Properly Meeting


By now, Xavier and his team had gone on their boat and now I'm worried. Finally, we spot Wednesday and Admiral coming towards us with the flag. We started to row the boat, passing Xavier as I gave an apology look and mouthed, sorry, then continued rowing.

As we were rowing, our boat started to tilt. Suddenly, Wednesday had told a bodyless hand, which I got the name of, Thing, went underwater and solved to problem. I turned to look at what the problem was and saw Kent pop out of the water. No wonder why Bianca wins every year. She has one of the sirens help her. I'm gonna have to apologies for the black eye later (Y/n and Kent are friends, just forgot to mention that srry). 

We had passed Bianca and her team as she stared at us in disbelief. We had gotten to shore, Wednesday and Enid running with the flag as I was behind them along with the other teammate. And we were declared as the winners, Enid jumping with joy as Wednesday had a little victory smirk.

I started to walk away and change out of the outfit until Wednesday, and I made eye contact just like on her first day here. We didn't look away for what felt like hours, but in reality, it was only 20 seconds. I had snapped out of the trance and went to go find Kent to take him to the infirmary for his eye.


It was time that our team was given the Poe Cup. Enid was basically standing next to Principal Weems trying to keep herself from jumping up and down in excitement. 'I wish I wasn't standing on this stage right now.' I thought as I was trying not to make eye contact with everyone. I turned my head towards Wednesday and noticed that she looked uncomfortable with all the stares. 'She looks like she wants to die.... I dont blame her....' I looked towards Admiral as I was basically feeling him giving me a deadpan. 'What??' 'Are you seriously going to ask her to leave with you?' 'yea.. so????' '..........nevermind....' I just ignored him after that.

I looked towards Wednesday before pulling her sleeve lightly. Which luckily got her attention, I tilt my head towards the back telling her to follow me as I slowly start to walk in the shadows. She quickly follows me to escape the eyes of the many students. 

We finally were able to get out of the celebration or whatever it was called, we started to walk in the empty halls past the Edgar Allen Poe statue. We both sat under it in comfortable silence. "Y/n, right?" Wednesday suddenly spoke, I looked at her shock she knew my name but responded anyway. "Yes, Wednesday correct?" I had replied. "You are correct." Was all she spoke, as we sat in silence again..

"What do you know about the mysteries of this statue.." I was surprised she had asked that, I guess she's smarter than I thought. "Well I know there's a riddle that opens a passage but I never have the time to figure it out...... I mean until know, maybe." Was all I said as I noticed Wednesday was looking at me very intensely. "Take me to where it is." She had basically commanded, but I still lead her there anyway.

She had solved the riddle to the passage, which all we had to do was snap twice, in my opinion, kinda clever. The next thing we know is we have bags on our heads now being tied up to a chair. I had smelled a familiar scent of paint and realized it was Xavier. 

The bags were tooken off of our head as one of the people surrounding us had spoken. "Who dares enter our inner sanctum."(is that what she said?? I don't remember) I knew who it was. "You can take the mask off Bianca." Wednesday had said. Bianca took of her mask along with everyone following, and I noticed Ajax was there. I was surprised since he doesn't seem like the type of guy to be in a hidden group? cult?.. Whatever this is.

"Wait I preferred you with it on." Wednesday basically insulted Bianca. I had almost laughed but held it in.


(After that whole meeting thing since I am way too lazy to write the whole thing :-:)

Wednesday POV

I had finally left the passage with Y/n after not accepting their offer. If you look closely at Y/n, she was actually very pretty 'What am I thinking...... She is pretty even with her h/l h/c framing her face.. No Wednesday you have a goal, find out the reason of how I save Nevermore and the monster, not love.......' I had decided to stop fighting myself in my head and decided to talk to this Y/n while I'm at it. "What's his name.." I asked about the Mourning Cloak, still unknown of his name. "His name is Admiral, since ever since I was a kid I admired my father for his love of butterflies." She told me with a soft voice. She seemed to have passion for butterflies because of her father. 

"How long have you had him for?" She seemed to hesitate for an answer but eventually responded. "For almost 4 years.... And I know your gonna say that I'm lying but I'm not. He is just special like that, I don't know why he is still alive since Butterflies live up to 40 days or more but he just is , Ok...." She had said with a quiet voice but also a stern voice. I was slightly shocked about her tone she used, but also impressed on how protective she is about Admiral. The said butterfly had landed on her hand and she started to lightly pet his wing. "I'm sorry, you could say I'm protective over him. I mean he is my only other friend besides Enid, Xavier, and Eugene. I'm talking to much, I'm sorry." She had slightly ranted but to be honest, I didn't mind her rants. Her voice is nice, smooth, quiet, and gentle. 

And now I'm at my dorm room as I stand next to Y/n. "It was nice walking with you Y/n." I had confessed as I stick out my hand to her. "I wish to do this again with you." I told her as she takes my hand, her hand was soft and warm, it was nice. She had nodded her head in agreement and went on her way to her dorm as I entered mine and got ready for bed. I couldn't help but think about Y/n..... What is she doing to me..... Cause I like it...


FINALLY DID A CHAPTERRRRRR!!!!! I hope yall had a wonderful Christmas or day (For all those non Christmas celebraters), I had watched Avatar the way of water and Im OBBSESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!! And there aren't enough books to read so should I start a Avatar 2 various x Gn! Reader???? Would you guys read it??? Besides that HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT/EVENING AND HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
