it's just you and i

"So, Pau's not here?" Dove asks Sofia once they were both settled inside the older girl's kitchen, chewing on granola bars because despite being cute and all, Sofia is a little shit for not sharing her wasabi peanuts. "No, she flew home way before this quarantine. I was supposed to fly home too but you know, there's this." She shrugs, swatting Dove's hand away when the blonde tries to grab a peanut. "Hey, I gave you those." She pouts, earning an eye roll from the raven haired girl as she hands the smaller girl a single peanut, "There, you happy now?"

Dove just beams up at her, popping the peanut in her mouth, "Yes, thank you very much, you 're so generous." She jokes sarcastically, the Latina just growls at her, on her very last nerve with the girl, "At first I thought it was nice having someone but wow do you annoy me." She says, chasing after Dove as she runs around, jumping over counters, dodging Joey, you know, acting like she's all badass when in reality she looks like a kid.

"Catch me if you can!" She laughs, running up the stairs, looking back briefly to see if Sofia had gained on her, she somehow did but of course Dove was faster. She's smaller. But, the raven haired girl was taller, so, longer legs, meaning she can go up to three steps all at once.

About to tackle the girl, Sofia halts, visibly annoyed as Dove throws her jacket at her, making her stop momentarily, "I swear, you're going to regret it when I catch you!" She yells, still running after to the direction of where Dove ran off to, said girl was hiding under the bed, stifling her laugh as Sofia enters the room, unable to find her.

She takes her phone from her pocket, yet, still looking around if Sofia's still there, you know, to prevent any jumpscares, she texts the girl, muting her phone right after as she holds in her laugh at the confused face of the other girl, looking around worriedly.

"Dove, this isn't funny anymore! Where are you?" She asks, deciding to be a little evil, the blonde began playing some ominous music, slipping out from under the bed and jumping on top of it when Sofia ducks, unable to see her. You can call her small but she's smart. Plus, all that Ruby Hale training really got to her.

Sofia was scared, really, Dove's phone was under the bed but she was nowhere in sight. Or, at least nowhere in sight until she turns around, the blonde inches away from her face as she puts on a funny face, the raven haired girl yells, falling on her ass, slapping Dove's head out of instinct.

"Hey!" Dove whines, rubbing her head where the girl had hit her, just getting another shove in return from Sofia as she stares at the blonde incredulously, "You have the guts to whine when you nearly gave me a heart attack?" She exclaims, earning yet another smirk from the blonde, "You actually got scared?"

She doesn't answer, just ignoring her and standing up, knowing that the other girl would follow, sensing that there was something wrong, like, okay, maybe it's fucking petty but you're not the one who nearly shat herself because of your best friend.

Guiltily, Dove follows her down the whole house, crouching in front of her when she lies down on the couch, ignoring her completely as she began watching some TV, acting like there wasn't a head blocking her or anything because you know, dramatic purposes.

"Sof?" Dove whispers, pouting at her and poking the girl repeatedly, waiting for her to turn and forgive her, she doesn't, Sofia was still ignoring her. "Sof? Hey? I'm sorry." She says, apparently, that seemed to get her attention because she turns to the blonde, raising an eyebrow, expecting more.

"I'm sorry I scared you." She adds on to her apology, using her puppy eyes yet Sofia doesn't budge, she wanted a huge apology, it was obvious. "I'm sorry for being a bitch and because I scared the hell out of you. I promise to behave accordingly and not do it again." She says bluntly, knowing it by heart because she's said it almost a hundred times.

Sofia smiles, scooting over and giving Dove a space to crawl on, the girl doesn't, what she does is stand up, give Sofia a grin and head to the kitchen. "Look, I know you're shit at cooking and maybe you're living in hard boiled eggs but I'm here now so that isn't an option anymore." 

Yeah, Dove can piss her off and make fun of her all she wants but it's okay. She'd always make up for it, in the best ways possible.


"Sof, I'm changing clothes, dinner's ready!" Dove yells from the kitchen, taking her bag and heading straight to her best friend's room as she unpacks. Thomas might've been a little shit but hey, at least he packed her some clothes. 

Right in the middle of you know, removing her shirt, Sofia bursts in, squealing and hiding her face as Dove too yells, hiding her own body and frantically trying to get the shirt on, "What the hell are you doing?" She asks, peeking to see if the blonde was finished, Dove grunts. 

"I told you, I was changing clothes!" She retorts, still unable to find the hole for her head, "Well, yeah, but you didn't say that you're going to do it in my room!" She throws back, earning an amused scoff from the blonde, "Where else am I supposed to get changed?" 

Baffled, Sofia actually gawks at her, "I don't know, maybe the guest room?" She asks, helping the blonde with her clothes, successfully putting the shirt on her, "You have a guest room?" She mumbles, staring at the girl with such confusion, "Where did you think you were sleeping?" The Latina questions her, the smaller girl just shrugs, "With you?"

And look, if she was someone else or anything, Sofia would have laughed it off and you know, send them to the guest room. But this was Dove, and she had her puppy eyes going. Damn, her voice even cracked. "Why would you want to sleep beside me?" She just asks, awkwardly letting go of the shirt she was still holding before turning her back, scolding herself a little as they walk back to the kitchen. 

"Because you're soft? And I'm positive I don't need to do any social distancing with you?" She replies, shrugging and pulling a chair for the other girl, "It's either you sit down or I'll feed you hard boiled eggs." She jokes, earning an eye roll in return, "I will not take this slander."

"Yeah, sure." Dove replies with a smirk, putting down the plate of pasta in front of the starving Latina, she stares at it, jaw dropped to the ground because it looked like it was out of a restaurant. "I refuse to believe that you made this." She gapes, staring at it, no idea that Dove had taken a picture of her, making a mental reminder to post it later. 

"And I refuse to believe that you refuse to believe that I made it. You're just pissed at me." Sticking her tongue out at the other girl, Sofia snorts, laughing, uncontrollably when Dove puts two pasta noodles on her mouth, acting like the stupidest seal in the world. 

She laughs so much that she finds herself snorting, out of breath and panting by the end of dinner. Any guy would find it unattractive or it would turn them off but to Dove, it felt like it was the most precious thing she's ever seen in her whole damn life. 

"Chlo, I'm going to bed, feel free to go and do anything you want." Sofia yawns the moment she's finished wiping the dishes, sauntering to the stairs as Dove stays behind, "You're going to sleep this early?" She asks a little disbelievingly as the other girl nods, "I got tired of chasing you around today. I'll be up there." She smiles before disappearing up the stairs, Dove lets a breath out when she heard the door slam softly behind the girl. 

She then looks down, staring straight at Joey as he stares up at her, tilting his head, knowing she was about to do something. "You're on my side, aren't you?" She asks him, as if he would answer like Dude in Descendants. Yeah, no, he's smart but not that smart.

She sighs, taking a meat ball and placing it to the floor, bribing the small creature and petting his head, "Alright, now, you don't say a single thing to your mother, okay?" She whispers, smiling and doing a little victory dance when he jumps on her, asking to be brought up as she settles him down on the counter, "Alright, mister, you keep quiet. Got that?" She asks, nodding when the dog licks her hand. 

Dove peeks up the stairs, making sure that Sofia's door was closed as she called Cameron and China, both taking a while before picking up, "It's nine in the evening what do you want?" Were the first words out of China's mouth as she squinted at the screen, obviously, she was either asleep or about to asleep, Cameron was just stuffing his face with food. 

"Wait, that's not your place." He says, now staring at the screen with questioning eyes as Dove turns around, noticing the background, yeah, Sofia's house was far from hers. And it was pretty obvious. 

"I'm at Sof's. Thomas decided to be a bitch and dropped me here." She sighs exasperatedly as she picks Joey up, smiling at the amused looks on her friends faces, "Anyways, I'm just calling you guys to see if you would agree to you know, going here during her birthday." She asks a little hopefully, putting Joey up to maybe make them agree in case her pout and desperation fails her. 

"You want us to go there?" China asks, furrowing her eyebrows and sitting beside Sarah, making the blonde frown because she had to catch her up with the details, "What's up, and woah, why are you at Sof's?" She asks, caught a little off-guard when she sees the blonde holding Joey up, "I'll explain later. Just want to know if you guys are up for a little surprise party for Sofia." 

"I'll only agree if you sneak me out." Cameron says, walking around his apartment as China and Sarah both nod, Dove sighs, "Fine. Just, tell the others, alright?" She asks before ending the call, finally, putting Joey down again as she stares at the cupboards. Baking a cake for her shouldn't be that noisy right?

She decides against making it that night and doing it the next, she decides on the latter as she treks up the stairs, Joey's little footsteps heard behind her when she opens the door to Sofia's room, seeing the girl already fast asleep, cuddling her pillow, her hair a mess. "Wow, how can someone look good while being asleep." She mumbles to no one else but herself, gently placing herself beside the girl as she opens her phone, putting it on mute in case Sofia decides to look at it. 

Speaking of said girl, Sofia turns, the pillow beside her forgotten as she finds new warmth and comforth in Dove, pulling her close that the blonde's breath hitched. 

Honestly, it could be anyone, it could've been her sister, Thomas or even her mom and she'll find it a little annoying because it's already warm and another body really isn't helping that but it's Sofia. 

She was Dove's little safe space, her safety net when no one else was there for her. This was Sofia Daccarett Char, pulling her close, giving her tons of warmth but it's okay. "Goodnight, Sof. Sweet dreams." She mumbles, placing a kiss on the girl's cheeks as she too fell asleep.
