
The smell of burned toast and bacon woke me up. The anxiety that i tried to press last night creep up from my chest spreading through my body. The coldness of the morning numb my fingers. My heart beat faster and faster as the clock on my bedside table ticked. I'm waiting for my alarm to go off. But I can't wait any longer. I grabbed my bottle of water from my night stand and drank it to relieve the dryness of my throat. It's my first day at work. My dream that i've been chasing for the longest time. When i was 11 my school have this thing where every class has to perform a play. And my classes decided to perform something where everybody got one line and i got two lines because my teacher forgot to give me one. I thought i was so good that i decided that acting is my calling, when I know now that my skill of acting is probably the same with my friends. What i needed to do to complete my life.

I braced my self to get out from my warm blanket to the coldness of winter in new york and put on my fluffy pink slipper and my sleeping gown and walk to the kitchen to grab breakfast that i desperately been smelling from my room with my stomach rumbling longing for food.

I could see my mom putting my breakfast together. The best thing about staying with my mom is that she cook for me. My mom said her good morning to me and put my breakfast on the kitchen island. "are you excited?" asked my mom with a big smile. "a bit. I mean yeah. I'm excited" I answered as I put a mouthful of food resulting in food coming out of my mouth.

"have you met the other? The one that you act with I mean." "no." I answered, too fast and too sharp. "I mean he's very busy, he's really big you know." I said. My mom nodded and smile.

My mom and my dad had been divorced for ages. My dad live in LA, I see him quite a lot. I'm always closer to my dad, but custody says differently, I have to stay with my mom until I'm 18. People always said that I look like my mom, tall with a really bright eyes and a brunette.

I ate silently. The food that my mom made for me taste amazing. I can't help to look at the wall and check the time. It's 4.55, my call time was at 6. So I finished my food and walked to my room to get ready. I looked myself in the mirror. I'm ready. I was born to this thing. I grabbed my keys, bag and I'm ready to go.

The set was five minutes walk away. I got there early, but pretty much everyone's there. Except for my partner I guess. Mike, the producer greeted my and walked me to my trailer. "I got my own trailer?" I asked him. "yep, you're the star now! Start living like one!" he smiled and opened my trailer door. "now, your hair and makeup team will come here in a couple of minutes. You'll meet your co-star later. I'll drag him here if I have too. Okay?" as he push me in to the trailer.

I settled in, put my things around. And walked around to see the trailer. This felt surreal. All of my hard work that I've put in to my acting world finally come to place. When I first heard there will be an audition for my favorite book "The art of love", I screamed in the middle of a class. I auditioned for it the next month and got the part and I couldn't be happier.

There's a soft knock on the trailer door. "is everybody decent in there?" a soft man voice was heard. "yeah" I said as I open the trailer door. A tall man with big green eyes and brown hair stare from the other side of the door. He smiled and walked in to my trailer. "I'm Keegan. You can call me anything really." "Niomi, you can call me anything too. I guess." He give me a big grin and sat on the couch.

We talked, about pretty much anything. Aliens, his so amazing life, and the fact that this is my first project and how he's going to help me out with it. We also run some lines together. "so, you live here?" he asked. "used to, I move to LA three years ago. For this."

"I moved to LA too. I'm from west Virginia. Come from a little town with a big dream really"

"you did pretty well"

Two girls burst in to my trailer. One of the girls is small with chopped blonde hair just above the shoulder that reminded me of my best friend, Lily. I become friends with Lily when I moved LA. Her apartment was next door. I ran into her when she slipped from her five inches stilettos. I found it funny, so I laugh. She did too. Ever since then we become friends.

I could see the girls brought in box and bags of makeup and hair tool. Keegan stood up from the couch and hug the girls. "Well I guess I'll see you later then. You'll do great." Keegan said as he left the trailer. "nice meeting you, Nims" he said with a wink. "nice to meet you too, Keegs"
