A Red Rose Is All You Need (Izuku X Ruby Rose) [BNHA X RWBY]

Note: This is gonna be an "Isekai" oneshot. And there'll be spoilers for One For All and Izuku's look.

"Ruby!!" Yang Xiao Long shouted in worry. They're just finishing the exams, and just had defeated the Nevermore with the help of other examinees. But just as they finished the Nevermore off, one strange creature suddenly appeared and abducted Ruby.

The creature was quite ugly. It has a beak, human body, and its brain is exposed, much to the disgust of everyone present at the moment.

"What is even that thing??" Weiss Schnee asked in disgust. She has never seen a Grimm this ugly.

"I don't know, but we have to beat that thing and get out of here!!" Blake Belladonna said, as she prepared to attack the weird monster.

Jaune Arc, another examinee, was shaking in fear. He didn't signed up for this, but he had no choice but to confront the being.

Nora Valkyrie meanwhile, was excited, as she never saw a Grimm like this.

"REN!!! LOOK AT THAT GRIMM!! I WANT TO SMASH THAT THING TO PIECES!!" She shouted with joy, as she wanted to fight the weird "Grimm".

Ren Lie just sighed, as he knew his dear friend will be excited to beat this "Grimm".

"Don't go overboard, Nora. We have to save Ruby first." He said, as he prepared himself to face the "Grimm".

Pyrrha Nikos on the other hand, was calming Jaune down as the boy was shivering in fear.

"Don't worry Jaune, we can beat this one. You just have to believe in yourself." Pyrrha said with encouragement. She doesn't know what to do, as the creature in front of her is something she hasn't seen in her life.

"That's it!! I-"


Before Yang could continue, someone descent from the skies and landed to where the "Grimm" and Ruby located.

When the dust settled, the teens saw a man with a worn out clothes carrying Ruby like a princess. He was wearing a mask, so they can't tell if it's a human or other races. But his clothes were all tattered like he just went to war. If you ask them, the man is far more scarier than the "Grimm".

Even if he means no harm, all of them were in a fighting stance, as they are wary of him. They don't want to let their guard down just because the man saved Ruby. But before they can start to charge at the mysterious man, he spoke.

"Stop!! I mean no harm!!! I'm just here to stop this nomu from doing anything bad to this beautiful lady!!"

Ruby blushes when the man called her beautiful, but she then looked below just to see the "Grimm" defeated.

The group of teens soon saw the state of the "Grimm", and were happy to see it on the ground, defeated. But soon, their happiness was swept away from the fact that the mysterious man was still holding Ruby.

"Hey, you better let go of my sister, or else..." Yang then cracked her knuckles, as she's willing to throw hands at the man.

But the man wasn't fazed. He doesn't want to let Ruby go.

"I won't let her go nor take her away from you. I just want to make sure that she is safe." He said with a reassuring tone. Yang was wary, but she noticed that the man was carrying Ruby with gentleness. So, she decided to trust him.

"Okay, do your thing. Even if you looked like shit, I trust you." Yang said, then looked at the other examinees. "Let's go guys and go back to Professor Goodwich."

The rest nodded, as they saw Yang trust the man. But, they're still on alert if ever the man did anything bad to Ruby.

The man was relieved that they trusted him. So, he released a black tendril to grabbed the "Grimm", and followed the group. The group of teens were quite surprised to see the black tendril. But, shrugged it off as the man's semblance.

As they were walking, the man examines Ruby to see if she suffered any injury.

"Are you okay? Did you sustain any injuries?" The mysterious man asked. Ruby couldn't help but to smile, as she could tell that the man is kind.

"Thank you for worrying, but I'm okay. You saved me back there, so thank you for that." Ruby replied, which lead for the man to sigh in relief.

"Thank god. I don't know what I'll do if you were hurt." The man then looked at the rest of the group for a second before turning his gaze back to Ruby. "May I ask a question?"

Ruby was quite surprised by this, but she happily replied to him. "Sure, ask away!!"

"Are you perhaps in a middle of an exam? I see you guys have weapons. So, I'm assuming you're in a practical test. Am I correct?" The man asked, which Ruby replied with a nod.

Yang heard this, so she decided to chime in. "You are right mister!! You just stole a Grimm from us!!"

"I don't think there's a Grimm that looks like that." Ren said, then pointed at the "Grimm" that the mysterious man was carrying.

Jaune was too scared to respond, but Nora was the total opposite.

"Hey, is that really a Grimm? Are you strong mister?? Can we have a fight?? I want to see-" Before Nora can start to ramble, Ren covered her mouth.

"Sorry for Nora. She's quite the character." Ren said as he tries to contain Nora.

The mysterious man just let out a chuckle. "Don't worry. I'm quite used to someone as hyper as her. In fact, I actually appreciated her energy."

Weiss was quite intrigued by the mysterious man's reply. But she doesn't want to engage with a stranger. She is still wary of him.

As for Blake, she wanted to ask him a question. But before she can, the mysterious man spoke.

"Can you send me to your teacher or someone who has a high position in your institution? I want to have a chat with them concerning with this big fella with me right now, as this isn't a Grimm."

The students were shocked to hear that from the mysterious man. They now understand why it looks so weird, as it wasn't a Grimm after all. But now begs the question, what is this monster? Why does the mysterious man knows the beast? Is he really an evil person?

All of those questions are something the students wants to hear the answer.


After a few minutes, they all arrived at place where their professors are, alongside the examinees. They were staring at the mysterious man and the big thing he's carrying with his black tendrils. No one wanted to approached the man, as he was scary.

It stayed that way until two adults showed up.

"Hello, my name is Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. And this lovely woman besides me is Glynda Goodwitch. May I know your name, mister? And can you please let go of my student?" The man, introduced as Ozpin, said to the mysterious man. He and Glynda don't want any conflict, but they're prepared in case the man attacks.

But the man refused to let go Ruby. Instead, he just gave Ozpin a reply.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I can't tell you who I really am until we can talk in private. And, I won't let her go until we arrive at the infirmary. Don't worry, I don't mean any harm. I just want to make sure that you're truly the headmaster and not a fake one."

Ozpin smiled at the response, as he could tell the man has a golden heart.

"Okay, but can you wait for a bit? We're in a middle of an exam you see, and we need to finish it. Don't worry, all I'll do is to assign teams." Ozpin responded, and Izuku just gave him a nod, which was sigh of relief. Ozpin then looked at Glynda. "Glynda, please give Mr. Midoriya a tour to Beacon. I have a feeling he'll be here in a while."

"Yes, Headmaster." Glynda replied, then turned her attention to Izuku. "Please let her go and follow me. Don't worry, she'll be escorted to the infirmary as soon as possible."

Izuku was hesitant to let Ruby go. But after a few minutes, he finally did. He checked Ruby to see if she's injured or sustained any wounds.

He was relieved to find she has no wounds or injuries, so he patted Ruby's shoulders and smiled at her, even though he's wearing a mask.

"Stay safe, okay? I hope we can meet again." Izuku said and looked at Glynda. "Let's go now."

Glynda nodded then left the area, with Izuku following her. He is still carrying the nomu with his black tendrils. As for the teens, they're just speechless. They couldn't find the proper words to describe the events that unfolded today.

Ozpin then decided to finally finish the exams and assign the teams, as he needs to have a talk with Izuku. "Okay everyone, follow me."

3 hours later, Ruby is waiting outside of Ozpin's office. She was already tended by the nurses, and gladly, she wasn't injured or sustain any wounds.

She's also happy that her team consist of herself, her sister, Blake and Weiss. She gets along with her sister and Blake, and while Weiss is still wary of her, the white-haired teen is not hostile towards her.

Now, all she needs to do is to thank Izuku.

"Sis, why are you here? Waiting for your boyfriend?"

Ruby suddenly jumped as she wasn't expecting her sister to be here. "Yang??? Why are you here???"

Ruby then notices that the entire team is here. She was quite happy to see them, but right now, she wanted to see Izuku.

"You dolt!! You're our leader. So it shouldn't be a surprise that we are here, because we need you to clean our dorm." Weiss said, as she had her left hand on her hips. She wasn't mad, but rather disappointed as they need to clean their dorm after the team formations.

"Just like Weiss said, we need you for the arrangement of our dorm. And besides, why are you waiting for that man?" Blake chimed in, but she was rather calm and collected.

Ruby couldn't give them a respond, as she started to blush when she remembered what Izuku did earlier. She was still feeling the sparks when Izuku called her beautiful. Although, she doesn't know if that's appropriate to think for a 14 year old girl.

Before she could think of a response, Yang suddenly pulled her into her arms.

"Hey sis, don't tell me you got a crush on the man, huh? Better remember you're still 14. So, boys are a no-no for you."

Ruby pushes Yang and was a blushing mess. She wished she could punch Yang right now.

"Yang!!! I'm just grateful for him, that's all!!! Am I not allowed to thank him for saving me???" Ruby retorted, as she hoped they can move on from this topic.

Sadly, that wasn't the case.

"If that's so, then why are you waiting here when you could just tell the headmaster what you want to say to the mysterious man?" Blake responded, which made Ruby even more embarrassed.

Yang smirked and started to tease her little sister. But Ruby wasn't having it. Sure, the man was quite a hunk. But, she really did appreciated his actions, and wanted to thank him for it.

"Yang!!! I just want to thank him personally!! Is it wrong to thank someone personally??? What happens if he didn't arrive?"

"What happens if I didn't arrive?"

"Yes!! I might be done for if you didn't showed up!!" Ruby responded, but she then realized that her teammates was staring at her. Their expressions were varies. Yang was smirking, Weiss has a surprised face, while Blake only has her eyes widened.

So, Ruby decided to look at her back, just to see the mysterious man, which is Izuku. She jumped in response.

"Quite the energy, I see. So, why are you here?" Izuku asked, still wearing his mask.

Ruby then compose herself and gave Izuku a smile. "I want to thank you mister for saving me. I don't know what'll happen to me if you weren't there."

Izuku was happy at Ruby's statement. "No problem. That's what heroes do, to save people. And sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you."

Izuku then removed his mask, which made the 4 girls blush as he was quite handsome.

"Wow, he's quite the cutie~! Ruby's already good at finding a good man!!" Yang thought, as she's even more eager to tease her little sister.

"He got the looks, I'll admit that. But I hope he isn't a sham." Blake does see that Izuku is attractive, but she doesn't want to trust him yet since she knows someone who has a pretty face, but has a garbage personality.

"Guess that mask had a purpose after all? That man is hiding his cute face." Weiss then smiled, as she was glad that Izuku wasn't scary.

As for Ruby, her face is turning into a tomato as she couldn't believe that Izuku is cute. She couldn't even think properly.

Yang saw her sister, and wanted to tease her. But Izuku just introduced himself, so it'll be rude of her if she didn't do the same.

"Nice to meet ya, Izuku!!! My name is Yang!!! Thank you for saving my sis earlier!!" She waved her hand and smiled at her sister's savior.

Izuku smiled, and thought that Yang was quite the beauty. He's mostly attracted to her long, wavy gold-colored hair. Although he could see her cleavage, he wasn't fazed by it thanks to a certain vice president and a certain inventor that he cares about.

"Where are my manners? Nice to meet you, Izuku. I'm Weiss Schnee. You can call me Weiss. I hope we can get along. And I hope you're not a barbaric man like a lot of students here at Beacon." Weiss said and reach out her hand to Izuku. The two then shook hands, which Izuku was happy about.

Weiss was also beautiful. Her body is quite similar to a certain rocker that he cherishes. But her face rivals that of a certain senpai of his.

Her scar on her eye reminded him of a certain fire and ice user that he viewed as his rival and friend.

As for Blake, she just looked at Izuku and just gave him a short response.

"My name is Blake." Is all she said.

Izuku was quite sad, as he knew she wasn't comfortable with him. Out of all of the girls, she's the only one that he was attracted to overall. From her beautiful face, to her long black hair, to her cat ears above her head, to her demeanor. It's not like the other girls aren't beautiful, they are. But Blake has a certain vibe that makes Izuku flustered, even with all of the experiences he has.

Still, he couldn't help himself but to be attracted to her beauty.

Yang saw this, and was immediately worried for her sister. For some reason, she could tell if someone is attracted to a certain person. She doesn't usually mind it, but now it's different. She knows that Ruby has a crush on Izuku, so she'll do her best to help her little sis.

"And now, it's time for someone to introduce herself to her hero!!! C'mon Rubes, introduce yourself!!" Yang happily said and pushes Ruby towards to Izuku.

Ruby was quite surprised by her sister's actions. So, she wasn't ready to introduce herself to Izuku, especially if she could see his handsome face.

But, she mustered up the courage to speak to him. "Hello, I-I'm Ruby Rose. Uhm, nice to meet you."

Izuku gave her a smile. But, he teared up a little, as she reminded him of Eri.

He then instinctively patter Ruby's head, much to the surprise of the young girl.

"Sorry Ruby, but you reminded me of someone that I cherish back in my home. She's like my little sister, and she's cute, just like you. So, I couldn't help but to pat your head."

Ruby was quite sad to hear that Izuku reminded her of his little sister. For some reason, she doesn't like that.

Izuku then stopped patting her head, as he has to say something to the four teens.

"Before I leave, I'll be joining your classes starting tomorrow. So, I hope we can get along."


2 weeks later

Ruby was sitting at the bench, alone as she's deep in her thoughts. It's been two weeks since Izuku joined their class. And she's happy to see him getting used to Remnant.

But, she couldn't accept the fact that Izuku is popular to the ladies.

"Weiss is all goody-goody to him, even though she acts like a spoiled child when he's not around. Nora always drags him and have a spar with him. Sis flirts with him, even though she knows that I have a crush on him. And Blake, she's pissing me off because they always have lovey-dovey moments. Thankfully, Pyrrha hasn't join the Izuku harem. But still, I don't like Izuku getting attention from other girls." Ruby thought. She doesn't really like the situation at hand, especially if all of her teammates are included to Izuku's harem.

She does understand Yang's actions, as she suspected that Yang is doing this in order for her to confess already. Quite ironic since Yang always preaches that the young Rose shouldn't date someone because she's too young to date.

For Weiss, she just chalk it up as admiration. Weiss seems to just appreciate Izuku's company, at least that's what she hoped for.

The problem is Blake. It's clear as day that Izuku is quite attracted to her. For some reason, Izuku kept approaching the girl, even if Blake was rejecting him at first. But after 10 days, Blake has warmed up to him, and that's something Ruby's worried about.

"What if I have no chance with him? Should I just give up?" Ruby thought. She was contemplating on letting go of her feelings to Izuku, as she's not confident in herself.

"I mean, I don't have the big breast like my sister has, nor have a pretty hair like Weiss. But most importantly, I'm not Blake. For some reason, Izuku gets flustered around Blake, and I wanna know why? Does he like mature women? Am I too young for him?"

Ruby might be cute, but she wants to be seen as a beautiful women. "Does calling me a beautiful women a lie?"

Ruby wanted to cry, but before she could do, Izuku suddenly arrived.

"There you are, Ruby!!!"

Ruby heard Izuku, as he was waiving at her. She started to blush, but she then remembered her thoughts, thus her smile turned into a frown.

Izuku noticed this, and quickly approached her and check on her. "Are you okay?"

"Why now?" She thought, as she wasn't prepared to face Izuku yet. Her mind is still a mess, but she can't push Izuku away as that's rude, and Ruby isn't a rude person for the most part.

She then decided to lie, as that's the only option left for her.

"Uhm..." Before she could lie, Izuku cuts her off.

"Don't lie to me! Pleased tell me what's wrong?" Izuku said, as he gently grabbed Ruby's hand.

Most normal people don't want to open up due to several reasons. It might be personal, logical, or due to circumstances. Most would resort to lying or to come up with something that can occupy their attention span.

But Ruby isn't a normal person, as long as she builds up her courage. Luckily, she mustered up enough courage to last this one. As for her reply...

"Because I can't accept the fact that you only view me as a little sister!!" She confessed. She had no choice. Ruby could stroll outside and have fun, but she couldn't rid Izuku out of her mind.

Izuku was quite surprised by this bluntness. He was aware that he's treating her like a little sister. But, he wasn't aware that it's hurting Ruby.

So, he decided to have a talk with her. "Ruby, can we talk for a bit?"

Ruby then invited Izuku to sit besides him. She wanted to push him away, but her heart tells her to confess to him.

Izuku the sat close to Ruby and started the conversation. "First off, I'm sorry that I'm treating you like a little sister. You see, back in my world, there's a child named Eri, who I cherish as a younger sister. I saved her from a bad guy, and helped her smile. Since then, I always look forward to meet her and play with her. She's like a sweet angel that can melt your heart."

Ruby was quite surprised to hear this. She wasn't expecting that she reminded him of a child he treats like a little sister. Even though it hurts to be treated like a sibling, she's happy that Izuku reminded her of someone he cherishes.

She now wanted to apologize to him. But Izuku continues.

"So, I was quite relieved to see you because you reminded me of Eri. But I guess you never wanted to be treated like a little sister, so can you tell me why?"

Ruby was quite hesitant to answer him. She just realized that Izuku isn't from this world, and when he came here, his clothes were torn. Izuku is just homesick, and Ruby was being selfish for it.

But she knows that she needs to get this over with, so they can move on.

"Because I have feelings for you."

Ruby was waiting for a rejection. But after 5 minutes, Ruby was confused because Izuku hasn't responded. In fact, he looked stunned.

"Uhm, Izuku... Are you okay?" Ruby asked. She was worried if he is mad at her.

Thankfully, Izuku finally snapped out of his trance. But once he looked at Ruby, he blushed.

"I'm... I... I just don't have any clue on how to respond. You see, you're the first girl who ever confessed to me. So, I don't know what to do in this type of situation." Izuku replied, which shocked Ruby. She wasn't expecting Izuku to be unpopular with the ladies when he's a hottie.

"I see. I'm sorry for being selfish. I should have known that you miss your world, and yet here I am upset at you for viewing me as a little sister." Ruby then looked at Izuku and bowed her head. "I'm truly sorry, Izuku."

Izuku, who was still blushing, lifted Ruby's head. "You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault that I was homesick. Sometimes, we don't want to tell our worries to others because we fear they might view us a weak individuals. But don't worry Ruby, I'm not mad at you. I'm upset at myself for not trusting you to confess this loneliness of mine."

Ruby started to tear up. She could see that Izuku was holding back the sadness he's feeling, but couldn't show because he's in a different world.

So, she decided to hug him, which the One For All user reciprocated.

"I'm the one who should say sorry because I didn't noticed your pain. You saved me, but I couldn't save you. But thank you for telling this to me because I'm now determined to make you happy until we can find a way for you to go back to your world!!" Ruby said with a smile, as she kept hugging him.

Izuku smiled, genuinely this time. He needed this, he needed to hear someone say this to him. But he knows that it's impossible to return to his world. Still, hearing Ruby saying that she'll help him find a way to go back means so much to him.

"Thank you Ruby. Coming back to my world seems impossible, but your feelings are appreciated. Frankly, I needed to hear that from someone. I needed to hear that we'll find a way to go back. The sentiment means so much to me, even if it's impossible to go back. So, thank you Ruby for making me feel better." Izuku said. He is genuinely happy, thanks to Ruby.

Ruby was glad that she made him feel better. She broke the hug, so that she can give him a smile.

"I'm glad that I made you happy, Izuku." Ruby said. Her jealousy faded away, and she is now focused on making Izuku comfortable.

But, Ruby remembers that she wanted to ask Izuku something.

"Izuku, why are you approaching Blake for 10 days? Is there a reason behind it?"

Izuku gave her a smile and gave her a reply. "It's because Blake reminded me of my friend back home. My friend was quite unapproachable. He's so hellbent on his revenge, that it's hurting him. So I decided to save him from that state. And now, he's one of my closest friends. As for Blake, when I first saw her, I could feel that she has a similar case. So, I decided to step in and help her recover from whatever trauma she's suffering. It took quite a while, but I succeed."

Ruby was quite awestruck, as Izuku is truly a hero. She wanted to save people too, but Izuku seems to be built different.

"But I'll also have to admit that Blake is beautiful. You all are, but Blake has sometimes that makes me flustered. I don't know why, but that's the case for me." Izuku the scratched his cheeks, as he just confessed that Blake is an attractive woman.

Izuku then looked at Ruby, just to see her pout, which he finds it cute.

"Hmph~!! You really find Blake attractive!!! Well, how about you calling me beautiful??? Is that a ruse??" Ruby asked, as she kept pouting.

Izuku just smiled at her. "What I said back then is true. You are beautiful."

But Ruby wasn't convinced. She knows that her age is something Izuku considers. "So, if I'm just older, then Izuku will think of me as a romantic partner??"

She then stopped pouting. In exchange, she gave Izuku a determined looked.

"Okay, I'm now determined to make myself a woman you cannot resist!!! I will still help you find a way to go back to your world, but at the same time, I'll make you fall in love with me!!!" Ruby shouted with pride, as she is determined to make her declaration a reality.

"So Izuku Midoriya, I'll make sure that you'll have a super, duper, fun time here!! Help you find a way to go back home!! And make you fall in love with me!! I may be young, but I'm determined to prove that Ruby Rose is someone you can't mess with!! And just you wait, Izuku Midoriya!!! I'll make sure that a red rose is all you need in your life!!"

Izuku couldn't help but to smile at Ruby's statement. He admires her determination. But he isn't sure if he'll fall in love with her, when he's attracted to Blake. But, he could feel that Ruby is someone he can't underestimate.

So, all he could do right now is to give her a smile.

"I'll look forward to the day you fulfill those declarations, Ruby. For some reason, I could feel that you'll succeed in it." Izuku replied.

"Don't worry Izuku!! I will not fail in this one!! Just you wait!!" Ruby replied, and reach her hand out to Izuku.

The two then shake hands, with a huge smile on their faces.

Ruby knows that there's a high chance that she'll fail, she doesn't care. All she cares right now is that she is now closer to Izuku than before. And that's an important step for her to fulfill her goals.

For Ruby Rose, it doesn't matter if it has a chance to fail. All that matters to her is that she'll achieve it no matter what.



Heyyas!! A new oneshot is up!!!

Yeah, 1st Isekai oneshot. To be honest, I didn't really planned to do one in the first place. But just as I said in the "I want to say something", keeping everything in the BNHA universe was hard. I realized that during my Izuku X Diana 3 parter. It was exhausted to be honest and I didn't know at the time if I can finish it. Gladly, I did, but it made me realize that I can't keep this up forever.

It took me a while before I finally gave up and made changes. And I'm happy that I did because I had more fun writing this one. It was quite liberating. But it's still hard because I haven't done this type of thing. So, this may look bad. But, I'll improve myself to get better at writing isekais.

And yeah, it's just fun pairing Izuku with Ruby. And since I got to watch Ice Queendom, I got to understand Ruby's character, even if it's on a surface level. I might make another oneshot again, since I really enjoyed this pairing.

Hope you enjoy and have a nice day.
