Chapters 16-18

Chapter 16

I get out of the car, and run to a good hiding place. I find a thickly-trunked tree near to Annabeth and Percy.

“Annabeth, they don’t let mortals into Camp!” Percy says frustratedly. “Look, I seriously don’t know what we’re going to do!”

“I don’t know, Percy. Let’s just take her to Camp and see if Chiron can work things out. I just want to get her to safety, so I don’t have to keep up this girly ‘I’m so happy!’ act. I just want to be myself!” Annabeth whines.

“Why don’t you? Why do you have to pretend to be girly or excited?” Percy demands.

“Because I don’t want her to despise me for who I really am. I consulted the Oracle, Percy. I think that Helena will be with us for a long time, and I don’t want to have another enemy!” she explains.

“Okay. Let’s just take her to Camp, and talk to Chiron and Mr D. I’ll help you as long as you try to be yourself. Something tells me that Helena isn’t the girly gossiping type.” Percy negotiates.

I sense that the conversation is near finishing, so I rush back to the car to avoid being spotted. I jump into the backseat and pretend to absent-mindedly stare out of the window of the cherry-red Jeep.

Percy and Annabeth appear beside the car, Annabeth suddenly hunching a little more than before. They both open their doors to get in, then Annabeth turns around to face me.

“Look, Helena. I just want to say that I’m not as girly or excited as I seemed before. I just wanted you to get along with me. I’m going to be myself now, and if you don’t like it, toughen up!” she says sharply.

I chuckle. “Trust me, Annabeth. Your girly act was actually weirding me out. I hope your real self is more human!”

“Good.” she says gruffly.

She turns the key in the ignition and the car chugs away.

The long car trip makes me realise the difference in my surroundings. Where there would have been falling down shacks in a field full of ruins back in Panem, there are shops bustling with customers. Not many people are starving or begging for food, there are no Peacekeepers or hovercrafts, either. 

Chapter 17

It’s nightfall when the Jeep stops abruptly, giving me whiplash on my neck. Outside of the car lies two Ancient Greek-style pillars, engraved with Ancient Greek writing. Percy and Annabeth jump out of the car.

“Wait here.” Percy commands.

I obey him, my hands flop to my sides.

They run through the pillars, and for a split second, I see a ripple, much like a force field, in the space between the pillars.

My mind wonders as to who the so called “Mr D” and “Chiron” are. My brain has just started to think, when I hear a roaring noise coming from behind me. My natural instinct is to hide under the seat in front of me and cower in fear. That is what I do.

A huge body step towards the car. “I know you’re in there!” it says in a menacing voice. 

I scream at the top of my lungs and open the car door. I jump out, only to see the beast in its full form. Long, muscly legs, big chest and a smaller head, with only a single eye that bores down on me.

I shriek, my legs pushing me as fast as they can go. The beast looks puzzled and hurt, but there’s no way I would ever stay and chat. I look around at my surroundings, racking my brain for an escape route. The pine tree in front of me looks brooding and dark, like it carries a dark story. A van advertising Delphi Strawberries is parked opposite me, but it is occupied by a driver, one who doesn’t look too friendly.

The beast approaches me, his single eye looking very inquisitive. His mouth is curled into a small smile. I quiver and shake, then it hits me. The pillars! Percy and Annabeth! If I could find them, they could surely help. I take a step towards the pillars, a strawberry farm on the other side, the sunlight shining on to each plant. I consider my chances of escaping as I slowly make my way towards the pillars. The beast follows me. I decide to make my move. I run as hard as I can through the pillars, air rippling around me.

My surroundings instantly change from a strawberry farm into what appears to be a camp. People spar with swords while wearing ancient armour, others sit around a campfire. Cabins are lain in front of me, arranged in a ‘U’ shaped formation. 

Chapter 18

I see Percy and Annabeth coming towards me, with two other people. One is wearing a leopard print shirt, his hair matted in a disorderly fashion. The other appears to be a horse, but appears to have the face of a man. I gasp in astonishment. The horse-man looks like one of the centaurs that live at Hogwarts!

“Helena!” What are you doing in here?” Annabeth shouts from a distance. “How did you get in here?”

“I just walked through the pillars!” I reply loudly.

The man and the horse look at each other worryingly.

“Why did you come in here?” the centaur asks, his eyebrow raised.

“There was a one eyed monster, it was chasing me.” I turn around. The beast is walking towards us. “THERE IT IS NOW!!!!!” I shriek.

“Calm down, Helena.” Percy says cooly. “That’s my half-brother, Tyson.”

“What?” I splutter.

“I don’t blame you for being scared.” Annabeth huffs.

Tyson walks up to us. “Big brother! Annabeth! Chiron! Mr D! Random stranger! So good to see you!” Percy hugs Tyson, clapping him on the back gently. Tyson copies, Percy looking like he’s about to explode from the force.

“Why were you screaming?” Tyson turns to me as he breaks away from Percy.

“No offence, Tyson, but I thought you were a monster.” I say shyly. “But now I see that you’re nice!” I add quickly.

“No offence taken,” he replies. “Where is Ella?”

“I think she’s on the deck of Big House,” Percy says.

“Okay. Bye, big brother and friends!!!” he waves his hand, knocking over a small tree in the process.

He walks over to an old barn house, paint peeling off the wood.

“So, you must be Helena.” the centaur says. “I’m Chiron. Percy and Annabeth you’ve met, and this is Mr D. He is also the god of wine.”

I go to shake hands with Mr D (who’s real name I assume is Dionysus), but he just makes a grunting sound.

“How did you enter the Camp?” Chiron asks me, a puzzled expression on his face.

“As I said, I thought Tyson was trying to kill me, so I panicked and ran through the pillars.” I repeat my story.

“You do realise that no mortal could ever walk through our gates, or what you call the ‘pillars’, unless a staff member breaks the enchantment temporarily, to let a mortal in.”

“But I can’t be a demigod! I’m a witch!” I argue.

“Percy told me. We don’t know at this stage whether the enchantment is faulty, you have a gift, or if you are a demigod, we will have to see.” He says grimly.

We all sit around the campfire, eating marshmallows. We sing loudly, happy to be safe. All eyes turn to stare at me. I look around at all of the campers, the music stops. They appear to be looking above my head. Three little green stars float above my head.

“Well, Helena. We know now.” Chiron states.
