Chapter 46: All Your Bricks Are Belong To Us

The four heroes land in the next dimension.

Gandalf: "What is this place?"

Batman: "I don't know..."

(Y/N): "It sort of looks like we're in space"

Wyldstyle: "DUCK!"

A green platform almost hits them, but it gets shot before it does. Gandalf puts up a magic shield as blocks come crashing down. Batman picks up a block and looks up at the things that are in the sky.

Wyldstyle: "This doesn't make any sense. It's almost like... like we're in a video game?"

Batman: "That is the single most ridiculous thing I've ever heard"

(Y/N): "Seriously, that's like saying we're in a TV show"

Wyldstyle: "I'll tell you what I do know, though. that's the Foundation Element!"

She points up to a coin that a green platform takes.

Batman: "So how do we get it?"

Wyldstyle: "Well, if this is a video game... then we play"

(Y/N): "I guess this is where I come into play" (He activates the Locate Keystone)

He gets led to the right spot and opens a rift, which The DeLorean comes out of and destroys an alien prison cell.

Doc Emmet Brown: "Great Scott!" (He disappears through another rift)

An 8-Bit Astronaut comes out of the wreckage and says something in an 8-Bit Jumble.

8-Bit Astronaut: "(Thank you.)"

He then does a celebratory dance and spins into the ground, disappearing.

(Y/N): "Um... Where did he go?"

Wyldstyle: "Guys, look!" (She points up in the sky, revealing a counter, which says four Astronauts left)

Gandalf: "Hmm... How is that counter is just floating there?"

Batman: "I... Don't know?"

Wyldstyle: "This dimension must be running on video game logic, meaning don't question it"

Batman: "Maybe if we split up, we could do this a bit quicker"

(Y/N): "Alright, four astronauts, four heroes, let's do it"

They then go off to save a different astronaut.

With (Y/N):

He traveled right and came across an alien trapping an 8-Bit Astronaut in a corner.

(Y/N): "Well that's just rude..." (He notices a pile of dirt under the alien) "...and THAT'S convenient"

(Y/N) summoned the Elemental Keystone and activated Earth Element. He then manipulated the dirt into a giant hand and flicked the alien to pieces.

(Y/N): "Adios alien!"

8-Bit Astronaut: "(Thank you.)" (He then does a celebratory dance and spins into the ground)

(Y/N): "That's still very weird..." (He looks up and sees the counter go from four to three) "Yes!"

With Gandalf:

Gandalf traveled left, and found an astronaut locked in a space station.

Gandalf: "Don't worry my friend, I'll help you out of that contraption!"

He uses his magic and frees the astronaut.

8-Bit Astronaut: "(Thank you.)" (He disappears like the others)

Gandalf looks up and sees the counter go from there to two.

With Wyldstyle:

Wyldstyle went left and found an astronaut surrounded by fire.

Wyldstyle: "Oh, that's not good. But how do I..." (She spots a pile of bricks) "...know just what to do!"

Wyldstyle uses the pieces to build a giant fan, which she uses to blow the fire away.

8-Bit Astronaut: "(Thank you.)"

Wyldstyle: (As he disappears) "You're welcome!"

She looks up and sees the counter go from two to one and celebrates herself.

(Y/N), Wyldstyle, and Gandalf meet up together.

(Y/N): "...It looks like Batman is struggling with his astronaut"

Batman appears out of nowhere, scaring them.

Batman: "I've got it to where it is possible to save the final astronaut, but someone needs to shrink to press the button to finish the job"

(Y/N): "I can do that" (They get to the final astronaut, and (Y/N) shrinks in, presses the button and saves him)

8-Bit Astronaut: "(Thank you.)"

They all look up and the counter goes from one, to having a green check on it. The green platform starts moving around sporadically, much to Batman's displeasure.

(Y/N): "Is... Is it playing with us?"

Batman: "I'm done playing"

Batman throws a Baterang at it, angering the platform.

Wyldstyle: "Uh-oh"

The platform starts shooting at them, but Gandalf puts up a magic barrier.

Gandalf: "I can't... keep... this up...! Nngh..."

A spaceship comes out of nowhere, shoots the platform and destroys, making the coin drop to the ground.

Batman: "Game over"

A rift opens up and someone in a blue hoodie hops out of it.

Gandalf: "Who's that?"

The thief steals the coin.

Thief: "Hahahaha!"

Wyldstyle: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "We earned that!"

The thief hops through another rift, but the heroes jump in after him. They land in the middle of a maze.

Gandalf: (Spotting him) "You there, stop! Thief!"

Thief: "Hehehehe! You can't catch me!"

Batman: "You want to bet?"

Gauntlet Announcer: "Friends can join in any time!"

(Y/N): "After that theif!"

They try to follow him, but get blocked off by some ghosts.

(Y/N): "Um... How do we fight ghosts?"

Wyldstyle: "No! If this is like a game we need to avoid the ghosts!"

Batman: "Really?"

Wyldstyle: "Yes, really! If this is like a game, then if we run into them, we lose a life. And since we're not from this world, we only have one life..."

Gandalf: "Meaning that if we touch them, it's immediate-"

(Y/N): (Cutting Gandalf off) "Death!?"

They all run around, eventually losing the ghosts.

Wyldstyle: "That... was too close..."

Gandalf: "That theif is somewhere in this labyrinth"

Wyldstyle: "And we have to find him, and get the Foundation Element"

(Y/N): "Hey, what's that?"

He points at a glowing thing that's floating in front of them.

Batman: "Let's find out"

They all walk up to in, and see that it's a key.

Gandalf: "Strange... Why would a key be floating here?"

Wyldstyle: "Because it's just like a game!" (She tries to grab the key, but it disappears)

Gauntlet Announcer: "Good cooperation! Try and find the way out!"

(Y/N): "So.. if this is just a video game... and the theif has the same type of voice as that disembodied voice does..."

Batman: "Then he's probably going to try and beat the game, meaning if we do the same, we should find him"

Wyldstyle: "Now you're getting it!"

Gandalf: "Um... guys? I'd hate to alarm you, but..." (He point behind them all, as the ghosts run at them)

Y/N: "Run!"

They run through the maze a bit, before Batman pulls out his Grappling gun and tries to shoot up to the top of the wall, but it bounced back at him.

Gauntlet Announcer: "Cheating has been detected..."

Batman: "Don't be another GLaDOS"

Gauntlet Announcer: "...more enemies spawning to balance out"

Y/N: "Seriously!?"

They turned around and saw several little red monster walking towards him.

Batman: "..."

Batman took out several Baterangs and threw them at the monsters, destroying them.

They then turned a corner and found a key. Then they turned back around and saw more monsters going towards him.

Batman: "...Great..."

Wyldstyle: "Hey everyone, look up!"

They do, and see that there is only one key left.

Gandalf: "Well, where is it?"

They hear a beep, and they see that all of the keys have been found.

(Y/N): "I bet that thief found the last key!"

Wyldstyle: "Basically, all we have to do now is run past the armies of monsters"

Gandalf: "Oh... that's not going to be easy..."

Batman: "Well, it looks like we don't have a choice"

(Y/N): "Or do we?"

Gandalf: "I'm not following"

(Y/N): "Well, I don't know about games in your world's, but in mine, most older games have cheats engrained into the coding for developers to quickly get through certain parts"

Wyldstyle: "He's right, majority of older games have cheat codes... But which set of movements are for this one?"

(Y/N): "Well, in mine, most games have the same complex move as a cheat code. I like to use it to piss people off when I beat their high scores with ease"

(Y/N) proceeds to to jump, crouch, punch, turn left, turn right, jump and punch forward, crouch, kick forward, jump up and slam down, and finally, he does a taunt. That's when all of the walls in the maze disappeared.

Batman: "It... worked?"

Gandalf: "And there's that thieving fiend!"

They look where Gandalf is pointing, and he indeed was there.

Wyldstyle: "Get him!"

They run after him, but he jumps into a blue rift, the heroes fallow, and find themselves in another maze... or at least it would be, if there were any walls...

(Y/N): "Huh, it sticks through all of the levels!"

Batman: "I'm pretty sure it only worked because of your powers..."

(Y/N): "I can live with that"

Wyldstyle: "The thief!"

They corner him, when a blue rift opens up, sucking them all in.

They fall in the middle of...

Wyldstyle: "A race track?"

They barely dodge two cars, one having the theif on it, as they ride past them.

Gandalf: "Goodness! They're even faster than Wargs!"

Batman: "Move!"

They dodge out of the way as the thief tries to run them over.

Announcer: "Players must beat record lap time to win Gold Token"

(Y/N): "Oh, I got this! I almost won the Ninjaball Run"

Wyldstyle: "...Ninjaball Run...? Is your world just obsessed with ninjas?"

(Y/N): "It's literally named Ninjago, take a guess. Anyways, The Ninjaball Run is an annual race where there are no rules"

Batman: "And you... almost won?"

(Y/N): "Oh, a flying ship, that was stolen from us by my brother's dad mind you, shot my car and totalled it"

They look at him like he's crazy.

Gandalf: "So... your dad?"

(Y/N): "No, my friend's dad, whom I consider a brother, keep up"

Batman: "Does that mean that you can win?"

(Y/N) summons a car.

(Y/N): "Here's some com-sets. That way, we can talk to eachother while I'm racing"

Wyldstyle: (putting on an earpiece as the other do too) "Alright, good luck"

The other three go into the pit crew stations to watch the race.

(Y/N): "Trainings over, it's time for the REAL race to begin"

(Y/N) hops into his car and lines up at the start. The Thief's car also lines up at the starting line.

Announcer: "There will be only one race! Winner takes all!"

Cheering can be heard from the non-existent audience.

(Y/N): "Speed. I am speed"

Thief: "Hehehehe! You can't catch me!"

(Y/N): "Is that your only line?"

Thief: "..."

(Y/N): "I thought so"

All of a sudden, several other racers spawned in front of them.

(Y/N): "Oh, this is gonna be an actual race, huh?"

The starting light flashed red, then yellow, yellow, and finally green, sending all of the cars racing down the motorway. The Theif suddenly teleports near the front of the cars.

(Y/N): "That cheating little..."

(Y/N) then overtakes six cars. He then gets blocked by two cars and decides to ride his right wheels on the wall to overtake the two cars. As he passes the cars, the audience starts cheering.

Batman: (On the com-set) "You've got a lot of space you have to make up..."

(Y/N): (As he passes another car) "Don't worry, I got this"

The Thief purposely hits a racer off the track, who screams and slides away, that's when a blue car overtakes the thief, as he drives away he revs his engine.

Gandalf: (coms) "Who just passed the thief?"

Wyldstyle: (also coms) "Well, this is a racing game. That must be the boss, the Champ!"

(Y/N): "Well, I don't know how, but I've managed to somewhat catch up. I'm gonna try to pass The Thief and slip into The Champ's slipstream"

Batman: "Good call"

The Thief is tries to overtake The Champ, who was blocking his way. (Y/N) then catches up to The Thief as they try to get ahead of one another.

Theif: "No, you don't" ((Y/N) then moves to the left and finally overtakes him)

(Y/N): "Nice try theif, but this one's mine"

The Thief then gains on (Y/N). He then bumps (Y/N), causing him to slide off the track onto the infield. The crowd is heard booing to what had happened.

Thief: "Hehehehe!"

(Y/N): "Ow... Dang theif"

Wyldstyle: (Coms) "Are you ok!?"

(Y/N): "A little banged up, but I'm still on this"

(Y/N) then drives back on the track, behind all of the other racers. The Theif then looks back to see (Y/N) far behind him.

Theif: "Hehehehe! You can't catch me!"

The Theif bumps into another car, who proceeds to slide into the wall, and collide with all of the other racers.

Theif: "Hehehehe! Get through that, Ninja!"

Announcer: "Oh, a huge crash behind the leaders!"

(Y/N): "Really!?"

It is then shown that all of the different racers collide, with one flying through the air, and one losing its tire. Two different racers then stop, facing towards each other. One giggles, and then grunts as he gets hit by another racer. The other one gasps as another racer comes towards him, they hit eachother, ending upside down on one of their roofs, They scream.

(Y/N): "This is madness!"

It is shown that (Y/N is driving through the wreckage and dodging the other racers.

Wyldstyle: "There's no way he can make it through! Not in one piece that is..."

(Y/N) continues dodging the other racers who are sliding across the track. Then he uses one of the flipped racer's undercarriage as a ramp.

(Y/N): "I need a genuine war cry!!" (Leave possible war cries here, because screaming "imagination" is just silly)

(Y/N) then lands back on the ground

Gandalf: "Look at that, (Y/N) made it through!"

Announcer: "Man, a spectacular move by [Insert player name here]!"

Theif: (Noticing the (Y/N) made it through) "What!?

The Theif ends up so distracted, that he spins both himself and The Champ out, allowing (Y/N) to pass them.

Wyldstyle: "He's in first place!"

The crowd cheers as the race restarts with (Y/N) progressing through in first place. Meanwhile, The Theif is struggling to get past the other racers.

(Y/N): "Excuse me!"

(Y/N) passes another racer, who was in last. He continues progressing through the race in the lead, after overtaking a racer, then The Champ overtakes a white car.

Batman: "The Theif and The Champ seem to be a decent way behind you"

Wyldstyle: "Then If nothing goes wrong, (Y/N) has this in the bag"

The scene continues progressing through the race, with (Y/N) having a huge lead and starting the last lap.

(Y/N): "Checkered flag, here I come!"

Suddenly, he drives over a banana peel and spins into the wall.

(Y/N): "OW! Who put THAT there!?"

Thief: "Hehehehe!"

The Champ and The Theif pass (Y/N) in that order.

(Y/N): "Oh no you don't"

(Y/N) puts his hand on the dash of his car, using his Elemental Powers to modify it. He then quickly drives back onto the track, gaining on the two rapidly.

Wyldstyle: "It's over..."

(Y/N): "It's not over until it's over!"

He continues driving as The Theif and The Champ ram into eachother, fighting over first place. (Y/N) makes it directly behind them, but can't fit his car though the small gap.

(Y/N): "Come on! Y'know what? Screw this! Feel the cheaty power that is my imagination"

He suddenly warps his car into the second dimension, making it as flat as paper. Being as flat as paper, he easily drives through the two cars.

He makes his car back to normal once he's in front of them and quickly presses a button, releasing the nitrox. (Y/N) then turns the corner, and crosses the finish line in first place.

Wyldstyle: "Woo! Nice driving!"

(Y/N): "Those other cars didn't stand a chance"

Gandalf: "Shall we claim our prize?"

They walk up to the coin, and Wyldstyle notices something.

Wyldstyle: "Why isn't the thief's car here?"

Batman: "Sore loser"

Wyldstyle: "Look, there!"

She points to The Thief, who is driving towards them.

Gandalf: "What is he doing?"

Batman throws Gandalf out of the way as The Theif uses another car as a ramp, spins in the air, steals the coin, and laughs as he flies into another portal. Batman tries to shoot his grapple at him, but he misses.

Batman: "Oh, come on!" (He throws the grapple gun down, hitting Gandalf in the face)

(Y/N): "After him, again!"

They jump into the rift and land in a new world.

Wyldstyle: "There he is!"

Thief: "Hehehehe! You can't catch me!"

He jumps into a rainbow rift and disappears.

Wyldstyle: "Oh!"

Gandalf: "So... What now?"

They are suddenly surrounded by several red robots.

Batman: (Holding his fist up) "This"

(Y/N): "Good idea, I think I've had enough fun playing games for one day" (he swings is katana around)

Wyldstyle: "Get ready! It's Fisticuffs Friday!"

Batman: "I have a better idea"

Batman pulls out a Baterang and throws it, hitting all of the enemies and defeating the first round.

Gandalf: "That Theif cannot hide well in here"

(Y/N): "Then we just take out the different waves of enemies, and he should be forced out of his hiding spot"

A weird sound is heard and a few familiar enemies spawn.

Cyberman: "Cyberman active"

Batman: "If this is a game... It seems something is going wrong"

Wyldstyle: "I'd say! All of the enemies just turned into Cybermen, Orcs, and Nindroids!"

(Y/N): "It should be just the same idea though... Meaning, Ninja, Go!" (He does Spinjitzu and takes out the wave of enemies)

A new wave spawns, which contains Evil Witch's guards, Orcs, and Lex-Bots.

Gandalf: "I'd say that our enemy seems to be getting a bit... desperate"

Batman: "Which is good for us" (He throws a Baterang and knocks several of them out) "It means he's going to get sloppy with his work"

Wyldstyle: (Who punches the last bad guy, knocking him out) "Or it could mean he'll get more dangerous"

Batman: "...Or that"

The next wave of enemies spawn, and The Thief can be seen also.

(Y/N): "Just go for The Theif, we don't need to win, we just need that coin!"

They dodge all of the enemies and corner The Theif. (Y/N) kicks him in the head, knocking him out, and the entire level resets. Batman spots the coin on the ground, looks around to make sure that no one else will try to take it, and picks it up. He quickly pulls out a Baterang and looks around, ready to attack anything, but the only thing seen is a random tumbleweed. (Y/N) then activates the Locate Keystone and opens a rift so they could leave.

Batman: "Alright, Let's get out of this digital nightmare"

Gandalf: "I must admit. I quite liked that one with all the magical monsters. It reminds me of home"

After they hop through the portal, a blue rift opens up and sucks The Theif into it. Back on Foundation Prime however, Lord Vortech punches The Theif with his giant hand, before turning to normal size.

Lord Vortech: "How do they keep finding my Foundation Elements? Every time I send you fools to retrieve one, they're right behind you!"

All of the villains look up at him, scared.

Lord Vortech: "I have to find out how they've been doing it. Find out where they're hiding..."

He then looks at a certain Foundation Element spot, that is currently empty.

Lord Vortech: "And I think I know exactly how to do so..."

Back with the heroes, they arrive on Planet Vorton.

X-PO: "Nice job, everybody. Congratulations. And just think: years ago, that adventure would have cost you one whole quarter"

(Y/N): "That's awfully cheap..."

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