Chapter 10(Tommy and Dream)

I feel like update too fast yesterday

Oh and i won't posting as much next week or the next next week cause of finals and shit


Tommy was just doing lore with Dream when the earthquake happened 

Dream was threatening Tommy and pulled out the 'Axe Of Peace'

"Say hi to Jschatt for me Tommy~" Tommy turn and ran

He threw an ender pearl

Dream manage to hit tommy reducing his hearts to 2 

The ender pearl lands and he dies

yada yada yada yada, (go watch the clip)

Then the message appear and  a few moments later

The earthquake hits

"DREAM!!!!!" Tommy yells and grab a hold of dreams sweater


They were next to each other but they couldn't see 

"DREAM????" Tommy yells out to the void, as he was falling

"TOMMY???" Dream yelled at Tommy who was in front of him

Tommy reached his arms out and caught Dream's hand


They were falling for what feels like days, until they saw light 

They finally saw themselves

They were holding hands (not shipping)

They look towards the light and squinted as they enter 


They open their eyes and they saw the sky

It took Tommy awhile to register where he was and when he does, He screamed 

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH" he clung onto Dream as tight as he can, he was basically hugging the man

Tears were falling from Tommy's face and he was starting to feel dizzy

Heights and Tommy doesn't go well together

Although he doesn't show it most of the time, he is in fact afraid of heights

Dream knows this and is trying to calm Tommy down

When the ground starts to show, Dream had to tell tommy about his plan

" have a water bucket?" dream turn to the crying child

Tommy wasn't paying attention to what Dream had said

Dream sighs, he look inside his inventory and grab a water bucket

He braced himself and told Tommy to do the same, this time Tommy could hear what Dream had said and Braced himself by hugging Dream even tighter 

Tommy closed his eyes as the ground was almost beneath them

 Dream did the MLG and landed safely 

"We're ok Tommy, you can open your eyes now" he turn to tommy and watched as the child slowly open his eyes

Tommy sigh and collapse onto the floor, breathing heavily before fainting

Dream put his hand on his mask and sighs

He picks up Tommy and look around him

Suddenly, an alarm was activated and send a deafening screech 

After a few moments later, Dream found himself surrounded by Pink fog and before he could do anything, he fainted, dropping Tommy in the process


ok, i do not know what i am doing rn and i do not watch a lot of dsmp on tommy's perspective 

 Word count: 444
