2. whispers and teacups

as the first years filled into the great hall, i couldn't help but smile in awe at their amazed faces. i remembered that exact feeling like it was yesterday.

soon after, the first years were sorted into their houses one by one. every now and then, one would be sorted into gryffindor and the entire table would applaud. this continued for quite some time until dumbledore began his reputable speech.

"welcome to hogwarts! it is so good to see new faces," dumbledore began. "there are a few minimal things i would like to acknowledge. first and foremost, hogwarts will be hosting the tri-wizard tournament this year! with that also comes the yule ball, which will both be taking place later into the school year."

almost as if they were on cue, the schools durmstrang and beauxbatons entered through the heavy wooden doors of the great hall. both schools did a small performance which earned them a loud applause. the boys were awestruck as they watched the beauxbatons prance around the hall. as for the ladies, they watched with wide eyes when the boys from durmstrang strut to the far corner nearest the slytherin students.

with that, dumbledore concluded his speech and mountains of luxurious food began appearing on each table.

"the tri-wizard tournament! i can't believe it!" ron said to our group as he started to fill his plate.

"i know right!" harry said. "at hogwarts!"

hermione just laughed and looked over to me.

"i'm more excited about the yule ball," she began. "i mean, there is a certain someone that i wouldn't mind going with."

i smiled at her. "who's this someone?" i asked, curious.

"oh, it's nothing." she said before changing the subject. "wow ron, you've got a lot on your plate there."

the redhead just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "what can i say, they've got good food!"

the loud clatter of plates and silverware began to slowly drown away as each house prepared to head to their dormitories. gryffindor was the last to leave the great hall, leaving their scraps of food behind.

the silence of the gryffindor common room was surprisingly calming. the rest of the students had gone off to bed but harry, ron, hermione, and i remained. i sat in a comfortable leather armchair left of the fireplace. harry and hermione shared the couch while ron sat leaning against the wall, eyes closed and his head resting backwards.

"what's on your mind, ron?" harry asked him.

ron let out a sigh. "nothing really," he stated. "i'm just glad to be here at hogwarts, that's all." the boy looked around at each of us before rising to his feet and sitting in a nearby armchair.

"it's getting quite late, i think it would be best if i headed off to bed." hermione said as she rose from the couch and began to walk towards the spiraling staircase up to the girls dormitories.

"i should be going too." i said as i followed hermione to the stairs.

"goodnight hermione, goodnight y/n." ron said looking me in eyes and giving me a reassuring smile.

"yeah, goodnight you guys." harry added.

"goodnight." hermione and i said in unison.

the two of us headed to our room and began to get settled into our beds. the days activities were still bustling around in my mind as i tried to fall asleep.

"hermione," i said aloud. it was well after midnight but i was left wide awake.

"yes, y/n?" she replied.

"do you ever think about what life would be like if we didn't attend hogwarts?" i rolled over onto my back and stared up at the blank ceiling. "i mean, we would have never become friends. i wouldn't even know harry or ron." just the thought of that made my head hurt. i couldn't imagine not knowing my best friends.

"well, it would definitely be odd. i'm glad we do attend hogwarts though, i wouldn't trade it for anything." hermione said.

her words comforted me as i closed my eyes and began to drift off.

i was glad somebody else cared about this school and it's memories as much as i did.

as the sun rose, the glistening rays of light danced around the dormitory as i awoke and got ready for the day. this was our first day of classes and hermione couldn't be more excited. she had left a note saying that she was in the library getting extra books for her classes.

that girl and her brain. i thought to myself.

i was more focused on being awake than getting ready. i wasn't much of a morning person, i rather enjoyed the thrill of the night and the mystery it brings.

i continued to get dressed into my robes and i fixed my hair into something more presentable than my nightly bed-head. checking the clock, i still had a decent amount of time before class began so i contemplated on going to the great hall or sitting in the warm common room.

deciding on the common room, i headed down the staircase and rubbed my tired eyes.

i reached the bottom of the staircase but was stopped when i heard the faint noise of whispering.

i leaned my back against the wall and tried my best to make out what was being said. every now and then i could hear the sharp sound of arguing and tension but i didn't know what they were discussing.

my curiosity got the best of me and i decided to see what the commotion was all about. i stepped into the common room and saw two familiar figures standing near the fireplace.
my eyes darted from harry to ron and back again before resting on ron's apologetic face.

the pair looked slightly embarrassed as if they had just been caught discussing something private.

"oh, hey y/n.." harry said warily.

"i'm so sorry if we woke you, we were just, um, talking and we didn't mean to be so loud." ron said as he fidgeted with the teacup in his hands before giving me a small frown.

"my mistake." harry added.

i just shook my head and smiled. "it's not a problem at all. i woke up ages ago."

a relieved expression seemed to grow on both boys faces.

"that's a relief," harry said. "but i probably should be going. i need to ask hermione about something." harry waved at the two of us and exited out of the portrait.

ron and i both stood there for a moment before i broke the silence by letting out a hefty yawn.

"tired?" ron said as he gazed down at me.

"i guess so." i said smiling as i began to walk towards the sofa.

ron followed close behind and settled down next to me. "i brought you some tea." the boy said as he handed me an ivory teacup filled with a hot brown liquid. "i know you like it, and i wasn't sure if you were going to make it to breakfast."

i blushed as i took the cup from his hands. our fingers touched for just a brief moment before he pulled away.

maybe i was just imagining it but i couldn't sworn he tensed when my finger brushed against his. i shook the thought from my head before looking back to ron.

"ron, thank you." i said as i smiled to the boy. "i really needed this."

i took a sip of the hot tea and a wave of ease ran over me. ron had just took the time to get me a cup of tea and was now sitting next to me on the common room sofa. wow. i thought.

"i'm happy to help." ron replied as he rested his broad hands on his legs.

i closed my eyes and leaned back into the comfort of the couch. soon i was drifting off with my head tilted back and a cup of hot tea in my hands. classes were going to start soon but i didn't have a care in the world. i felt safe right here in this moment and i wanted it to last forever.

thank you all so much for 100 reads! i can't believe that many of you have took the time to read my story! if you have any suggestions, comments, or ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments. :)
