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Chapter 1 - A Favorite Book


Less is Enough

By: Norman Minerva

The more, the less. The bigger, the smaller.

This makes little to no sense from any normal circumstance, but when you look at it from a writer's perspective. You receive answers that somehow speak to you, even if there's no sound produced. They stay the same, thick, heavy, and deep sentences. Even if it's corny, or cringy for the slightest moment you continue to think about it.

I believe that being able to make someone think, to talk inside of their head where no one can interfere, is the strongest power. Much more fascinating than superheroes or villains. Because when you use this 'power', you'll never be able to know if it worked. It all depends on what you believe, how naive you may be. To be able to change someone's outlook on life is to be strong.


... (That part was a fake book written for the story, it will show up a couple of times later on as well. Yes Norman is a writer, and yes they are adults.) ...


I've always been poetic, or at least that's what my neighboring friend Emma has told me. She's always been the energetic, reckless, idiot among our duo. While I'm the... Emo? Nah, I'm just the angsty, cold, distant, pessimist who's never truly opened up to someone. Not even my closest friends.

"We're closet bros!" Emma squealed dancing around in circles. Pulling tightly on her floral thin scarf tied messily around her neck.

If you can believe it I actually caved and told her my sexuality. Because I'm apparently uptight over stuff, Emma tries her best to pry under what she can. Which meant she can be really annoying.

I glared immensely at her,

"Emma. Would you stop moving around so much! You're going to break something," My voice sharpens, I was practically growling, lowering the book I was using to try and hide the embarrassment of being forced to come out. I'd always been good at hiding my emotions, but I normally had to prepare first. While this interaction was completely out of the blue.

"We're adults for Christ's sake! Gilda's a designer, Don's a Coach, Heck even Anna is a teacher!" I raise my hand forward, not to reach for hers but rather to point with all five fingers. I find it more effective while scolding her, like a cat and a spray bottle.

"Yeah, what's your point?" Emma straightens her scarf and places her hands on her hips, her nails are long and tug a little on her skirt. They're bright red, with small flowers on each pinky, I believe they're called Gepnas or something like that. Back in High school, we both did a group project report on them for class. Apparently, they feed off of blood and can cause death by blood loss within 30 seconds, but they can only be planted in the heart to do damage. Apparently, hundreds of years ago ancestors used them to kill birds and other animals.

Emma thought they looked pretty and I found it fascinating how easy it would be to die from a simple stab wound.

Don't get me wrong Emma is smart. But she's very clueless when it comes to the real world, the main reason she does good in school is because of her memory. She has a near-perfect memory and can recall up till she was five in a clear picture. Perhaps it's because she gets a full twelve hours of sleep every night. While I get a good five hours, tops.

But despite my comedically bad sleeping habits, I have my own rare condition. Well, should I say I lack a common phenomenon throughout most humans that is 'infantile amnesia' It's basically when you cannot remember anything up till the age of four or three depending on the person.

The brain's memory system has two main parts, the amygdala, and the hippocampus. The amygdala is for all of the fearful memories, while the hippocampus holds relatively the rest.

I'm interested in two things, Being left alone, and brains. But not in a weird crazy scientist way, I just find it amazing how the brain works. I decided to get a psychology major even though I'm not sure if I want to take it on as a job.

"Ray? Are you alive?" Emma leaned forward and blew on my eardrum which made me twitch slightly, "Did I kill you?" She stood upright before violently shaking both of my shoulders.

"Cut it out, I'm obviously not dead moron." I spit out, drained and dizzy. Emma rested her hands back onto her hips and grinned devilishly...

"I'm getting you a boyfriend!"


~ Congrats to me for writing this much today! ~

This is what I like to call a wing it story basically, I have no idea what the plot is and I just improvise and write down what makes it interesting.

No Noremma in this though! They're just friends! (Maybe exes, but no existing feelings.)


900 Words + A/N

797 Words - A/N
