Chapter 62: The Mysterious Stranger

In the middle of a forest, a few pigs can be seen playing in the grass, when the sound of an engine gains there attention. At that moment, the D.B. Express flies over a hill. It soars through the air, hits a few trees, and the only ninja that doesn't fly out of it was Cole. Kai lands face first on the ground, Jay lands on his back, Zane lands on a pig, and (Y/N) manages to flip and land on his feet. Kai gets to his feet and looks behind him.

Kai: "Real stealthy, Cole"

Cole closed the door of the D. B. Express and turned to Kai.

Cole: "Better?"

Kai facepalms as Jay gets to his feet and Zane hops off of the pig. Cole hops down from the D. B. Express and they all start to go deeper into the forest.

Jay: "Everyone remember where we parked"

(Y/N): "We won't need to. With how much smoke that thing is releasing, we'll be able to see it from anywhere on the island"

Zane: "That is true..."

The five ninja run deeper into the forest and talk as they run.

(Y/N): "Are we sure it was the best idea to leave Spyke with Sensei Wu?"

Kai: "You worried Sensei doesn't know how to take care of a Spykor?"

(Y/N): "No, I'm worried because most of the time, she helps take care of us"

Cole: "He does have a point"

They flip over a cut down tree and Cole turns to Kai.

Cole: "Kai, are you sure the magic staff is all the way out here?"

Kai: "Yeah - Chen kept it in his temple. Along with a bunch of deadly traps"

Cole: "Great! Apart from the deadly traps - they're bad"

Jay: "What about cuddly traps?"

(Y/N): "...what?"

Cole: "Oh, they're fine"

Cole looks at (Y/N) and Kai with a confused look and they shrug. Cole and Jay walk forward, when Zane gets in front of them.

Zane: "Jay, Cole - we should be on our guard. As well as the temple, the whole jungle is probably booby-trapped"

Jay suddenly walks past Zane.

Jay: "Hey, I'm a Ninja - I travel in shadows, I walk unknown amongst my enemies, I command the very lightning. I think I can spot a trap"

Zane looks at Jay annoyed, as Kai, Cole, and (Y/N) watch on, waiting for Jay to accidentally step into a trap. However, that doesn't happen and Jay smugly turns back around, walking back to the other four.

Jay: "See? And I bet you thought I was go-" (Jay steps on a trap, just as he said he wasn't going to, and gets pulled into a tree by his foot) "Waaah!"

He drops his nunchucks and looks at the others.

Jay: "Is there any chance that it's you four are upside-down and I didn't just step on a trap?"

(Y/N) shakes his head as Cole steps forward, pulling out his Scythe.

Cole: "Nope. Don't worry, I'll get you down. Try to land on your head"

Hearing that, Kai silently laughs. Cole looks around and sighs.

Cole: "I guess it was a bit to much to hope for a ladder around here... Unless..." (He turns to (Y/N))

(Y/N): "I'm still on limited energy"

Kai: "Still!? It's been a while sense you had your energy zapped!"

Zane: "Actually, it's only been approximately four days, two hours, ten minutes, and twenty-five seconds"

(Y/N): "...thanks..."

Zane: "You're welcome!"

Jay: "Guys!? Still hanging out over here!"

Kai: "So how are we supposed to get up high enough to cut him down?"

(Y/N): "By building something!"

Cole: "How? We can't use Tornado of Creation without Jay, and you can't without your Daggers of Imagination"

(Y/N): "First of all, remind me to never leave anything in my mind-scape EVER again"

Zane: "Noted"

(Y/N): "And two, watch and learn! Ninja-Go!"

(Y/N) used Spinjitzu, broke a small tree that was nearby, and turned it into a small trampoline.

Cole: "What?"

Kai: "How did you do that?"

(Y/N): "Master building! It's a technique I picked up on my Inter-Dimensional field trip, and it doesn't take any power"

Cole: "Cool, watch out! I'm going air born!"

Cole jumps onto the trampoline and lands on a small nearby structure. He holds his scythe and walks over to Jay.

Jay: "Uh... Is there a way of gradually lowering me?"

Cole: (readying his scythe) "I'll find out"

Cole cut sthe rope and Jay falls, and smacks, onto the ground below.

Jay: "Oof! I'm gonna take that as a 'no there wasn't'..."

All of a sudden, the ground starts to shake.

(Y/N): "Woah!"

Along the walkway, three pillars of what appeared to be snake teeth rose from the ground. They separated as they dropped to the ground and started to spin.

Jay: "Oh hey - there just like the training machines back at the dojo, no problem!"

They start to walk in-between them, and easily walk around them.

(Y/N): "Eh, the ones at the dojo were a lot quicker"

They walk forward and reach a stone archway with two pulleys, one on each side.

Zane: "Hmm... I believe it will take the weight of two normal-sized people to open this stone archway"

Jay: "Cole, he means you"

Cole: "Hey! I have a very healthy appetite"

(Y/N): "So... In all seriousness, Kai and Jay?"

Cole: "Wait a minute, why not me?"

(Y/N): "Cole, Zane said normal sized. No offense to either me or you, but we both eat and work out a lot more than the others... and Zane's a Nindroid"

Cole: (sighing) "Yeah, that's fair..."

Kai and Jay hopped up onto the two pulleys, and the archway opened. They walked through and Jay smiled.

Jay: "If the worst thing they can throw at us is dojo training equipment, then this'll be a breeze!"

The ground then starts to shake.

Cole: "Then bad news - because I don't think the dojo has whatever this is!"

Suddenly, a Condrai Crusher, drove by a cultist, drove through the trees.

Kai: "A cultist!? I thought they were all banished to the cursed realm!"

(Y/N): (noticing something) "He doesn't have any tattoos, meaning he wasn't Anacondrai! I think he may have just been a C.I.T.!"

Jay: "C.I.T.?"

(Y/N): "A cultist in training!"

The Condrai Crusher started inching closer to them.

Kai: "Run!"

The five ninja start running as the blades get closer.

Zane: "Jump over the roots!"

They all manage to do so as they Crusher rips through them. They keep running, and spot a giant root blocking the path.

Kai: "Slide, slide!"

They all slide and continue running. (Y/N) looks back and sees the Crusher rip through the branch.

(Y/N): "What are those things made of!?"

They continue running through the forest, when they see a huge rock in the way. They jump over it as the Crusher crashes into it and explodes.

Jay: (panting) "Ok, now that was more of a workout than the dojo..."

Cole: "Yeah, maybe we should ask Sensei to get one of those things for us!"

The five ninja nod at eachother, and several C.I.T.s come running out of the forest.

Kai: "Heads up - the sessions not over yet!"

(Y/N): "I think it's time we showed them some Spinjitzu!"

Cole: "Let's do the whip!"

Ninja: "Ninja-Go!!"

The five ninja easily defeat the C.I.T.s and walk up to a new door.

Cole: "I don't see any switches for this one!"

The ninja look at (Y/N).

(Y/N): (assessing the door) "No place to pick... unless one of you happens to have a credit card on them?"

Jay: "Nope"

Cole: "Nada"

Zane: "Sadly not"

Kai: "No pockets..."

(Y/N): "Welp, I don't know how we're gonna get in besides busting the door down"

They hear an engine in the sky and turn around to see a Condrai Copter in the sky.

Kai: "Everyone, hide - I got this" (everyone hides in the bushes as Kai stands in front of the door) "Hey! You've got rocket launchers on there, why don't you use them? Scared you'll miss me?"

The Snake Helicopter dives down and shoots missiles at Kai, but he dodges and destroys the door.

Kai: (to the Ninja) "C'mon, move!"

The five ninja run through the door, only to find a large dirt hill. They slide down it and make it to the bottom.

Zane: "That was close"

Cole: "Yeah, nice work, Kai!"

Jay: "That was really brave, Kai!"

(Y/N): "Way to show how dumb C.I.T.s can be!"

Kai: "Ah, it was nothing"

They walk over and find a switch.

Zane: "This switch appears to be activated by putting a sword into it. Such as yours, Kai"

Cole: "Kai to the rescue again!"

Kai uses the switch and the cliff separates open. The ninja hop between the two stone sides and make it to the top.

Zane: "That was some nice climbing, Kai"

Jay: "Seriously, we couldn't have done all that without you, Kai. You're the best"

Cole: "Yeah. You are the best"

Zane: "I agree"

(Y/N): "Yeah, your sheer awesomeness makes me want to get something off of my chest... I don't really have a girlfriend! I made it up!"

Kai: "Alright, enough you guys. Let's get into Chen's temple and grab the staff. Oh, and (Y/N)? We already knew"

They walk in andthe door shuts behind them. They look around and see the statue of a giant serpent.

Zane: "Oh. Snakes"

Jay: "Why don't bad guys ever worship kittens? Or muffins?"

Cole: "I like muffins"

Jay: "Who doesn't? I'd gladly be attacked by a giant muffin"

Cole: "Oh, what about the giant kitten?"

(Y/N): "I'm pushing you guys ahead of me as I run the opposite direction"

Kai: "Come on, it might be scary but we've got a mission to complete"

The Snake statue suddenly looks up and it's eyes glow red.

Jay: "Uh... Did that snake just move?"

Spears suddenly start to bolt up and then back down in front of the Snake statue.

Kai: "And those are the traps I was talking about"

Jay: "They're pointy"

(Y/N): "Yeah, that's why we want to avoid them"

The ninja jump over two sets of spears, when the floor suddenly gives way in front of them, and a giant hole forms.

Cole: "Whoa"

Zane: "What do you think is down there?"

Cole: "I doubt it's pillows. We better find a way over"

(Y/N) runs past them and uses his momentum to run along the wall.

Cole: "Good thinking!"

They all do the same thing and make it to the final set of spears.

Jay: "Get ready... get ready..."

They all just walk past it with no problems.

Jay: "Oh" (after everyone was passed, the spikes shoot up) "Ha! Too late, stupid spikes!"

The roof is suddenly covered in spikes.

Jay: "I didn't mean that! I apologize! Good spikes, nice spikes!" (They start to lower towards them)

Kai: "Run! Again!"

They all run away from the spikes, when Kai spots another sword-switch.

Kai: "I think I can stop it"

Jay: "Hey, don't bother on my account - I've been meaning to try out acupuncture for years! ...Haha"

Kai stabs the sword into the switch and pulls it, stopping the spikes.

Cole: "Yeah! I knew you'd do it, Kai!"

Jay: "Go, Kai! I can feel our luck changing-" (the floor opens up beneath them) "-for the worse!"

(Y/N): (while falling) "I blame Kai!"

Kai: "Aagh!"

Cole: "Aagh!"

(Y/N) falls with his arms crossed, not screaming.

One by one, the ninja land in their feet.

Zane: "Oh!"

Cole: "Ow!"

Jay: "Gah!"

Kai: "Oof!"

(Y/N): *Silence*

They look at the piles of skeletons.

Jay: "Skeletons. So many skeletons"

Cole: "I'm sure they're all passed away from old age, Jay"

Jay: (Noticing some C.I.T.s above them) "Yeah, and I bet THEY had nothing to do with it!"

After dealing with the Cultists in Training, Zane notices something.

Zane: "Look, the last warrior dropped a crank"

(Y/N): "Huh, weird..."

Kai picked the crank up and looked around.

Cole: "Hey, I bet it goes right there" (They look over to Cole, who was pointing at a small box-like thing)

Kai put the crank on it and started spinning it, when bones suddenly fell from the sky.

Jay: "Oh, good, because if there was one thing we were short of, it was bones"

Kai: "These ones could be useful, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Alright, Ninja-Go!"

(Y/N) used his master building skills to turn the bones into a ladder, which they all climbed up. They went down and found a large fall, with a narrow ledge they could climb past... with spikes coming out of the wall at certain intervals.

(Y/N): "Are you serious?"

They all shimmy past the large hole, and come across two large wrecking balls over another pit. The only way across being another narrow line, this time dead center of the pit.

Zane: "I'm getting the feeling that Chen didn't like visitors"

(Y/N): "You think? What gave it away?"

Zane: "All of the deadly traps"

They make it passed, and find a wall in there way. Next to the wall, was a sparking control box.

Jay: "The mechanism looks broken. Leave it to me"

He quickly fixes the control box with his elemental power, and the wall moved out of the way.

Kai: "The inner temple's through there!"

Zane: "Look! The staff!"

Kai: (grabbing the staff) "Got it!"

The familiar giant serpent slowly rose up behind him, scaring Cole and Jay.

Cole: "Uh, what has two eyes and is really scary?"

Kai: "Uh... 'Evil spirits'? Oh no, wait, that has three I's..."

Cole: (pointing behind Kai) "No - eyes!"

Kai: (dodging a bite) "Whoa!"

The three jump off of the platform and rejoin Zane and (Y/N).

Zane: "Let's go!"

Jay: "I vote for Zane's plan!"

The ninja run away, and stop at a wall.

Zane: "We're trapped! It's a dead end!"

Cole: "Don't say the D-word!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, seriously. Never say the D-word!"

Kai: (noticing something) "Jay! Behind you!"

Jay turns around and the snake snaps at him, ripping his pants to shreds

Jay: "Agh! My pants!"

Cole, Kai, Zane, (Y/N) and a nearby C.I.T. laugh at Jay.

Jay: "That's not what happened at all!"

It is revealed that the ninja and Nya are sitting around as Kai retells what happened on their last mission.

Kai: "Who's telling this story - me or you?"

Jay: "You! But you're telling it all wrong!"

Zane: "Jay is correct. It was (Y/N) who grabbed the staff"

Nya: "And I doubt everyone was complimenting you all the time, brother"

(Y/N): "Not to mention, 'fake girlfriend?' dude, I'll beat you senseless if you even think of it again!"

Jay: "And more importantly - Chen's snake only bit a hole in my pants!" (He turns around, bends over, and points at his butt) "A ho-le in my pa-nts"

Nya: (Facepalming) "My hero"

A coughing sound could be heard as it is revealed that Wu is standing in the doorway.

Jay: "Agh!" (he jumps and turns around) "Hey"

Wu: "It is time for training. I want to make sure you didn't get rusty during your recent holiday"

Cole: "'Holiday'?! I had to work in a noodle-mine!"

Zane: "And I am made of titanium - I do not rust"

Jay: "He means he wants to test our skills, bolt-brain... "

(Y/N): "Not to mention, I nearly died on several occasions"

Wu: "Maybe if you had trained that wouldn't have happened" (They all sigh and follow Wu to train)

Nya and the Ninja followed Sensei Wu into the training area, when Jay suddenly notices something.

Jay: "No fair! Where's Lloyd? Why doesn't he have to practice?"

Kai: "Uh - you know why, Jay"

Jay: "Oh! Right. Sorry..."

Wu: "Lloyd has left us for a time. When is truly needed, he will return. Until then, you will have to train even harder to make up for his absence"

Kai: (Hugs Cole) "Yeah!"

Cole: "Alright!"

(Y/N): "...Meh"

Jay: "Aw...!"

Wu coughs, and Jay realizes that he said that out loud.

Jay: "...yeah! I was saying "Aw yeah!" like I was excited. Woo-hoo?"

Zane: "We will be training against each other, Sensei?

Dareth: (off screen) "No you will not, Titanium Ninja! You will be training against..." (They look over and see Dareth) "Me! The brown ninja!" (Several people walk out past Dareth and pose) "Or, more specifically, my brand new class of adult students!"

The students quickly pose again and Dareth walks over to the ninja.

Dareth: "Pretty good, huh? And they're really quick learners - it's almost like they were already trained in martial arts"

Wu: "Dareth, these are the students you told me about?"

Dareth: "Yeah, why?"

All of a sudden, they pull out bo staffs and start swinging them.

Adult Student #1: "Destroy the Ninjas!"

Dareth: (Realizing that he messed up) "Oh, egg rolls"

The 'students' flip out to the courtyard and the ninja follow them.

Jay: "Let's show Sensei Wu we've still got what it takes!"

With each ninja taking a student, they get to work.

Jay watches as his 'student' swings his bo staff. The 'student' swings down, but Jay blocks the overhead strike with his nunchucks. Using the 'student's' momentum, he rolls back and kicks him into a nearby fountain.

Jay: "Lightning!"

He shoots a bolt of lightning at the water in the fountain, electrocuting the 'student'.

Jay: "What? Shocked it's over so quickly?"

Zane dodges a strike from his 'student'.

Zane: "P.I.X.A.L., try to calculate his next move"

P.I.X.A.L.: "I can try..."

The 'student' swings for Zane's legs, but Zane rolls over his attack and chops him in the neck, causing him to fall over unconscious.

Zane: "Thank you P.I.X.A.L."

P.I.X.A.L.: "You are welcome"

Cole uses Spinjitzu and throws his opponent in the air. He then aims with his hand.

Cole: "Earth!"

She shot a stream of rocks into the 'student', knocking him into the wall.

Kai continued to dodge the bo staff of his 'student' and then smirks as he swung his sword and cut the staff in half.

Kai: "Yeah, I made this sword"

He then hit the "student' in the head with the blunt end, knocking them out.

(Y/N) smiled as he watch the student swing at him.

(Y/N): "Close!" (Ducks) "Almost!" (He hops over the Bo Staff) "Are you even trying?"

Adult Student #1: "Stand still, weakling!"

(Y/N): "Weakling?"

He used Spinjitzu to not only steal his Bo staff, but to get behind him. (Y/N) hit the back of the 'student's' leg, causing him to fall onto one knee. He hopped onto his leg and posed with the bo staff, where he then proceeded to jump off and break the staff over the 'student's' head.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm the weakling" (he tossed the broken staff to his side)

All of a sudden, more people showed up out of nowhere. This time, they had some armour on.

Jay: "Uh-oh! More 'students'!"

Kai: "Then let's teach them a lesson!"

(Y/N): "All together this time?"

Kai: "Why not?"

Ninja: "Ninja-Go!"

They all quickly spun in there respective Spinjitzu forms and quickly took care of the new 'students'.

Cole: "Class is dismissed!"

Jay: "Nice"

Cole: "Thanks, I've been waiting like a minute to say it"

The door to the dojo opened, and Dareth walked out.

Dareth: "Oh, man, I am so sorry about that - I had no idea they were bad guys!"

(Y/N): "It's alright Dareth"

Cole: "Hey, at least Sensei Wu knows we haven't got 'rusty', now"

Wu: (silently walking past Jay) "Hmm..."

Jay: (Jumps up, surprised) "Agh! He keeps doing that..."

Wu: "It seem unlikely that this was a random occurrence - I suspect that something is afoot"

Zane: "Is it my foot?"

(Y/N): "No, definitely not what he meant"

Kai: "I think he means we need to be on our guard, Zane"

Zane: "Oh. From who?"

Stranger: "Why, from me, of course!"

(Y/N): (pointing at him) "Yeah, I'd say from that guy"

Dareth: (Long Gasp) "Who's that then?"

Stranger: Alrighty, let's get this show on the road! (He throws a bomb at the ninja and Jay reflects it back and accidentally blows up a building)

Wu: (Coughs from the smoke)

Jay: "Oh - sorry! I didn't - um..."

Kai: (running past him) "C'mon! No-one does that to our Sensei!"

Cole: "Let's get him!"

(Y/N): "Charge!"

The three start to quickly run after the stranger.

Wu: "Be careful!"

Jay: "When are we not? Don't answer that, I just realized what I said"

Kai: "Don't let him get away!"

The ninja run along the buildings, running after the stranger, when they catch up to him.

Stranger: "Hey! Take a look behind you! You're gonna get a blast outta this!"

He presses a button and blows up the firework factory.

Jay: "Ooh! Pretty!"

Jay and Kai then dodge a firework.

Kai: "Uh, pretty dangerous, you mean!"

Zane: "Watch out for those fireworks!"

(Y/N): (jumping over one) "We're trying to!"

The ninja dodge fireworks as they give chase to the stranger, until they're out of the way from the fireworks.

Stranger: "C'mon! Keep up!"

Kai: "This isn't a game!"

Stranger: "Haha! Trust me, it is!" (He throws a shuriken at a statue next to him)

Jay: "Wow, his aim is awful... Uh, we're down here, buddy!"

(Y/N): "Something tells me he already knew that!"

The shuriken explodes and the statue's head starts to fall.

Jay: "Oh, right. He wasn't aiming for us. Okay"

Stranger: "Try to stay a-head! Haha!"

The statues head falls off and rolls towards the ninja.

Cole: "Run!"

The ninja run down the stairs, and manage to get out of the way. However, the stairs were destroyed as the statue head fell down them.

Kai: (looking at the statue head) "Hey, Cole, think you can lift that thing?"

Cole: "With one arm" (he struggles to life it with one arm, and then lifts it with two) "Okay, it took two"

He throws it at a wall, revealing another staircase.

Zane: "We can get up that way!"

They quickly run up and see the stranger.

Stranger: "Whoa! Almost got me!"

He cuts a rope and goes to the top of a tower.

Kai: "That guy is starting to annoy me!"

(Y/N): "Trampoline!"

They look over and see a kid's trampoline, which they use to catch up to the stranger. The stranger looks down at them and shakes his head, pulling out a bomb.

Stranger: "Bomb voyage!" (He throws it down, and the ninja narrowly dodge it)

Jay: "That doesn't make sense! We're not going anywhere!"

Stranger: "I was talking to the bomb!"

Jay: "Oh, alright!"

(Y/N): "That doesn't make it any better, get over here!"

The ninja quickly climb up the building, catching up to the stranger.

Stranger: "You're getting warmer!"

The ninja run along the buildings, catching up to the stranger again. However this time, he's holding a torch.

Stranger: "And now you're about to get really hot!" (He lights up a wire and it triggers a bomb)

Zane: (watching the wire burn) "That looks ominous"

Suddenly, a large rocket flies out from a nearby building.

Jay: "Now that is a firework"

Zane: "Where is it going?"

Cole: "No idea. Let's not stick around to find out, huh?"

(Y/N): "Agreed..."

The stranger laughs a he uses a grappling-hook and goes up a nearby cliff.

(Y/N): "Who does he think he is, Batman!?"

Stranger: "...who?"

(Y/N): "Oh forget it!"

Stranger: "Whoa!"

The ninja look up to see the bomb pummel toward them. They manage to jump out of the way as the rocket destroys a building.

Kai: "We gotta back up to him!"

Jay: "Yeah, how?!" (The feel a rush of air behind them and see (Y/N) has built another trampoline)

(Y/N): "Going up?"

Kai: "Let's go!"

They all jump up onto the cliff side, where they see the stranger on top of a dojo.

Stranger: "Hey, took your time, guys!"

Cole: "You messed with the wrong Ninjas!"

Stranger: "Nah, pretty sure I got the right ones" (he pulls out a notebook) "Yeah, my information specifically said the one dressed in black was a lame-o, and that's definitely you"

Cole: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "I got a plan!"

Jay: "Does it involve more running...?"

(Y/N): "Nope, but it does involve spinning!"

Kai: "I think I like where this is going!"

Stranger: "Whatchoo doing down there?"

Cole: "You'll see in a minute!"

Stranger: "Y'know, not to hurry you, but I have got other schemes to attend to..."

Zane: "You heard him, Ice!" (He starts doing Spinjitzu)

Jay: "Lightning!" (He starts doing Spinjitzu)

Kai: "Fire!" (He starts doing Spinjitzu)

(Y/N): "Spinning!" (He starts doing Spinjitzu)

Cole: "Earth!" (He starts doing Spinjitzu)

Ninja: "Ninja-Go!"

Stranger: "Whoa - what the heck is that?!" (The five Ninja do the Tornado of Creation)

Kai: "Your comeuppance!"

The dust clears, revealing that they created a large magnet. The magnet takes the stranger's weapons and armour, and also threw the now unmasked arranged onto the ground.

The ninja quickly pull out there weapons and point them at the stranger.

Kai: "Don't make any sudden moves"

Jay: "Or any other moves"

Stranger: (now on his feet) "I couldn't if I wanted to - you've got all my weapons. I am completely at your mercy" (he bows) "Haha..."

(Y/N): "That just sounds like a lame excuse"

Stranger: "Hehe. So far, you're my favorite"

Cole: "Who are you?"

Stranger: "Oh, just a humble dealer in rare goods"

Zane: "Such as?"

Stranger: (Chuckles) "If only you knew, Mr. Tin Man"

He whips out a weapon and throws it around the ninja, causing it to surround them in a purple smoke.

(Y/N): "It's a trap!"

The stranger holds his weapon out, causing the purple smoke to flow through the ninja. The ninja grunt in pain as the stranger sucks away, until a staff knocks the weapon out of place, and stops the suckage.

Stranger: "Hey!"

It is revealed that it was Sensei Wu's staff, as him and Nya run towards them. The stranger backs up to the edge of the mountain and smirks.

Stranger: "Okay. Okay, I think I've got what I came for. See you around!"

He lets himself fall off of the cliff, and then a ship flies up, revealing he land on it.

Stranger: "C'mon, Reks - let's go! Hahaha!"

The ship flies away, and both Wu and Nya run up to the ninja, who are on the ground.

Wu: "Are you alright?"

Kai: (holding his head) "Uh, I'm fine. Just a little tired..." (He sees Nya) "Nya! You're here!"

Nya: "Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

Kai: "How did you escape from Samukai?"

Nya: "Samukai?!"

Jay: "Y'know, Samukai. Evil, four arms, looks like he's skipped a few meals? ...Right?"

(Y/N): (on his phone) "Yep" (he looks up at the other ninja, and then sees Zane) "What the heck happened to your face, Zane?! You're a robot!"

Zane: (his voice box is muffled) "I'm a what? Wuh - why is my voice like this?"

Wu: "This is bad..."

Cole: "And this isn't the monastery! Where are we?!"

Nya: "Sensei? What's going on? Samukai disappeared years ago"

Wu: "It is as I feared when I saw that Obsidian Glaive... They have had their memories stolen"

(Y/N): "I figured that that's what happened, which is why I'm going through my phone!"

Nya: "Have you come up with anything?"

(Y/N): "Oh, I found out that we're dating!" (Nya and Wu look at (Y/N), confused) "Don't worry, we'll all get this sorted out and we can go on our next date! Which will be ten times better than-" (he looks at his phone) "...hunting down a dream demon!? Who's idea was that!?"

Kai: (Angrily) "...Did you say that you were dating my sister?"

(Y/N): "I have now found out a second thing! Your brother doesn't support us being together"

Kai: "Why you..."

(Y/N) runs away as Kai chases him. Nya looks between Kai, Jay, and (Y/N).

Nya: (looking down) "...Not again..."

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