Chapter One

The bombs were like stars exploding in his ears.

When Micah's eyes flew open with the explosions, he could already hear nothing but the ringing that the bombs had left. He didn't hear the door burst open but he saw the soldiers rush in. There were only a couple of them, three that had been on patrol in the hallway outside his chambers.

They barely made it over the threshold towards him before all three fell to the ground, swords being pulled from their hearts. Micah stood only in his nightclothes, dark hair dishevelled and his sword far out of reach, and yet he didn't back down as enemy soldiers marched into his chambers, their sky blue uniforms glittering in the moonlight.

That was how he knew. His father's court wore rich purples lined with silver, colours that had never been striking on Micah, making him look shadowy as they blended against his coca coloured skin. So they were the soldiers from the north, striking the rumours true as they invaded their southern neighbour.

"You bastards," Micah swore as the three of them drew closer, swords out in front of them, ready to skewer through the Prince's middle.

"Oh the sum of money I shall win tonight when I tell my tavern that I was the one to behead the good heir of Creatia." One of them smiled, baring his teeth before he ran forward.

Micah dived out of the way, his training coming as a reflex. But with this, he missed seeing the ruby-hilted dagger that flew across the room and buried itself in the soldier's back. Micah was on his feet again to see the soldier scream.

Cataleyah Charamain stood on the threshold, sword drawn beside her white nightdress and her arm still raised in the follow-through of the throw. She wasted no time in glancing at Micah on the floor and then at the dagger in the dying soldier's back, before holding her sword up to greet the other two soldiers as they rushed her.

Micah leapt over to the fallen enemy and yanked the dagger out of his back, rolling the soldier over and slitting his throat in one clean action.

The soldier hiccupped and gurgled as he drowned in his own blood, but Micah didn't wait around to see him take his dying breath. He charged towards the men that were clashing swords with Cataleyah.

The two were cut down from behind and then skewered from the front as Micah and Leyah finished them off together.

"Are you alright?" Cataleyah asked, her sword going limp as she stepped up to him, hand on his face so that she could examine him for wounds.

"I'm fine. But we need to leave." Micah's hand fluttered over her fingers on his cheek.

"We have to defend the castle," She countered, "Your parents—,"

"Leyah, where do you think that blast came from?"

Her face paled, "But they might—,"

"They came for me and I am second priority. Only to the King and Queen. Don't be foolish, Leyah."

She shook away her gaze and her knuckles went white around her sword, "Fine. Then let's get out of here before we are killed as well."

Not a moment after they stepped out into the hall, Leyah armed with her sword, and Micah with her ruby dagger, a cluster of blue-clad soldiers appeared.

"Run!" Micah screamed as the soldiers saw them and gave chase.

Micah and Leyah had both been thoroughly trained and were excellent fighters. As a part of this, they were also quick. Together, they hurtled down the corridor, taking a left, then a right, and then a left again. But however long they may have lasted, the intruding soldiers were in abundance and Micah was well aware that they would likely be caught before they could hit the secret exit from the kitchens. His parent's faces were flashing in his brain to the rhythm of the screams flooding the castle. But there was nothing he could do for them now. They had either been smuggled out of the castle, or been killed in the explosion. Either way, they weren't coming back for him now.

So his focus was on keeping Leyah alive.

They ran down another hall, still pursued by the cluster of enemy soldiers, and barrelled through a door only to skid to a sudden stop. They were out on the balcony of the entrance hall and could barely hear themselves breathing over the sounds of battle. Palace guards were fighting valiantly against the intruders, and now, Micah and Leyah were in the centre of it, not being able to turn back.

"Over there!" Leyah gripped his shoulder and pivoted him towards one of the stain glass windows, "It's close enough to the ground if we can get through it!"

But in order to reach the window, they would have to sneak through the fight. Leyah raised her sword and stepped in front of Micah, ready to take on any threat posed to him. Micah in turn clutched the dagger, watching her back. But nothing of this sort would last long. Soon enough, both of them were engaged in battle, fighting anyone who stood in their way of the far window. Every time Micah cut a man down, he would look for Leyah before moving forward, making sure she wasn't in trouble.

The hilt of a sword hit him in the temple and suddenly Micah was on the ground, his head spinning, but his reaction time was not slow enough for the man to strike again. Micah's legs whipped around, taking the enemy's feet out from under him, gifting Micah the seconds to get back onto his. He wielded the dagger high and slashed it, missing the soldier's subclavian artery by inches. The soldier struck with his sword but Micah first slowed it with his dagger and then slid his blade around, slicing at the soldier's finger. He cried out and released his hold on the sword, which fell into Micah's waiting palm, only to be whipped back around and plunged into the soldier's chest. Micah forced his weight on the blade and felt the crunch of ribs and then spine beneath him. The soldier went instantly slack.

A spell of dizziness hit him caused by the knock to his temple and suddenly Micah was aware of the blood dribbling down the side of his face. He knew that without the adrenaline pumping through his veins his vision would likely be growing black spots.

In a moment of vulnerability, Micah was grabbed from behind.

"No!" Micah slipped from the person's grip.

"Mic, stop, it's me, it's Julius!" A voice was in his ears and Micah wriggled enough to see his brother's shadowed face above him, "Listen Mic, I'm going to get you out of here but you need to help me, come on!"

"But Leyah," Micah protested as Julius allowed him to stand on his own.

"She's not important," Julius told him, pulling him back through the battle.

A couple of the remaining palace guards were allowing a safe passage for them through the battle, fighting off enemy soldiers on either side. Micah was reluctant to leave but if he stopped then he would likely be jumped or hurt. Then there was a noise above the battle that forced him to do so.

"MICAH?" Leyah yelled. Every ounce of effort Micah could muster was put into his reply.

"LEY—!" But he was cut short as Julius's hand smothered the rest of it.

More of Leyah's screams followed him, her calling for him, fear taking over her voice. She must think he was silenced by an enemy, or a blade. She would be going mental. But Julius tugged on him tighter, pulling him away to safety and away from Cataleyah.


Hey guys!

So what do you think of this new story? I'm kinda attached now. 

However, school is a thing and so it's likely that KC won't be updated as quickly as my last story :( but I'll try my best.

Remember to vote and comment, 'coz every time that happens my ego is fuelled a little more and I'm gonna go ahead and say that's a good thing...

Hope you are having a great day!

Much love,

