12 : finally


as taehyung's younger sister, i'm always with him. i graduated mostly because of his help and now my brother wants me to hang out with him for a long time before getting into a real work. he wants me to enjoy life first.

"goodluck!" i hugged him tightly as i did too to the other members but none of them made my heart beat fast, only park jimin.

my fucking ultimate crush.

taehyung knows it from the very beginning and he was there for me when jimin had a girlfriend, they lasted for six months and i swear it was the brutal months i ever experienced. as of now, he's single and i don't think i have chance on him. i've been with them for a long time and if i had a chance during those time then he should've told me from the very first start because i was there supporting them especially my brother. but until now, i didn't got the chance so i don't know how to get rid of this feeling. just when he walked inside the backstage after the concert, i felt my heart being stolen once again.

his sweat running down his neck, his hair sticking on his forehead because of sweat, he is the definition of art. now he's all i want and i knew it from the very first moment.

"y/n," hoseok greeted with a weird voice. i smiled at him, giving my brother a bottle of water.

"jimin looks breathtaking," he mentioned before drinking. i sighed, glancing at jimin who's being taken care by a staff.

"as always," i sighed.

"take a rest for a while in your hotel rooms then we will celebrate," bangpd-nim said loudly as we all clapped in excitement. taehyung opened the door for me as i walked inside, putting my luggage beside the bed. while taehyung's fixing his things, i took a bath and i heard him talking to someone. i thought it was jungkook so i brushed it off, continued scrolling on my twitter. i played jimin's song, singing along with it while i was putting on my clothes. serendipity.

just let me love you.

when the song is about to end, i felt shivers down my spine. the chorus of his song lie, he definitely sounds like an angel there. while putting on my make up, i couldn't help but sing my heart out.

"park jimin," i fake cried and blow dried my hair.

little did i know, it was jimin inside the room.

i opened the door with a huge smile on my face, two guys sitting on each bed surprised me.

"jimin," i whispered to myself. i almost dropped the towel i was holding. he smiled at me as i smiled shyly, glaring at taehyung. he's teasing me with his smile, sticking his tongue out. jimin looked back at him as i quickly throwed him my towel.

"smells good sis, want jimin to smell it?" i rolled my eyes, hitting taehyung's arm numerously.

"aish, stop embarassing me!" i pouted with my eyebrows knotted while jimin is sitting in front of us, watching us with a cute smile. i could melt in here, stop staring!

"why would you feel embarassed if it's only jimin? you had been with us for years, you should feel comfortable. unless you have—" he grinned.

"kim taehyung!" i grabbed a pillow and started hitting him.

"jimin? taehyung?" we heard a knock on the door, he stood up and went towards the door. i sat beside my brother with my eyebrows knotted and my arms crossed. he pushed me using his elbow to tease me.

"i hate you."

"i know you don't. you love your brother more than anything," he cockily said as i sighed in disbelief. i stick my tongue out, rolling my eyes right after.

"oh my bad, as far as i know you love jimin as well more than anything." i took a deep breath as he ran to hide behind someone's back.

"come here you idiot," i put my hand over my forehead when it hits jimin's chest, looking above.

"sorry," i quickly looked away and started looking for taehyung but he was already sitting behind me with jin who's sitting on the bed with their eyebrows going up and down. jin started a vlive while my brother is taking a warm bath.

"hi!" i waved, resting my head on jin's shoulder. while he was talking to them, he randomly read a question.

does y/n likes our cute mochi?

he chuckled, looking at me. i pouted, shaking my head. what a fucking lie, y/n.

with that, i felt a hand slipped on my waist lightly. my eyes widened a bit, gulping at his sudden action. jimin removed it once taehyung got out of the bathroom.

"oh there's tae," jin pointed through the screen. i stood up, letting taehyung sit beside the hyung. they talked there for a while as i was playing my phone at the back, i'm not seen in the live anymore. with another chair beside me, jimin sat down. i tried to focus on my phone but he got my attention when he lowered his head towards me. i removed my phone away just to see him smiling. we both chuckled and heard them calling us.

"they're waiting for us, let's go." he stood up and went out with jin who's smirking when he saw us. i saw jimin blushed as i pulled my lips in, feeling the heatness on my cheeks. i heard taehyung clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth while we're walking at the hallway.

"you thought i didn't saw that, did you?" he glanced at me as i chuckled lightly. in return, he shook his head and rolled his eyes before wrapping his arm around my shoulder, following the boys in front of us.

"if jimin really likes you, he needs my permission first." he kissed the top of my head before removing his arm around me. i mocked at him, shaking his head. the dinner was fine but the only thing that's bothering me is that jimin keeps looking at me and when our eyes meet, he would smile and sometimes smirk. what is wrong with him? it's starting to annoy me. i can't even open my mouth and chew properly because the way he looks at me is making me uncomfortable.

"picture in 3, 2, 1" the waiter counted with a smile on his face as we compressed together, smiling widely. he returned the phone then later on i noticed a familiar face of a girl with a group of friends who were sitting three tables away from us.

one of the talkative members mentioned her name, making jimin drop his knife and fork on the table which made us look at him in sync. jin used his elbow to hit hoseok's arm lightly, almost blaming him for taking away jimin's good mood.

"s-sorry," he said and took a sip of a water. jimin just clenched his jaw, finishing off the beer. i glanced at her, staring at her beautiful body and face. many things went through my mind and ended up with a question, can i be her? cause as far as i know he's still in love with her. because when he loves, he pushed himself to its limit. he'll give everything he has until he left nothing for himself, leaving him helpless at the end and he doesn't deserve that. with that, i felt a stab on my chest making it hard for me to breathe.

as they were having fun with their conversation, i just noticed that we're both quiet. i went to the restroom and was surprised when the girl who hurted the man i love so much was there.

"hey y/n," i smiled at her through the mirror and washed my hands, wiping it with tissue.

"how are you?" i asked, throwing the tissue in the trash bin and waited for her response.

"i'm fine, you?" she pulled her lips in, the darkness of red that's painted on her lips made it look plump and big.

"i'm doing good," i weirdly smiled and took my cellphone out once i felt it vibrate inside my pocket. a message from my brother.

we're about to leave, we're just waiting for the bill.

"i heard that you like my ex," she fakely smiled at me and placed her lipstick inside her purse. i gulped, putting my phone back into my pocket.

"oh i'm gonna correct myself. i heard that you love my ex," she emphasized the word love which made my heart drop. my fingers went cold as she waited for me to answer.

"how did i find out? oh dear, you're too obvious even when we're still together." she took a step towards me, it didn't make me take a step back.

"but you know what? forget that you love him. he ain't gonna love you back." i started stepping back once she's starting to get close to me. ew.

"look at me, look at you. are you kidding? there's no way he'll replace me with someone like you." then she left. i looked beside me, a reflection of me through the mirror showed tears running down my face with my cheeks red. i tightened my grip on the sink, sobbing quietly but then i received a text again.

are you done? we're leaving

a lady went inside the restroom as i quickly wiped my face with a tissue. once she closed the first cubicle, i took a last look at the mirror to check if there's any evidence of me crying. my cheeks were red just like my eyes, i just sighed. i'll try to lie and deny it.

"there she is," jungkook said as they all looked at me. i looked up slightly and gave them a small smile, avoiding an eye contact with them. jimin's eyes never left me as if he noticed something.

"you okay?" suga asked while we're walking on our way to the parking lot. i tried to let out a word but i felt being choked whenever i tried to so i just nodded. i stayed quiet even at the hotel room where jimin will be staying at. taehyung knows me well so he tried to reach me out to open up what happened. i was hesitant at first but he won't stop bothering me until i tell him the truth so i just did, crying my heart out in front of him but i stopped once jimin got back from hanging out with the hyungs next door. feeling a bit tired so i took a bath but then i received a text from my bestfriend.

are you free tonight? let's meet in our favorite club, i'm with your highschool crush ;)

i smiled at her text message, hearing a cough in front of me. i removed the towel from my head, taehyung takes a look at my phone to see who it is.

"just be home early." jimin looked at us as i replied to her text while taehyung sat down on the chair and continued playing with his laptop. i grabbed the clothes that i'd be wearing and went back to the bathroom to change. a black lace croptop with my tight jeans on and a pair of black heels. i put my make up on, dried my hair and curled its end before putting on my earrings and gold watch. being satisfied with what i look, i went out and grabbed my purse.

"are you really wearing that there?" he asked sassily.

"yes because i'm going in a club not a kid's party," i said that sounds more like a question. i felt jimin's eyes on me, his jaw clenching and licking his lips every minute but i chose to ignore it and kept arguing with taehyung. just like what his ex told me, he'll never date someone like me.

"aish, do you need me to take you there?" he asked, scratching his head in frustration. i shook my head.

"why did i even asked you? of course you'd say no. just wait for me, i'll just wear my hoodie." i rolled my eyes and waited for him at the door. all i can feel is how my heart beats fast everytime jimin looks at me while he was using his phone.

"are you coming with us?" it took a half minute before he could even answer. i'm sitting at the back, taehyung and jimin jamming into some weird shit songs that were only played randomly in the radio.

we're waiting for you outside.

she texted me while i'm pretty sure in less than five minutes we're there already. just when taehyung parked the car, he's surprised.

"unlock the door tae," his nose showed two circles with his jaw drop. i laughed when i saw his reaction.

"let me out already!" i groaned with my eyebrows knotted. she's already at the door of the club, waving her hands, excited for me to get in.

"did she set you up with that ugly ass guy?"

"what did you just say?" i asked in disbelief, jimin laughed and hit taehyung's shoulder. i glared at him causing him to stop and make a serious face.

"don't tell me you're going to hook up with him or even make out because if that's the case i'm going to take you home right now," i rolled my eyes. what was he even thinking? i hit his shoulder and told him to let me out.

"just let her out taehyung. i'll be the one to pick her up later," jimin said coldly without even making an eye contact with any of us. taehyung looked behind to give me a teasing look but i just rolled my eyes, waiting for him to unlock the door.

"i missed you!" i hugged my bestfriend as i looked at the guy beside me.

"hey y/n," he smiled widely and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, i'm sure that's the last thing that jimin and taehyung saw before the bouncer closed the door. he gave me a short hug and went on our way to our reserved seats. i looked around, it's been a long time since i've been here. as usual, we talked about how we're doing.

"you look beautiful tonight," he mentioned while staring at me. i chuckled, unable to answer appropriately with his compliment. i nodded once, my bestfriend pulling her eyebrows up and down as a form of tease.

"you're drunk," i told her and tried to get the shot glass but she's fast enough to drink it.

"just tipsy," she giggled. we danced for a while until we prefer to sit down and just talk but then the longer it gets, the deeper i went into what i was thinking. i've fallen in love with jimin so hard that i can't even stand up on my own feet to walk away and avoid him. what hurts is that i can't even have him, claim him as mine even just for one day. why out of all the men in this world, why fall in love with someone i can't even have? burning sensation is what i felt as soon as i drank the alcohol.

"what are you thinking about?" i could barely hear his voice so i pushed my head closer to him, his nose brushing on my ear made me shiver.

"i asked you what were you thinking about," i grabbed a candy inside the container and put it inside my mouth, shrugging at what he said. my bestfriend went to the dancefloor to meet a guy who keeps looking at her, leaving the both of us alone on the couch. we were laughing when he's telling me some of his silly stories even though we barely hear each other due to the loud song but it all faded away when i'm already tipsy and he's drunk. my vision was kinda blurry but i'm pretty sure i saw his slender fingers on my thigh, caressing it.

"s-stop," i pulled his hand away when it's about to unbutton my jeans. his minty breath tickled my ear causing me to move away only to be pulled back by him. i can't fight back until he started kissing my neck down to my chest before going back up to kiss my lips. i'm not gonna lie, i'm starting to like it but i felt this is wrong. but why does it feel like this? i'm single and i shouldn't be worried of anything.

but then i remembered someone.


i felt my heart being ripped in two as he started leaving hickies around my neck and chest. since he's wearing white long sleeves, i gripped on his collar with my head tilted aside. we were distracted with my phone vibrating inside my purse so we pulled away, checking to see who it is.


but then he grabbed my phone and placed it on the table, bringing us back to our position and what he was doing. with my eyes closed, i forgot the fact that he was calling and he's the one who's going to pick me up until he pulled away from me, my eyes opening wide when i saw jimin had already punched him on the face. he kept punching him until he's laying on the floor already, grabbing my phone and pulling me out of the club.

he didn't looked at me inside the car when he handed me his handkerchief with his jaw tightly clenched. i feel guilty. i don't know why when i shouldn't. there's nothing wrong with what i did.

i didn't get it so he looked at me, the expression on his face made me nervous. smoke could have been shown going out through his nose and ears if only cartoons were real.

"this is what i fucking hate the most. caught you with someone else kissing before i even could," he said through gritted teeth while wiping my lips with the cloth and his thumb and finger holding onto my chin. i stared at him with how close our faces are, his eyes focused on my lips.

"he even left hickies around your neck and chest," he groaned and removed his thumb with a force. he gripped through the steering-wheel, throwing his handkerchief at the backseat. but you left him with tons of bruises on the face, jimin.

"why are you mad? is it because taehyung would also blame you for not picking me up early enough that it ended up like this?" my voice was low, his hand fell onto his thigh.

"i don't care if he blames me but isn't obvious, y/n? i fucking like you already," instead of pure happiness, it's still the nervousness is what i'm feeling.

"and then i'm going to pick up the girl i like only to caught her making out and let a guy leave hickies around her neck and chest? wouldn't that drive me insane?" he punched the steering-wheel which made me flinch a bit.

"well that isn't my fault anymore! i loved you for so long jimin. neither of those time you showed me that you feel the same way so it's not my fault if my decision was to move on even though i never had you," his eyes widened when my voice got higher but then it softens once he realized what i said.

"so you're not going to fight for me anymore? you gave up now that i already like you?" his words broke my heart into pieces with numerous tears started leaving my eyes.

"you lost your hope just because somebody told you that i'll never date someone like you?" taehyung fucking told him, great. what a great brother i just want to sell.

"y/n, you're hurting me." that's time when i felt my whole world crashed. i can't even look at him. i knew he was crying already.

"i don't even think that i only like you. i could feel that it's more than that," he sighed and put his seatbelt on. after a moment of silence, he took a deep breath and wiped his tears.

"let's forget what happened tonight," he sighed once again and drove all the way back to the hotel. when we arrived, taehyung's asleep, who occupied all the space on the bed. we have no choice but let him sleep beside me.

"you go first," he took a step back and let me go inside the bathroom. i couldn't sleep. i was playing my phone when jimin walked out of the bathroom with grey sweatpants on and white shirt, drying his hair with a towel. my vision was blurry when my eyes couldn't hold any of my tears anymore, letting it all out.

he was right. now that he likes me or let's say more than that, why give up now? after waiting for so long, after hiding all the pain from him, it's happening already and i don't want to lose the chance. he's everything that i wanted.

"i love you," i said when i ran up to him and hugged him tightly. he didn't hugged back, surprised with my action but later on i felt his two arms around my waist, making me feel a knot in my stomach. both were now satisfied, he pulled away to dry my cheeks that's been wet by my own tears. he glanced behind me, making me do the same thing and it was taehyung, smiling teasingly.

"no no no no," he widened his arms and legs to occupy all the space on the bed. jimin rolled his eyes, carrying me in a bridal style before laying me on the bed with him. he hugged me tightly, my head resting on his chest. i closed my eyes, feeling relaxed while hearing his heart beat. the man i'd always love and wished for is now mine, finally.
