iii. talk fast / babylon

burn. crash. romance,
watch it all fall down

THE WELL-KNOWN BILLIONAIRE WAS SAT ON THE EDGE OF PETER'S BED, WAITING FOR AN ANSWER. The poor boy was rendered speechless, not processing the fact that Tony Stark was practically asking him to join the Avengers.

"I-I can't," Peter stuttered, fumbling with his fingers. He had no idea how to act, considering he had never encountered a millionaire before. Tony gave him a confused look, wondering why he was turning down his offer when he had nothing to do. "I have homework, and a girlfriend that I can't just abandon!"

"Kid, you're going to have lots of homework and girlfriends. I'm sure you can leave for less than a week," Tony rolled his eyes, fed up with teenagers and their ever-changing emotions.

Peter bit his lip from saying something that might wreck his chances of ever being Spider-Man again. After all, Tony could crush his little superhero dreams in two seconds. But he wasn't that cruel. Peter looked down at the floor, deciding between the two options he had. The choice was obvious in his mind, but he wanted to become an Avenger so bad.

Peter sat across from you, nervously bouncing his leg up and down underneath the table. Feeling the slight vibrations, you set your fork down next to your plate. Extending your hand across the table, he gladly put his hand in yours. Your thumb ran across the soft skin on his rigid knuckles, trying to calm his nerves down before you started to question him.

"What's wrong, Pete?" A concerned expression fell on your face. He breathed out, taking a sip from his half-empty water cup.

Instead of building up suspense, he plainly blurted it out. "What would happen if I went to Germany for, I dunno, a week?" He asked, unsure about his emotions. You tilted your head to the side, wondering why he would be asking you this, and on your first 'official' date, too.

"Yeah, like May would let you go to Germany for a week," you snickered, looking down at your plate of food before realizing that he was being entirely serious. "You're serious. Uh, well, I don't know why you're asking me but that'd be cool."

"You're my girlfriend, of course, I'd ask you!" Peter exclaimed, squeezing your hand and giving you a reassuring smile. Nodding in agreement, you both went back to your food. However, you quickly re-ignited the conversation.

"What's in Germany anyway?" You asked,  leaning forward on your elbows. Peter's lips smacked together, something he always did when he was nervous; but this time something felt different.

Don't lie to her, Peter. If she found out you did, y/n would never trust you again. NEVER. But she's your girlfriend?

But if you do, she'd be in danger.

Oh, Peter, what'd you get yourself into, now?

"Nothing. It just would be nice, y'know?" He replied, chewing on his bottom lip. His leg started to bounce again, hoping you wouldn't see through his lie.

You nodded, unsure that he was telling the truth. Nonetheless, you went back to the normal chatter, talking about school and what your plans were for spring break.

Peter, you lied to her.

author's note

not sure what this chapter was,, lmao I promise it gets better after act two. this first one seems a little rushed lmao
