Chapter Special

Nice, you made it to the end of the season, congratulations.

Know, time for some back story for my own character.



Everything was black.

Her eyes were opened but all she could see was black.

What did I do wrong?

When did it go wrong?

She gritted her teeth, pushing back the tears that were starting to form.

She floated in the darkness for so long. All her mind could think of the sacrifice she made to bring everyone back to where they belong. But, she's tired and theres still so many people left. So many immortals that can't die and go back home.

She was only 15 when it happened. So young, so naive.

She had woken up one day underneath a tree. A tree that she has never seen before other in illustrations.

One moment she was at school, the next she was in a castle of some sort.

The castle owner found her. She was surprised to see who it was. Philza Minecraft, one of the people that she watched on live streams.

But this isn't the world that she knows of. It was more like a fanfiction that she had read, Passerine.

She always wanted to saved Tommy from is demised but she didn't want to be in the story. Nonetheless, she still tried to convince Philza to stay, but in the end, he still left.

She came to realised, that she had no power over the plot. She wasn't the main characters, it was the sbi. She spent nights figuring out what to do and how to stop the war.

But it still happened, and she inevitably died in that war.

But, that's what she thought. She didn't expected for herself to see how the plot goes with her involving in it.

Seeing as they both gave her and Tommy a grave each.

She then saw black. Then she woke up on the grass. She had thought that she was back home, but the area seemed weird and out of place.

So, she wander around the area. Finding a sleeping George on the ground, covering in moss and vines.

She was in another story. This time, she doesn't know how it goes.

She decided to stay out of the plot and see how it turns out, but she was caught by Dream, when she got too close.

That was her second death.

There on her third story, she had met with the Technoblade that was from her world. He was however was accompanied by Dream. Fortunately, he was also from the same world.

The three of them were like three sticks stuck together. Always by each others sides and looking out for each other. Because they could only trust each other. After all, they came from the same worlds and their goal was the same. To get back to their homes

They were close to finding a way, but their progress was stopped, when a strong being attacked them.

Wounding Techno and Dream to the extent of wishing death upon themselves.

She had to watched the two people that she called her best friend suffer.

She couldn't do that. She couldn't endured. So she did what she deemed logical at that time, and end their suffering with her own hands.

From then, her 4th to 10th death, she was just blankly walking around, not aiming for anything, still grieving at the lost of her best friends, still trying to justify her own actions.

That was until, she met with Kristin. She was from her world, from the same place as she was. She had made a friend. And together they found XD and Tommy.

The four of them build the Palace of Time. It was for people like them, trying to find a way back.

One day, she had found the answer to it all. But the one problem stand in their way. Their immortality.

The God that had given them immortality must have found their situation funny right now.

She was mad yes, but she found a way through it. But it requires a sacrifice. Someone to stay behind.

She didn't tell them about the needed sacrifice, all she told them was that she found a way back.

She completed the magic circle that would bring everyone back to the 'real' world. They step into it, not knowing that one person, must be left behind.

When they all left, she drifted back into her own routine, wandering around the world. With her newly found powers of copy, it made things easier for her. She could just copy any powers she wants, only by just observing them.

Soon the Gods took notice of her, and came running to her, asking her to be their apostle. She refuse all of them expect one. The blood God.

Seeing the familiar name gave her heartaches. Remembering all those time she had spent with Technoblade but she was also the one that had to end his exsistance.

From then on she became the blood God's apostle, gaining the voices with each time she killed someone.

She one day decided to say a city, and that city developed into a kingdom and sooner or later, with her help, it developed into a continental country.

The people worship her as the Goddess of Mercy, thanks to her empathetic nature.

But what she didn't expect was the people to betray her. Leaving her last hope for humanity in dust.

She got back to her feet and quickly wipe the whole continent out of existence.

The gods caught wind of this and became fearful the new powerful foe they will have to face.

They put a bounty on her head and lock her up in a garden, leaving her stranded in the garden of corruption, letting her mind be corroded by the miasma and corruption that was in it.

Due to the eons of solitude, her mind had been broken and she bacame more unhinged.

She was able to break through the garden's barrier, freeing herself from the hold of the gods and wreaking havic on the humans.

The gods sent out his trusting angels to get lock her up and her bouty increases.

The Palace of Time on the other hand was being untouched. Only being used for the intelligent department of the heavens.

That was until, Techno got in.

Freeing, what God deemed as a criminal.


End of season chapter

Time to take a break

Word count:
