
Jordan's POV:

   I froze in place. My gaze fixed on Danica.

  "Can we talk tomorrow? I'm tired and I have classes tomorrow." I claimed hesitantly.

  Her voice burns through the door. "Yeah...Alright." She says with a sigh following.

  I hear footsteps and they gradually die down.

  "Who was that?" Danica asks looking up at my burning, red face.

  I smile. "A friend. We spoke earlier today about a situation but we didn't necessarily get everything off of our chests." I explained with my face still burnining.

  "Oh alright." Danica says as she takes my arms and wraps them back around her waist.

  I take a sigh of relief, in hopes that this situation will flee with time.

  Later that night...

  A loud beeping sounds from underneath Danica and I. We both wake up from our short lived nap and wrestle trying to find the source of the sound.

  After looking in my cushions, I find my phone ringing.

  The caller ID leaves me motionless. Danica lays back down.

  It reads, "Kels".

  Kels; that's my little sister. She's only a year and 2 days younger than me. My youngest sister and I always told Kels that she was adopted because of her skin tone compared to ours. We're lighter skinned and she's brown skinned. We don't talk about it anymore. Our mom is brown skinned but our dad that my youngest sister never met is white but we're all super close to her. My friends used to always come around and because she was only a year younger than me, we went everywhere together. We were the closest. Then her freshman year of college, she dipped to LSU. I had already began my sophomore year at UGA. We fell off alot man...I still consider her my favorite sibling though. That's my lil bug.

  I answer the phone. "Wassup bug." I say as the line connects.

  "Hey fool." She replies with a laugh following.

  "What you need?" I ask.

  "Nothing for real, I'm just back in town at mama's house and was wondering if you wanna chill tomorrow." She admits.

  A smile instantly forms on my face. Cheek to cheek.

  "For real bug?" I ask astonished.

  "Yes fool, where'yat ?" She asks.

  Her new found slang kills me everytime she calls me or rolls through.

  "At home...you do realize its like midnight right?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

  "That's why yo lil lightskin ass so snappy." She barks at me.

  I roll my eyes. "Hell yeah, Imma catch yo rude ass tomorrow. Goodnight bug." I say. Before letting her reply, I hang up and lay back down with Danica.

The next morning...

  I wake up with Danica's body in my arms. Her leg on top of mine and her arms around my neck.

  She sleeps softly and it's almost as if shes not breathing.

  I stare at her for a long minute.

  I guess she feels my burning gaze and her eyelids begin to flutter, eventually she wakes up.

  It takes her a minute to realize that I'm admiring her. When she does, she smiles.

  "Hey sexy." She says in a sleepily yet seductive way.

  I blush. "What's up slim." I reply.

  "Who was you on the phone with last night?" She asks as she get off of the sofa and starts cleaning the mess we made last night.

  "My little sister, she just got home last night I think and she wanted me to swing by and why the fuck are you cleaning my house?" I respond.

  She rolls her eyes and keeps cleaning. "Are you going to go see her?" She asks.

  I grab her, stopping her from continuing cleaning and kiss her.

  One peck. Stop. Two pecks. Stop. Three pecks. Stop.

  She gets annoyed and sits on my lap to control our kiss.

  I allow her to do so.

  I grasp her left butt cheek into my right hand as we kiss.

  She smiles in between as she feels me rubbing her butt.

  I slip my tongue slowly into her mouth and she does the same.

  We interlock tongues and kiss for minutes until she pulls my pants off.

                                                                                                 MATURE CONTENT AHEAD

  My strap stands up and she looks at me as if what happens next is all up to me.

  I take her clothes off with her help and she bends down infront of me on all 4's.

  I'm taken aback.

  I smile behind her and take my shirt off.

  I slide my strap into her vagina and she lets an uncontrollable moan out, softly. I take her neck into my right hand and pull her off of her hands.

  Her head goes back and I kiss her jaw and neck from the position I'm in.

  I stroke in and out of her slowly and her mouth drops open.

  "oh my fucking God Jordan!" She screams out, letting me know she's satisfied with me.

  I whisper in her right ear, "Tell me when you want me to go faster ma."

  "Go faster..." She says with a moan as I speed up.

  Our skin claps together and her squelching vagina causes me to groan in contentment.

  I pull out and lay her on her back. I raise her legs up to her head and put my strap inside of her again. Her long nails dig into my back.

  I continue with a slow speed and gradually get faster and deeper.

  Both of us get breathier as time continues.

  Damn my stamina is ass.

  As Danica's legs begin to shake, I pull out and begin to lick and suck on her clit.

  Her legs shake faster.

  She tries to push me back while crying out. I don't stop.

  "shit! shit! shit!" She screams out as she finishes.

  I sit back up and insert my tongue into her mouth. She sucks on it.

  I pull away from the kiss and tell her to follow me.

  We go into my bathroom and I start shower water.

  I prefer mine to be scorching hot but I make it warm instead, unaware of her preferance.

  When the water gets warm enough, I help her inside. I take all of my clothes off and follow in behind her.

  I close the shower door and the steam encloses around our bodies causing us both to sweat a little

  Danica looks at me and I pick her up, placing her back against the shower wall.

  She wraps her arms around my neck, licks her lips and kisses me.

  Her eyes close and so do mine.

  The water from the shower head splashes onto my back but I ignore it, and focus on Danica's body.

  Fuck this showering shit.

  I hold her up with one arm and slip my fingers into her and begin to thrust briskly.

  Her mouth opens wide and her eyes roll back. I kiss her, causing her jaw to lift back up.

  As I detach from the kiss, she bites my bottom lip again.

  Her moans are suppressed by the sound of the water pressure hitting my body.

  She cums again. I take my fingers out and lick them, allowing her left leg to reach the floor.

  After a few minutes of kissing we bathe eachother.

  Cheyenne has never seen me completely naked.

15 minutes later...

  Danica and I get dressed.

  We sit down in my room and begin to talk.

  "You going to see your sister today?" She asks again, realizing I didn't answer the first time.

  "Oh yeah, of course." I say smiling a little.

  "You're so sexy Jordan." She says, cheesing.

  "That's all you ma." I respond, grabbing her hand.

  She blushes and gives me a small kiss on the lips.

  "Well, I got to go to work." She states.

  Subconciuosly, I begin to frown.

  She notices it straight away and kisses me again but a little longer.

  I walk her to her car and watch as she pulls off on her way.

An hour later filled with doing absolutely nothing...

  My phone rings and I wipe the potatoe chip residue on my fingers off on my sweat pants.

  I look at the screen and the caller ID says "Cheyenne".

  I answer as I clean my teeth with my tongue. "Wassup?"

  "Can we talk now?" She asks.

  "Oh ye- my bad. Come over." I reply.

  "On my way." She says before hanging up.

15 minutes later...

  A knock on my door causes me to jump up from my couch.

  "Who is it?" I ask as I grab the door knob.

  "Cheyenne." She responds.

  I unlock my door and open it to let her inside.

  As she walks in, she looks around as if she's looking for something incriminating.

  I follow behind her as she takes a seat on my couch. She sits down uncomfortably.

  I just ignore it and sit a few inches away from her.

  "What's up?" I ask, initiating the conversation.

  "I don't want to talk." she begins. "I want you to please me..." She says, propelling herself onto my lap.
