Family Meeting

SOOOOOOOOOOO Beforeee I start this Chapterrr....... I wanted to just put a little information of Y/n. Which I should have done in the beginning but since I was stupid I didn't.... so here is some information.

Y/n had a really good relationship with her dad, F/n (Fathers name). Her mother, M/n, (Mothers name) was jealous of how close they were since she wanted the same connection a mother and daughter would have, so she tried to connect to her daughter, but whatever she did, nothing worked. Y/ns and F/ns relationship was really strong. M/n still tried, but what she did this time..................... She messed up big time....


Done done dooooonnneeeee

Me: beep beep pee- Means flashback

Me: Deez nuts -This means thoughts

L/n: Last name



Little Y/ns POV

I was with daddy in the shed looking at some new caterpillars we both found this week.

F/n: Are you taking notes little monarch?

Y/n: Yep daddy. 

I replied as I took notes. I had noticed my pen was running out of ink.

Y/n: Daddy, I'm going to grab another pen.

F/n: Alright.

I walked out of the shed and into the house going towards my room until I saw my mama in the living room with a random man. 

Y/n: Mama?

Mama suddenly turned towards me with excitement and hugged me. I didnt know why mama suddenly hugged me but I hugged back anyway since I like hugs. |=$9et1A//\| 4om L| e|\. (She if you can read this. Hehe He). I then turned my attention to the man on our couch holding something.

Y/n: Mama who's he?? 

M/n: Oh. Don't worry about him honey, why don't you go do what you go play in your room for awhile.

Mama told me as she put me down and shood me out of the living room into the hallway. I didnt say anything about it so I walked into my room and grabbed a pen, making sure it is workable before leaving my room. (Who else makes sure their pen works before using it?? Just me???)

I heard yelling from the living room as I stalked over hiding against the wall. I saw the man and mama infront of daddy as the man held a weapon!??! I wanted to interfere but I was just a 8 year old. The next thing I know, I heard a bang and daddy's on the floor.

Y/n: Wha....

M/n: *Gasp* Y/n u-uh you're not supposed to see this.

I didn't say anything as I ran all the way to my neighbor's house. (Eugenes parents.) I had told them everything that I had just witnessed. And my mama... was arrested..... And now she is released..... But all I see is a murderer of my best friend and father.........



Today is going to be the worst day of my life........ Its parents day..... Which means M/n, my mother, will be coming since my aunts were staying with Eugene.... You know suicide doesnt seem so bad rn.....

Y/n: I cant do this. I mean what if she hasnt changed or she became crazy, or what if she..... IDK what do I do Admiral?

Admiral: How about trying to talk to her about it??

Y/n: But how when I havent talked to her in years and basically witness her making someone kill my dad. AAARRRGGHHGGH!!!!????!?!?!?!?!?

*knock knock*

Ajax: Y/n we are going to the quad now. You coming??

Y/n: Uh- Yea I'll be out in a minute. *sigh* Lets go Admiral.


I was standing outside as everyone was waiting for their parents. I was talking to Kent and his sister (I forgot her name, please let me know in the comments). But then their parents came so now Im just standing here being nervous....... 

I then saw Wednesday standing by herself. Even though I was still mad at her, I decided to stop being petty and talk to her.

Wednesdays POV

I was waiting for my parents + Pugsley to arrive until I noticed someone standing next to me. It was Y/n, After a while of her not talking to me, I had realized I had a crush on her. I will be honest, I don't hate it, I sort of enjoy it...

Y/n: Sooo, You ready to see your parents again??

Wednesday: I am horrifically thrilled. You?

Y/n:.................................Bad. Very. Bad.............

Wednesday: In a good bad??

Y/n: Horrible...

Finally my parents car had arrived as Lurch opened the door for them.

Wednesday: Hello mother, father.

Gomez: Hello little viper.

Morticia: Oh, and who is this??

They both turned their attention to Y/n as Pugsley started to play with Admiral. I was about to introduce her but she had already spoke.

Y/n: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Addams, I am Y/n... Wednesdays companion. And that little Mourning cloak.

She gestured to Admiral. 

Y/n: Is Admiral.

My parents seem to approve of her manners. Suddenly a police car had pulled up making everyone look at it.

Y/n: Fuck.....

Y/n had cursed as she slowly walked towards the car with Principle Weems. A women walked out of the car as she looked at Y/n, with her looking back. Admiral landing on Y/ns shoulder menacingly. 

P. Weems: Welcome Miss L/n to Nevermore.

???: Thank you Miss Weems..

Y/n: Hello M/n.....

The women now known as M/n had looked at Y/n with a slight hurt look but replied.

M/n: Hello sweety.

I realized...... She was her mother.....


DUN DUN DUUUUUNNN WE MEET THE MOTHERRRRR now the reason why I chose the dad to have a close relationship is because  most of the time, the dad is either abusive or something and irl I have a close relationship with my dad soooooo...... yea........

Hope you enjoyed tho BYEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
