Chapter 11(first day)

I just realized how stressful going back to school is
My body have this reaction when I'm stress, it just starts to make my left shoulder cramp
And while I study online, I didn't experience any at all


Today was Techno and Phil first day on the job

They stayed up all night trying to figure out what was happening and who was responsible for this

By the time they finished, the sun was rising

They decided to take a break from thinking, Techno was already exhausted from using his brain too much

They went out on to the front lawn, sat down and enjoyed the sun rise

It was currently 7 am when they decided to go back in and make something to eat

They rummage through the cupboard and fridge

They only found cereals, coffee, some utensils, cups, bowls and plates in the cupboard

And they found milks, fruits and some beef in the fridge

"Wow, were they expecting us?" Techno grab the milk from the fridge, while Phil grab the cereal, coffee, cups, utensils and two bowls from the cupboard

"I don't think so, we just arrived yesterday" Phil put the everything down

As they both sat and eat, they past the time by chatting with each other

At 8 am, they both heard a knock on the door

"I'll get it" Phil sat up and walk to the door

"Good morning, Mr. Eraser Head" Phil greeted the man that looks like he hadn't slept for 3 months

"Hello....." Aizawa returned Phil's greeting

"The two of you are going to come with me for today......" Phil nodded and return to the kitchen

Techno heard their interactions, sat up
And put on his iconic red cap, his crown and his mask

He saw Phil enter the kitchen and he followed Phil to the front door where he saw 'Eraser Head'

He nodded at him indicating that he was ready


After a long painful walk of students staring at them

They both stood at the entrance of the door that lead inside of class 1A

"This is my class, you'll be guarding them for this week" Aizawa gesture them to wait outside, until they were called

"EVERYONE, GET TO YOUR SEATS, THE TEACHES HERE!!!!" After Aizawa open the door, the two briefly saw the inside of the classroom

It was just like how the anime depicted, a bluish black haired boy stood up and shouted at his classmate to sit down

"Everyone, shut up...." Aizawa scan the room to see if there was someone going to talk more

"There are some people that will be guarding us today, to be exact they are going to guard you" the room was filled with chattered of confusions

"Why are we getting guards today sensei" the bluish hair boy spoke up, while doing a robotic hand gesture

"Well, the LOV have been very active today and the parents have been getting more and more concern over their children's safety" Aizawa stated looking at the bluish haired boy

"You all may know them from the recent occurrence" Aizawa gesture for the two streamers to enter


They walk into the class filled with the main characters and sub-characters

Their eyes landed on a certain protagonist with bushy green hair

'Izuku Midorya' Phil smiled at the boy giving out a fatherly air

While Techno emotionlessly walk behind Phil, eyeing the kids and evaluating them from 'how weak they are' to 'how strong they are'

"These two will be guarding us for a week" Aizawa looking at them warily

"Hello kids, my name is Philza Minecraft" Phil smiled and everyone in the class felt reassured that these people won't hurt them

"And this here is my friend, Technoblade" he gestured towards Techno

Techno glared at the kid, he was giving everyone a bad vibe

"Why are we having these extras be our bodyguards anyways, it isn't as if we can't protect ourselves" a blond spiky haired boy scoffed and roll his eyes

"Well, these two are much-" before Aizawa could finished Phil interrupts him

"Well, we both are strong, if you don't believe us, would you like a demonstration?" Phil give the whole class a smile and motioning to Techno

"What will you do? Flap your wings and-" before the blond finished that sentence, he was knocked over by Techno

Techno was standing over the blond resisting the urged to kill him then and there

But before he could do anything, Phil grabbed his left arm and threw him into the window

"PHIIIIIiiiillllll" as Techno's voice faded, a loud thud could be heard from downstairs

The students were dumbstruck as they saw the man toss his friend out the window

"You alright mate?" Phil extended his arm to help the boy up, only for the hand to be slapped away

"I don't accept the hands of a murderer" the blond growled

Just then a hand came from the window

"Phil, why........?" Techno throw himself over the window, he saw the faces of the student, dumbstruck, he smirked and gave a small wave

"Hey...." all the students attention was now on Techno

"How-" Techno cut of the question that a green hair boy was going to ask

"How i survive that? Well, lets just say I have very good endurance" Techno shrugged and got himself off the floor

Techno walk up to Phil and stood besides Phil

"Well, since you saw Techno not getting hurt or injured and me throwing Techno out with only one hand, you should get the gest of how strong we both are" Phil then look at the spiky blond boy

"But, that doesn't mean we didn't kill anyone before" Techno continued, making the kids even or wary of them

Aizawa saw the whole thing and sighs

"Alright, questions for later, it's time to get that rotten brains of yours to work" Aizawa slammed a book on the table quieting the whole class

Aizawa instructed the two men to sit at the back of the class

And that was their morning,

They just sit there and listen to all of their lessons


Lunch arrived and the students got up and proceed to head over to lunch

Techno and Phil were both behind the student in 1A, following them to the cafeteria

They arrive at the cafeteria and walk inside,

There were a lot of students inside, most were staring at them while they were getting their food

They brush the staring aside with Phil smiling and Techno glaring

They both decided yesterday, that staying in their role play characters were the best way to not let them get any information about them

Class 1A invited them over to where they were sitting which was odd considering that they were strangers but brush it off as kids being curious

"So, where'd you guys come from" a boy with yellow blond hair with a black streak in it had ask, he has that curious and innocent look on that made Techno just want to punch him

"Uh...well, we both came from a far away and secluded island" Philza had said, he doesn't sound suspicious at all

The students all look at them with curiosity

"An island? What name does the island you came from have" a girl with brunette hair and pink cheeks asked, Phil just wants to ruffled that brunette but that would just make them more wary of him

"Well, it's called the SMP land, it's security is very strong, it got this barrier that only people that are invited are allowed in and it's invisible to those outside" the student was wide eye and was staring at them with starry eyes,

That made Techno a bit uncomfortable

That story was a more reasonable ones of them all from all the other ones that Techno had suggested

"Oh right, we didn't introduce ourselves earlier in class" a black haired girl spoke up after that realization

"Oh, it's ok, the teachers Alright gave us the attendance list so we could remember it" Phil said taking out a piece of paper from his pocket

They both decided that pulling things out of their inventory would only give them unwanted attention, so they made sure they have everything they need in their pocket

Before, Phil could show them the list, he and Techno saw something falls

Then, the alarm went off


Yay I'm done with this on, this one's a long one and Exam's tomorrow

Word count: 1414
