This Is the Part Where You Run pt.2

The car ride back to Mystic Falls was a relatively quiet one. Hope and Artemis shared some snacks while listening to music. While they usually can just share thoughts by looking at each other, they opted to text each other instead of talking to not wake the werewolf boy and not put a strain on Hope's neck, as she was sitting in the passenger's seat. That was until Dr. Saltzman interrupted their conversation.

"So how do you two know each other," He asked. Hope put her phone down. Artemis felt like she was not a crucial part of the conversation, so she put in both of her earphones and decided to listen to some music in the time it would take to arrive back at the Salvatore School. The rest of the drive consisted of Landon and Hope sharing slight flirtations. None of which went unnoticed by Artemis.


As Landon, Rafael, Hope, Artemis, and Dr. Saltzman got out of the car, they were met by the Saltzman twins, Josie and Lizzie, at the school's entrance. They started to recite their infamous recruitment speech to Landon and Rafael. The twins were then interrupted by their father.

"Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon." The twins each took one of Rafael's arms and looped them around their own.

"Morning, Artemis. Morning Hope." They said in unison.

"Morning, girls," Hope said with a fake smile. 

"Good morning Jo! Morning Liz!" replied Artemis enthusiastically. While she usually would be tired from staying up and being on the road, last night's full moon recharged her. Plus, she was always glad to see the twins.

"More like despair" whispered Lizzie as they walked away, laughing with her words. Artemis shot Lizzie a disappointed look. The twins continued their exchange, with Landon and Artemis watching it unfold. That was until Dr. Saltzman interrupted them.

"So, let's get started." He said, motioning towards the open doors of the boarding school. Alaric asked Landon some basic questions as the group walked through the school, towards Alaric's office.

As soon as the quartet entered the office of Dr. Saltzman, he began his spiel about the supernatural world. Artemis didn't start paying attention until Hope brought herself into the conversation.

"I should get to class," Hope remarked, looking between the group, a slight smile creeping onto her face.

"No," Landon exclaimed, stopping Hope in her tracks, "No. Sorry. I don't mean to be a dick but I don't know you, I don't know you, and though the image of you two whammying a priest is still fresh, I need you here. Just tell me what all that was in the church last night?"

"What do you think it was?" Hope requested, taking a few steps toward Landon. The click of her shoes hitting the wooden floors could be heard by everyone in the room.

"Well, as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind or werewolves are real," he replied. Alaric and Hope shared a knowing look while Artemis covered her mouth, struggling to stifle a laugh. "Th-This is beyond insane," he spoke, he had more than just a hint of shock in his voice, "How is this even possible?" He turned back to look at Alaric as Hope leaned against the desk.

"It's a long history," spoke the headmaster, " involving an ancient, vengeful witch, and a bloodline curse. We cover all that in Origins of the Species, grade six"

"In sixth grade at my school, we learned the state capitals." Artemis could still hear how in shock the seemingly human boy was. Hope laughed.

"We teach that too" Hope replied, smiling and playfully rolling her eyes.

"I have some questions," began Alaric, shifting in his seat, "about Rafael." 

"About what?" questioned Landon.

"Well, let's start with who he killed recently." Asked the headmaster, opening a manila folder. Landon was in even more shock.

"Why would you ask me that?" demanded Landon.

"The werewolf gene lies dormant until the carrier takes a human life. If Rafael triggered his curse, it's because he killed someone. And we don't accept cold-blooded killers into our program." explains Alaric.

"He's not a killer." insisted Landon, over and over again.

"Well, I know a little bit about his background. Neglectful birth parents. Orphaned in adolescence. Six foster homes in seven years. Prone to fits of anger." listed Alaric.

"Yeah, you could just as easily be reading my file- that's what it's like out there for people like him and me." defended Landon.

"Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we're only trying to help. I've been here since I was seven. Artemis has been here since she was ten. This is a safe place for people like Rafael. It's a home" reasoned Hope.

"But, if we take him in, we need to make sure that he is not a threat." Spoke Alaric. He turned to Artemis, and he gave her a look that seemed like he was asking for help. No. He seemed to be pleading for help.

"Look, Landon, is it? You should know that this is a safe place for wolves, we've all taken a human life, and that's what it takes to trigger your curse. What he did may have been an accident or misunderstanding. I did a spell to kill someone my sister hit with her car so she wouldn't trigger her curse." Artemis paused to take a deep breath. "This place not only helped me control my magic, but it helped me control the anger and distress I had after I first turned." She let out, quite calmly. Landon looked down at his shoes before sighing.

"His girlfriend, Cassie. Last month, he was driving, there was a storm, he took a turn too fast. And then he started acting out. At first, I thought it was just grief. And then maybe, maybe drugs or something. And then he threw a 200-pound lawnmower 50 feet across the yard." he forced out. "That was when our foster parents called in the priest. I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil." Landon seemed angry. It seemed almost as if the anger could be seen radiating off of him.

"All of that is uh, consistent with a newly triggered wolf." Alaric closed the file he had previously been reading. "It's normal. Thank you for that, Landon" He said. Artemis decided it would be best for her to step out for the compelling, she never really liked it. She honestly thought it was unfair that the vamps get mind control powers and the witches and werewolves don't. As she opened the door and stepped out of the headmaster's office, Landon could see her stepping out and turning to someone, someone who was just right out of view.

"They're ready for you inside, M," she smiled, patting MG twice on the shoulder. She allowed time for him to walk in before shutting the door and walking away to find the twins.
