
It was a hectic month for Min Yoongi , he had been through numerous shoots this week , the idea of being a rock in next life seemed so endearing to him.

With the rising popularity of Bangtan , their schedules as artists became more tight leaving no to little space for themselves. The members of the band always fell into deep slumbers in the car  whenever they used to travel from one location to another.

Today was a new day , they all hoped that their work burden would lessen. After hours of practicing for their new come back they had been called in the manager's office , apparently for a surprise.

"Yoongi Hyung , what do you think the surprise would be?" Jimin asked.

" I just wish that we will be given a off today. Honestly I love my job as an idol but the world and right now  our managers also have seem to forget we are not machines but actual living humans" Yoongi snickered.

"I agree with Suga , man its been tiring as hell. I feel like a laboratory mouse right now except the fact they are used for experiments and we well for hundreds of interviews" Hobi whined.

" C'mon guys you can't think like that! Try to see the positive aspect , this means people are liking us more and accepting us in their hearts" Jin motivated them.

"You all are right at your places but I agree we need some rest for us as well , our bodies can really use some proper amount of sleep" the maknaes said at once.

"Alright Alright Calm down lets just go and get find out about this so called surprise" their leader said.

" What a beautiful surprise!" Jungkook exclaimed , they now stood in a building where they have been arranged to do a surprise fan meet.

The tickets were sold off in two minutes  , Bangtan was actually thankful and thrilled for this event. Since it was a surprise all their shoots have been cancelled for the day and after this meet they had been given a  off from the work. To say they were happy was an understatement.

The fan meet has started thirty mintues ago , all the army were over joyed at the fact that they were able to see their idols live. However everyone was elated Min Yoongi felt something peculiar in his environment.

The 23 year old was at unease , his stomach was sinking and his chest felt heavy. Even though he should have been happy with good news of a day off , he couldn't smile. He was in his thoughts when a voice broke his panorama of thoughts.

"Hyung , there is a fan in front of you , attend him first before getting lost again" Jungkook shook him.

There stood a boy , he looked 15 but his countenance clasped more mature emotions than his age. Yoongi couldn't decipher but the boy looked in pain yet a soft but weak smile was etched on his face.

"Hi , what is your name?" Yoongi asked the boy.

"Hi Sunbaenim , I just wanted to give you this." He handed a thin small white dairy to him , titled as "notes for suga" .

"I know sunbaenim that you have very tight schedules and its next to impossible for you to read all the fan mails you get but can you please keep it next to you. So you can try to read it if you ever get time" the boy weakly smiled at the elder.

Generally , the diary would have been passed on to the staff by now but this time Yoongi couldn't bring himself to give it away to them. The younger boy's words were simple but they held sincerity that made it super difficult for the idol and also the fact that those little white letters somehow soothed his heart didn't help his dilemma either.   

The fan meet was a success. All the people gathered there had returned to their respective abodes. It was currently 10.00 pm and all the members in the dorm have been fallen into one of the best sleeps of their life but the ever sleepy feline eyes couldn't droop down yet.

"Why can't I drowse like usual today?" Yoongi asked himself.

He was in his dimly moon lit room , staring at the ceiling when he turned around and his gaze fell upon the dairy he recieved earlier at the event , by that boy.

"I should read this , I have got nothing better to do anyways maybe I might fell asleep in the middle of it" He mumbled while opening his little side lamp.

The older didn't fell asleep during the little note reading. In the amidst of it a soft grateful smile grew on his face , when he approached the ending he prayed for the one who wrote and left him the epistle of love.

The moment where a soul drifted off to a peaceful slumber, the lost soul at last found its final destination , its safe haven.



/n: Hope you guys liked it! It was a short story that is similar to something that occured in my life. Hope you guys are taking care of yourselves and if you need somebody to talk with , my dm's are always open. Love you guys.
