than Evan Hansen himself. "Well well well if it isn't Evan Hansen. How's life been?"

"D-descent. You?"

"Can't complain to much. What can I get for you?"

"Can I-I have a foot long with chicken and american cheese?"

"You can." I said making the sandwich and putting it in the toaster oven. "So... damn weather we're having." Evan chuckled a little and nodded.

"Yeah. been really cold..."

"Well I don't mind too much."

"Yeah, but you're a polar bear so I didn't expect you to."

"And you need it to be at least 90 degrees to be comfortable." he laughed a little.

"Do you smell something burning?"

"Shit!" I ran to the oven and pulled out Evan's cremated sandwich burning my hands as I took it off the tray. He laughed and I laughed at myself too, but I was secretly dying on the inside. Your a stupid stupid man Jared!

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Do you want another sandwich or do you like it disintegrated?"

"I'll take another sandwich please." I made him another sandwich without burning it. I put on the vegetables and sauce and rung him up.

"You total is $4.57." he produced a five dollar bill and put the change in the tip jar.

"Thank you." he said walking towards the door. Stop him!

"WAIT!" he turned around. Fuck. Now you're screwed. Thanks little voice in my head. "Uh do you um wanna come over tomorrow?"

"Sure. what time?"

"7:30 pm?"

"Sounds good. See you then." Evan walked out the door while I was celebrating. Jared Kleinman you are smoother than butter.

"Your gay for him." my co-worker who's name escapes me was standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"How would you know?!" I snapped back.

"Your cute together. I'm coming to the wedding." she smiled and went back to the kitchen.

~time skip brought to you by my writer's block~

Evan was coming over in 20 minutes and I was obsessively cleaning the apartment to make sure everything was neat but not to overly neat. I didn't wanna make it look like I cared. I kept glancing over at the time, Evan was coming in 10 minutes now. I took a deep breath and sat on my overstuffed couch, turning on the T.V. to the news. I wasn't really watching but at least it was keeping me busy. In no time at all I heard a knock on the door, I turned off the T.V. and briefly checked my appearance before opening the door.

"Hey Eva- Kate? What are you doing here?"

"I need coffee."

"Buy your own."

"Why are you in such a bad mood? You nervous about something?" she ghasped in realization "you've gotta hot date, don't you?"

"No! Yes... kinda..."

"Tell me everything!"

"He's coming in 5 minutes! So scram!"

"Wait HE! I thought you were only gay for that Hansen kid."

"I am!" I whisper yell "and he's coming in five minutes! So get your coffee and leave!" she ran in smiling, making her coffee. 2 minutes later someone knocked on the door again. This time it was Evan.



"You wanna come inside?"

"I would." Evan came in and sat on the couch, and Kate appeared holding one of my mugs.

"You must be the famous Evan Hansen. I'm Kate, Jared's neighbor and only friend."

"I-I'm Evan. crap you knew that didn't you." she laughed and sat down next to him on the 2 person couch. Rude.

"Jared was right. You're really cute." No! This is not good! Abort abort! Dammit kate!

"I'm not that cute. We're not 5 anymore." he said glancing over to me. I started to feel my face heating up.

"No. not cute like that. Cute like good looking." both Evan and I got very flustered.

"Kate don't you think you've overstayed your visit!" I said through grit teeth.

"No. not yet."

"You have."

"You better take good care of Jared. He can hardly function on his own! I mean I've been trying to set him up with people for so long! Who knew he was gay."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Oh and you guys are the cutest couple! I almost want a picture."

"Jared and I aren't dating..."

"Oh... well you should be. He talks about you all the time."

"Realy?" Evan was now looking at me. I was hiding my face, I couldn't see him but I could feel it.

"Oh yeah all the time. He really missed you in the beginning of the year but then he told me that you found each other and then slept together-"

"THE SAME BED KATE! We slept in the same bed together."

"Whatever. Anyway I should go but it was nice meeting you."

"Yeah. You too." when she left I felt Evan's gaze burning into me. I looked up and managed a weak smile. "Do you want to explain Jared?" 
