
Carly and Sam walked over to their lockers after Mr. Klein's class to get their stuff. Carly wore a red tee shirt under an orange hoodie decorated with yellow writings that all meant joy in different languages and red flowers. Sam, however, wore a denim jacket over a navy blue tee shirt decorated with silver leaves.

"I can't believe Mr. Klein gave me a D on that test," Sam said. "How'd I get a D?"

"You only answered half the questions," Carly answered, "then told Mr. Klein the test was stupid, then burped, then left."

"And that's not worth a D+?" Just then, Freddie and Tommy walked up to the girls with a blonde boy named Benji. Freddie wore a blue and yellow striped shirt with the long sleeves rolled up. Tommy, however, wore a black tee shirt with golden outlines of a brachiosaurus skeleton and tiny facts written in fancy cursive that were also in gold.

"Hey guys," Freddie said. "Bad news."

"The doctors can't fix your face?" Sam asked Freddie. This caused Benji to laugh, but Freddie looked at him annoyed, causing their guest star for iCarly to stop laughing.

"What's the bad news?" Carly asked.

"Benji's flaking on us," Tommy answered. "He can't come on iCarly."

"I'm not flaking," Benji defended.

"Benji," Sam said.

"Oh, come on," Benji pleaded. "The Plain White T's are signing autographs at the Westbrook Mall."

"The Plain White T's are in town?" Sam asked.

"I love them," Carly said.

"So it's cool if I miss iCarly?" Benji asked.


"You promised to be on the show tonight," Sam said.

"Sorry," Benji said. "I'll do it another time." He then walked off.

"Fantastic," Tommy said sarcastically. "Where are we going to find another kid who can fit his entire foot in his mouth?" Just then, Gibby, a good friend to the group and was in some of their classes, walked past.

"Hey, Gibby," Sam said, stopping the boy in his tracks. "You wanna be on iCarly?"

"Totally," Gibby answered. "What do I gotta do?"

"I'll show you." Sam then threw Gibby onto the floor and wrestled with him, trying to get his foot in his mouth. "Put your foot in your mouth. Come on, you can do it."

"I can't!"

"In the mouth, Gibby!"

"I don't bend that way!"

"Put your foot in your mouth! Put your foot in your mouth!"

"I can't! I can't do that!" While this little scene went on, all Carly, Freddie, and Tommy could do was watch.

"She's not like other girls," Freddie said.

"No," Carly agreed.

"Definitely not," Tommy added.

"Come on, Gibby, lift your foot higher," Sam said as she continued to try and get Gibby's foot in his mouth. "Bend it, Gibby, come on! Put the foot in the mouth!"

After school, the gang got ready to do iCarly.

"In five, four, three, two..." Freddie counted.

"And you're live," Tommy said.

"Hello, Internet-alonians," Carly greeted.

"Greetings, webites," Sam added.

"If you're here to see a live autopsy of an alien..."

"You've come to the wrong URL."

"Okay, we've got an awesome show for you guys tonight."

"And we're gonna kick it off by showing you a freakish video."

"Sent in by an iCarly viewer..."

"Of a cat meowing the national anthem."

"God bless A-meow-ica. Freddie? Tommy?"

"One singin' cat comin' up," Freddie answered as he walked toward Tommy. "You got the video up."

"Uh... yep," Tommy answered, pulling up the video on his laptop. "Just waiting for you to pull it up." Freddie then pressed a few buttons on his own laptop and pulled the video up on the monitor. However, when the music started playing for the Star Spangled Banner, and it showed the cat, the video then changed over to a kid riding a rocking horse, saying he owned it.

"Boys," Carly said, "where's the singing cat?"

"Okay, okay," Freddie said. "Hang on. Here." He then activated the second camera as he tried to fix it. It pulled the video up, but the video appeared upside down.

"It's upside down," Sam said.

"I see that. Wait." Freddie then typed a few keys on his laptop as Carly and Sam faced the second camera.

"Sorry iCarly viewers," the brunette said. "Freddie and Tommy will have the cat video fixed in just a sec." Freddie tried, but nothing appeared to be working as the screen began getting covered with static as the monitor itself swung in and out.

"Okay guys," Carly continued, "we're having some minor technical difficulties."

"So, while we get them fixed..." Sam added.

"Please enjoy this picture of an old lady biting a brick." Nodding, Freddie pulled up the pic. After an odd show, the gang stood downstairs as Freddie peeled back a banana, Carly held an apple, and Tommy bit into a pear.

"Freddie," Carly said, "what do you think went wrong?"

"I'm not sure," Freddie answered. "But I'd bet an entire month's allowance that all my equipment was working perfectly."

"Ooh," Carly said sarcastically, "you'd bet a whole eight bucks?"


"Your mom only gives you eight bucks a month?" Sam asked.

"She's afraid if she gives me more, I'll buy a bus ticket and leave her."

"That's so dumb," Tommy said.

"Yeah, not really." Just then, Spencer leapt into the apartment, literally.

"It's on right now?" he asked the person on the phone. "Cool, I'm puttin' it on. Thanks, Socko!" He then hung up and sat between Carly and Tommy. "Turn on channel eight!"

"Why, what's..."

"No time for questions!" Spencer shouted, interrupting his sister. He then turned on the TV on channel eight, where a reporter stood in front of the Westbrook Mall.

"At the Westbrook Mall," she said into her microphone, "the Plain White T's, famous for their number one hit song, 'Hey There, Delilah', were signing autographs when lead singer Tom Higgenson sneaked away to buy himself a latte. As Mr. Higgenson was leaving the coffee kiosk, he was almost struck by a giant menu board when it fell from the upstairs food court." The tweens got worried, but Spencer shushed them.

"Luckily," the reporter continued as a picture of Spencer appeared on the screen, "a passing bystander pushed the rock star out of the way, saving his life."

"Spencer!" Carly said.

"That's you," Sam said.

"You saved Tom Higgenson?" Tommy asked.

"I know!" Spencer said. "Yes, I did!"

"You're like a hero," Carly said.

"'Like'?" Spencer asked.

"So did you get an autograph from Tom Higgenson?" Freddie asked.

"Better," Spencer answered, "I didn't have any paper, so he signed my back." He then lifted his shirt, revealing the message the rock star left on the spazzy artist.

"Wow," Carly said.

"Read it," Spencer said.

"'Spencer'," Tommy read, "'thanks so much for pushing me out of the way. If it wasn't for you, I could have been killed by that menu board. By the way, nice mole'. Hey, look. He drew an arrow pointing at the mole."

"That is a nice mole," Freddie said.

"'Thanks again'," Carly read. "'I totally owe you one, bro. Your buddy, Tom Higgenson'."

"Is that his phone number?" Freddie asked as he pointed at the number under the message.

"Yup," Spencer answered, lowering his shirt.

"Hey," Carly said, getting a brilliant idea.


"Oh, never mind. I shouldn't ask."


"Will you ask the Plain White T's to perform on iCarly?"

"Will you take a digital picture of my back?"


"Then, yes!" Spencer then lifted his shirt again as Carly took a picture of the message with her phone.

The next morning, Carly was awoken by the doorbell ringing. Running to the door, she looked out the peephole and screamed with delight at the person who waited on the other side.

"No way!" she said, opening the door. Standing there was a man in a naval uniform. "Colonel Morgan."

"What's up, buttercup?" Morgan asked Carly. Morgan was a good friend to Carly and Spencer's father, so he was almost like family.

"Permission to hug?" Carly asked.

"Permission granted." The two then embraced.

"Me next," Spencer said from the kitchen as he ran up to his father's friend.

"Spencer," Colonel Morgan said as Spencer flung his arms around him. "At ease." Spencer then let go of him and saluted.

"Sorry, sir."

"What are you doing here?" Carly asked.

"Yeah," Spencer added, "I thought you were overseas with Dad."

"I was," Morgan answered. "But I'm back here for a couple of weeks to do a little recruiting. But more importantly..." The two Shay siblings then covered their eyes with their hands as Morgan returned with a bag. "I bring gifts from your father."

"Yes!" Spencer said as he and Carly kept covering their eyes.

"Awesome," Carly added.

"For Carly," Morgan said as he removed her gift, "a handmade laptop case from Switzerland." Carly then removed her eyes and looked at the case with surprise.

"Whoa," she said, "I love Swiss laptop cases!" She then grabbed the case and admired it.

"And for Spencer," Morgan continued, "a two-foot-long Italian meat stick." Spencer then opened his eyes as Morgan gave him his gift, which was a lot shorter than Spencer had thought.

"This is two feet?" the immature adult asked.

"It was, till I had lunch." Morgan laughed, but Spencer did not.

"So you're going to be in Seattle till the end of the month?" Carly asked.

"Yep," Morgan said, "and before I leave, I want you both to come over and have dinner with me and Carmela."


"We'll try and get there early," Spencer added.

"All right," Morgan said. "I better run on. But before I do, Carly, any boys got your eye?"

"What do you mean?" Carly asked.

"It's normal for girls your age to feel a certain way toward boys, but I must warn you that I must meet them first to give you the AOK your father would."

"Well," Carly said, her cheeks turning pink as she brushed some stray hair behind her ear, "there is one boy. I really like him, but I don't know if he likes me."

"What's his name?"

"Tommy." Morgan then smiled.

"Feel free to bring him to dinner. I'd love to meet him. Now, I best be off."

"Ooh!" Spencer said before their father's friend could leave. "Before you go, you got to read my back."

"Read your back?" Morgan asked in confusion as Spencer lifted his shirt to show Colonel Morgan Tom Higgenson's message.

"Read my back!" Morgan then gained a look of disgust as he leaned down to Carly.

"If you ever need my help with anything," he said quietly, "you just call me."

"Thanks, Colonel Morgan," Carly said.

"Uncle Roger."

"Uncle Roger." The two then embraced before Roger Morgan left, closing the door behind him.

"Is he reading it?" Spencer asked. Carly just smiled as she shook her head.

A few days later, Freddie and Tommy were checking their equipment before doing another iCarly.

"Are you guys sure we're not gonna have any more problems?" Carly asked the two boys.

"We shouldn't," Tommy answered. "With Freddie's guidance, I was able to help him triple-check everything." He and Freddie then pressed a few more buttons.

"Okay," Freddie said, "we're live in five, four, three, two..."

"Go," Tommy whispered as he pointed to Carly and Sam.

"Hello, people of Earth, Jupiter and Wisconsin," Carly greeted. "I'm Carly, which rhymes with barley."

"And I'm Sam..." the blonde said.

"Which rhymes with ham," the brunette finished. The boys chuckled as the girls continued.

"Okay," Sam said, "by now, I'm sure you've heard that Tom Higgenson..."

"Lead singer of the Plain White T's..."

"Recently had his life saved by a passing bystander."

"And that passing bystander is my brother, Spencer." Sam then hit the applause button as they pointed at a picture with Spencer smiling goofily.

"Now guess what?" Sam asked.

"Tom Higgenson is so cool that he promised my brother a big favor," Carly answered.

"So Spencer's gonna try and get the Plain White T's to play live right here on iCarly."

"Just go to to check out more info when that might happen."

"But right now..."

"Sam's gonna send a 20-word text message using only her feet and toes," Carly answered as she removed a phone from her pocket.

"Here I go," Sam said as she plopped down on the red bean bag, which was nearest to her. "Okay, Carly, just put the cell phone between my toes there." Carly then handed Sam's toes the phone.

"Okay, there you go," Carly said.

"There we go, okay," Sam said as she began wiggling her toes to text.

"All right."

"Oh, yeah."


"Gettin' some words in there. B-R-B."

"Oh, yeah."

"L-O-L." Just then, the green screen turned itself on.

"Freddie," Carly asked, "what up with the green screen?"

"Tommy?" Freddie asked the assistant director. "Did you accidentally touch one of the buttons?"

"No," Tommy answered. "I stood here next to my laptop all this time." Freddie then walked over to his tech cart to try and fix it when the monitor started going all crazy.

"Uh, what's goin' on with the monitor?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," Freddie answered. Just then, the lights dimmed as colorful lights began flashing.

"Random Dancing!" the echoey voice said as all the other tech stuff continued to go all crazy as if they had minds of their own.

"Freddie!" Sam shouted over the noise. "Do something!"

"I'm trying!" Freddie shouted. "Tommy, can you try and help me?!"

"I'll try!" Tommy said as he tried pressing the button Freddie taught him meant shut down. "It all won't turn off!"

"It's like I have no control over anything!" Freddie shouted. Finally, all the lights went out, the Random Dancing voice died, and the monitor stopped swinging. The lights then turned back on with a hum.

"Okay, now what?" Carly asked.

"Uh... guys?" Tommy asked as he looked at his laptop. "I got no connection. No connection means no iCarly."

"Huh?" Sam asked.

"We're offline," Freddie said. "No signal in or out. Our whole website's down."

"Aw, great," Sam said sarcastically, "in the middle of our show?" Just then, the monitor swung outward as if it were alive.

"Wait," Carly said, "what's going on with the monitor?"

"We're not making it do that," Freddie said as he and Tommy joined the girls.

"Well then who's - -"

"I am the source of iCarly's technical difficulties," a modified voice said as the monitor showed a person's face being covered by a demon mask.

"Well, knock it off!" Carly snapped.

"Who are you anyway?" Sam asked.

"My identity is a secret," the person answered. Just then, a woman's voice came from off-screen.

"Nevel, come say goodbye, sweetie."

"Mother, I'm busy!"

"Nevel?" Carly and Tommy asked simultaneously. The boy then removed the mask, revealing Carly's greatest enemy.

"Hello Carly, Sam, Freddie, Tommy," Nevel said in his normal voice.

"You're the one messing up our webcast?" Carly asked.

"That's right. I've hacked your website. I told you I'd get revenge."

"Uh," Tommy said, "you only said Carly would 'rue the day'."

"Same thing, Tommy Oliver! And now your time to rue has come."

"Look, Nevel," Sam said, "you better back off, or I'm gonna squeeze your big round melon head till it pops."

"You don't scare me, Sam," Nevel said, trying to sound brave.

"Well, we know what does scare you," Freddie said.

"Yeah," Carly agreed. "We're just gonna tell your mom on you again, and then you'll be in huge trouble."

"Wrong," Nevel said. "My mother's leaving for a two-month cruise around the Arabian peninsula."

"Well," Tommy said, "there has to be some adult in charge of you. You're what, five?"

"Eleven! And you are correct, Tommy. My grandmother. But she's hopelessly confused." The four looked at each other in worry. "That's right. I'm untouchable. I control iCarly, and there's nary a thing you can do to stop me."

"'Nary'?" Freddie asked as Carly and Tommy shrugged.

"Let the ruing begin," Nevel said as he seemed to look right at Carly through the screen. "You feel it, Carly? You feel the rue? You feel it?!?" Just then, Nevel's smile faded as his mother's voice came in again.

"Nevel, come kiss mommy goodbye." Rolling his eyes, Nevel looked to his right.

"All right, mother!" he called in a high voice before looking at the gang again. "Better find a new hobby, Carly, 'cause your web show is officially canceled by me." He then pushed a button as the static returned to the screen.

"I hate him," Carly said. Just then, Nevel's face appeared again.

"I heard that," the eleven-year-old said. He then sighed as he pressed the same button, turning his face off again.

"Please tell me I can hurt him," Tommy whispered before the four best friends left their studio in annoyance.


After a shutdown show, the four tweens were inside the kitchen, with Freddie and Carly sitting at the table, the boy checking his laptop to find out how Nevel was doing it. Tommy leaned up against the counter as he tried reading a book for new hobbies (titled "New Hobbies to Try Because an Evil Twink Stole Your Website" by BFerg122) in case they couldn't get iCarly back. Sam, however, stood on top of a stepstool, looking through Carly's cupboards to try and find a snack.

"Well," Carly said to Freddie, "how's he doing it?"

"I don't know," Freddie answered. "Somehow Nevel hacked into my computer and was able to control everything in our studio."

"Well, this is horrible," Carly said.

"You know what else is horrible?" Sam asked, a hot chocolate mug in her hand. "You're out of mini marshmallows."

"Hey," Tommy said as he joined his friends at the table, "I think I found something. Competitive Dog Grooming. It's highly recommended by this author, who is only referred to as BFerg122 since our website got stolen." Carly just rolled her eyes as she faced her friends.

"Sam, Tommy," she said.

"This is a crisis situation," Freddie said.

"Yeah?" Sam asked. "I'll just use this big one." She then grabbed a large marshmallow and put it in her beverage.

"Guess that's a no on Dog Grooming," Tommy muttered to himself as he turned the page to try and find a better hobby. "Soap Carving and Milk Bottle Collecting? No, thanks." Carly just sighed as Sam and Tommy sat down at the table.

"So Nevel can just mess up our show whenever he wants?" the brunette asked.

"Yeah," Freddie answered. "Till we can figure out how to stop him, which could take months." Carly then sighed as she made a decision.

"Well, then, for now," she said, "we're stopping iCarly."

"What?" Sam asked.

"Carly!" Freddie said.

"Tell me you're joking," Tommy protested.

"There's no point in doing the show just so Nevel can wreck it," Carly said, pointing out her reasoning.

"Yeah," Sam agreed.

"True," Freddie added.

"You got a point," Tommy muttered as he closed the book. Just then, Spencer ran up to the tweens with a smile on his face.

"Awesome," he said to the person on the phone. "That's incredible! That's incredible! I'll tell them right now. Bye." The artist then hung up as he looked at the tweens. "Oh, my gosh! That was Tom Higgenson. He said yes. I got you the Plain White T's for iCarly next week!" The kids, however, instead of being excited, just looked at each other with disappointment.

"Guys, calm down," Spencer said as if the kids were getting enthusiastic. Carly just looked at her brother.

"Does it have to be next week?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, after that, they leave on like a year-long world tour. What's the problem?"

"We can't do iCarly next week because that evil little twink Nevel hacked our website," Tommy answered, showing Spencer the book.

"That evil little maniac who makes great tapenade, but tried to kiss Carly?" Spencer asked, making sure they were all talking about the same Nevel.

"Yeah," Carly answered, "the little nub hates me now, and he figured out how to mess up our show whenever he wants."

"Do you know how huge it'd be for iCarly to have the Plain White T's on?" Sam asked.

"Yes," Carly answered. Freddie then did some thinking before forming part of a plan in his head.

"Then we're not canceling the show," the tech-genius said as he stood up. "Tell Tom we'll be ready."

"Yay," Spencer said as he pulled out his phone. "I go dial." The spazzy artist then ran out, leaving the four kids alone in the kitchen.

"Why'd you do that?" Tommy asked his best bud. "We don't have a way to stop Nevel."

"He stopped," Freddie said to his friends. "We're gonna mess with"

"You think you can hack him back?" Carly asked.

"Yeah. We just got to sneak into his house so I can get to his computer. And then, when he realizes that we can crash his site, he'll leave iCarly alone."

"Nice," Carly said with a smile.

"Not bad, bud," Tommy praised. "All hail the Tech God." He then did some small praising gestures with his hands.

"Wow, Freddie," Sam said, surprised. "I like seeing you get all feisty."

"That's the Freddie Way," Freddie said to the blonde.

"I thought the Freddie Way was a toasted bagel with grape jelly," Carly said.

"Or a cup of noodles with a side of toast," Tommy added.

"Those are the Freddie Breakfast and Lunch Ways," Freddie said.

The next day, as Nevel left for school, he was unaware of Carly, who was dressed in black like a spy, sneak into his house through the window. The brunette then removed her walkie-talkie and spoke into it.

"Tommy," she whispered, "coast's clear. You're up." Just then, the bottom two screws to a large air vent in the ceiling became unscrewed as Tommy, wearing a black hoodie and dark jeans, gently lifted it up and gingerly fell to the floor.

"Sam, where are you?" Tommy asked into his walkie-talkie. Just then, the door to the kitchen swung open as Sam entered the main room undramatically as she ate from a dish.

"In the kitchen," the blonde answered, causing Carly and Tommy to look at her.

"How'd you get in here?" Carly asked.

"Back door was open," Sam answered. "Hey, look, I found some tuna tetrazzini in the fridge."

"Sam," Tommy said, "need I remind you we're here to hack Nevel's computer and crash his website because he hacked and can crash ours, not eat tetrazzini."

"I feel we can do both," Sam said, her mouth full of the strange pasta. Rolling her eyes, Carly took the dish from Sam and set it to the side.

"Okay," Freddie whispered from the ceiling, "here I come." He then lowered himself toward them via a spy vest with cables attached to the ceiling with his laptop and cables attached to his chest.

"Not bad, 007," Tommy joked to Freddie.

"Come on," Sam said, causing everyone to look at her, "can we just do this before Nevel comes back?"

"Yeah," Freddie answered. "Let me just unhook myself." The tech-genius then started fiddling with his cords as Carly left to scope the place out and Tommy left to find Nevel's HQ.

"Oh, man," Freddie said. "The latch is bent." Sam then smirked as she walked toward him.

"So you're stuck there?" Sam asked. Sighing, Freddie just gave up.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Well, here, here, let me help you out."

"Oh, cool, thank you." Sam then grabbed Freddie as she spun him around, causing him to scream.

"Stop me!" Freddie cried. "Stop me! Stop me!" He continued to scream as Carly and Tommy walked back in, stopping a spinning Freddie.

"Will you quit playin' around?" Tommy and Carly asked, scolding Freddie as if they were his parents and he were their son.

"He can't release the latch," Sam explained.

"Sorry man," Tommy said, "but you were the one who decided to do it up big."

"Oh, man," Carly said. "Okay, then, just tell us what to do."

"Okay," Freddie said. "First, go find Nevel's base of operations."

"It's in that closet," Tommy said, pointing at the door Sam had just entered.

"Wow," Sam said as she checked the interior of the nerd base, which had six monitors; one pulled up on Carly's building, one pulled up on, one with a GPS of Carly's building, another showing pictures of Carly via a slideshow, and the other showing a sniffing bunny. Above the monitors was a picture of Nevel himself and a photo of his giant brain.

"I used to rate geeks on a scale of one to Freddie," Sam continued. "But I think Nevel just broke that scale." Carly, who held Freddie's laptop and extension cords, then entered with Tommy, who were both stunned at the sight of what the evil little genius had transformed the closet into.

"Okay, Freddie," Carly said loudly so Freddie could hear her, "we're in Nevel's nerd cave. What do we do?"

"Okay," Freddie said from his dangling spot. "Hook up my T.I.D. cable from the UGC port on my laptop to the QSB input on his Y drive."

"What?" the two girls asked simultaneously.

"Speak English, Freddie," Tommy said.

"The blue cable," Freddie said as the three got to work. "Plug the small end into my laptop and the fat end into Nevel's computer."

"Thank you," the other three said simultaneously. Just then, the door opened and in walked Nevel's grandma. Freddie then held completely still, hoping she wouldn't see him. He was about to sigh in relief when she did see him, causing him to close his eyes in fear.

"Oh, spider!" the elderly woman said as she entered the kitchen. Squirming, Freddie removed his walkie-talkie from his belt.

"Mayday!" he said in a worried whisper. "Mayday! Mayday! We have a situation!"

"What's wrong?" Carly asked on her walkie-talkie.

"I think Nevel's grandmother just walked in."

"Don't worry," Sam said. "Nevel said she's hopelessly confused."

"Okay," Tommy said on his walkie-talkie, "we got the cable hooked up. Now what?"

"Okay," Freddie said, "there's a file on my desktop called vl2.exe. Drag that onto his hard drive."

"Okay," Tommy said as he did so.

"After you do that, just unhook the - -" Freddie was cut off by Nevel's grandma walking back in with an umbrella, which she held as a club. Rolling his eyes, Freddie looked at her and smiled. "Hi, there."

"Spider!" the old woman shouted as she started whacking Freddie with the umbrella.

"Stop it, lady!" Freddie said. "Would you - -"

"Stop!" Carly said as she and Sam ran out of Nevel's nerd den.

"Who are you?" the old woman asked the girls as Carly and Sam did some quick thinking, Tommy sneaking around them to cut Freddie loose.

"Your personal trainers," Carly answered.

"My personal - -"

"Come on," Sam said, interrupting poor Mrs. Papperman, "let's do some squat thrusts!"

"Squat thrusts!" Carly agreed. The girls then removed the umbrella from her grip, Carly setting Freddie's laptop down, stood on either side of the old woman and started doing the exercise. As the girls worked with Mrs. Papperman, Tommy took the garden shears that the old woman had brought in and cut his buddy down. The two boys then left, the girls, who grabbed Freddie's computer, still counting as the grandmother continued to squat and thrust as they left and closed the door behind them. When they got back to Carly's apartment, Freddie sat on the couch as he typed on his laptop.

"And in about two minutes," he said, "we are gonna crash Nevel's website."

"Pull up," Carly told Sam, who was at the computer.

"Copy that," Sam said as she pulled up the website. Just then, Spencer ran out with two different socks in his hands.

"Hey," he said, "which socks do you think I should wear when the Plain White T's come here? Blue stripes with golden pineapples?" He then pressed a button on that sock, causing the fruit to light up. "Or aqua with fuchsia palm trees?" He then held up the other sock and pressed another button, causing the trees to glow with pink light.

"Wear one of each," Carly said to her brother.

"Hey, that's brilliant. Look at you thinking outside the socks." Spencer then started to laugh at his own joke, causing the tweens to look at him in confusement. "I'll be in my room."

"Okay, Sam," Freddie said, "keep your eye on Nevel's website and watch it crash." He then pressed a button on his keyboard and Sam watched, but nothing happened.

"Guys, we got a bit of an issue," Tommy said, mispronouncing the last word. "Nevelocity is still working." Just then, electricity crackled from Freddie's laptop as it seemed to have died.

"What happened?" Carly asked.

"My computer crashed," Freddie answered.

"Surprise!" Nevel said as his face appeared on the big computer screen, causing Sam and Tommy to jump, the latter into Carly's arms. As Nevel laughed, the two looked at each other, blushed, and let go.

"Aw," the villain said, "it's so cute how you tried to crash my website, but who failed? You did."

"Okay, Nevel," Carly said, "why are you torturing us?"

"Firstly, because you refused to kiss me, then soiled my face with tapenade."

"You better just back off, Papperman," Sam said.

"No," Nevel said, "I control the iCarly website now. But look on the bright side."

"Which is?" Tommy asked.

"There is none!" the villainous eleven-year-old laughed. "You all lost and I all won! Bye." He then pressed a button and his hideous face disappeared from the screen.

"Well," Freddie said in defeat, "better go tell Spencer to cancel the Plain White T's." The four iCarlys then turned around with their hearts broken.

"Man, this bites," Sam said.

"We can't do iCarly as long as Nevel controls our site." Just then, Nevel appeared.

"So true," he said.

"Get off my monitor!" Carly snapped as she tried to unplug it.

"Allow me," Tommy said. With a kiya, he did a drop kick on the wire, forcing it to unplug and Nevel's round evil face to disappear. "Well, hope you guys all like tree shaping, 'cause that's the number one hobby BFerg122 recommends if your website was stolen by an evil twink."

"Get that thought out of your head, Tommy," Carly said as she walked over to the phone and started dialing.

"Who are you calling?" Freddie asked.

"You'll see," Carly answered as she held the phone up to her ear.

"You ordering pizza?" Sam asked hopefully.

"No!" Carly answered, causing Sam to sit down in defeat.

That Friday, the four got ready to do iCarly with the stage set for the Plain White T's.

"Um, are you sure we should do the show?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, seriously," Freddie said, agreeing with Sam, which was something he didn't do very often. "I mean, you know Nevel's just - -"

"We're doing the show," Carly said, interrupting Freddie.

"Okay," Tommy said as he got the stuff ready and Freddie held up his camera. "We're live in five, four, three, two, and... go."

"And welcome," Sam said, smiling and being positive.

"To what?" Carly asked.


"Oh, yeah."

"I'm Sam." Just then, the screen changed from the girls to Nevel wearing a brown girl's wig.

"And I'm Carly," Nevel continued in a high voice.

"It's Nevel again," Freddie said.

"Now what's he doing?" Sam asked.

"Overriding our signal," Freddie answered. "He's webcasting directly to our audience."

"And now on iCarly," Nevel continued in his annoying high voice, "I will sing a song all about my webcast."

"Oh, no," Tommy groaned. "Please don't have him sing." Too late.

"I have a web show that I do, It is really bad," Nevel sang very terribly as he hammered the keys on his piano to the tune of "Old McDonald".

"No," Tommy said, "that singing is really bad."

"How could this not be infuriating you?" Sam asked Carly as Nevel continued to torture poor Tommy.

"Just keep watching," Carly said. As Nevel continued to sing, he was cut off by five army guys surrounding him and Colonel Roger Morgan glaring down at him from behind.

"What are you people doing here?" Nevel asked Morgan in his normal voice. "I demand a - -"

"Quiet!" Morgan shouted.

"Yes, sir."

"Who's that?" Freddie asked.

"A friend of my dad's," Carly answered.

"You called in the military?" Sam asked.

"I don't play around," Carly answered before turning to Tommy. "Oh, and by the way, Tommy, he wants to meet you."

"Why me?" Tommy asked.

"You know what? I don't know," Carly lied.

"Nevel Papperman," Morgan continued as his men began taking Nevel's devices, "your computer hacking is a direct violation of the Internet security act of 1983."

"Wait," Nevel said with fear. "They're taking my equipment. They can't do that."

"Oh, yes, they can. And I can also place you under military arrest."

"No! No, please, I'm just a young boy."

"Huh?" Morgan asked as he held up Nevel's wig. Nevel then removed the wig as he continued to plead.

"A boy, trust me. Please don't arrest me."

"Okay, fine. You're not under arrest." Morgan then looked at Nevel's camera as the boy looked at him in fear.

"Then what are you going to do to me?" Nevel asked. Later, Morgan videotaped Nevel screaming and grunting as he was held up in the ceiling by a spy vest as Freddie was similarly trapped to.

"Get me down from here!" Nevel screamed as the iCarly gang laughed, watching from their own website.

"After you apologize to Carly," Morgan answered.

"I'm sorry, Carly," Nevel said to the camera.

"Now, call yourself a weenie."

"I'm a weenie!"

"He is a weenie," Carly said.

"Yeah," Sam agreed.

"Very weenie-ish," Freddie added.

"The weenie-est," Tommy concluded. The four then shared fist bumps as Morgan looked at the camera.

"Okay, Carly," he said, "I don't think this boy will be bothering you anymore." Morgan then stopped the livestream and he and his coworkers left Nevel dangling up there for sushi.

"Okay," Freddie said after he typed a few buttons, " is back under our control, and we are live." He then pointed his camera at the girls.

"We're back," Carly said.

"Sorry for that little interruption," Sam apologized.

"We don't think it'll happen again."


"And now a first for iCarly."

"A world famous band is gonna perform live right here."

"Right now."

"So please welcome..."

"The Plain White T's!" the two girls said simultaneously as the band came out, Sam pressing the applause button. Sam then ran up to Tom Higgenson and hugged him tightly, only pulled away when Carly pulled her off and shared a hug with him herself.

"Hey," the rock star said, "I'm Tom Higgenson. Before we do this song, I wanna thank Carly's brother, Spencer, for saving my life." Spencer then waved from the car seat he sat on with Carly and Sam. "Spencer, you're a heck of a guy and you wear some rockin' socks."

"That's true," Spencer said, showing his glowing socks.

"All right," Tom said to his band, "let's do this for iCarly." The band then started playing as he began singing. "Oh, oh, oh, oh. There will be no rules tonight, If there were, we'd break 'em, Nothing's gonna stop us now. Let's get down to it. Nervous hands and anxious smiles, I can feel you breathing, This is right where we belong. Turn up the music. Oh, oh, oh, oh." As the song continued, Tommy felt himself looking over at Carly, who danced in her seat with a huge smile on her face. For some reason, this caused him to smile as well. "This is the dance for all the lovers, Takin' a chance, for one another. Finally, it's our time now. These are the times that we'll remember, Breaking the city's heart together, Finally, it's our time now, it's our time now. This is more than just romance, It's an endless summer, I can feel the butterflies, Leading me through it. Take my heart, I'll take your hand, as we're falling under, this is an addiction, girl. Let's give in to it. Oh, oh, oh, oh. This is the dance for all the lovers, Takin' a chance, for one another. Finally, it's our time now. These are the times that we'll remember, Breaking the city's heart together, Finally, it's our time now, it's our time now. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Finally, it's our time now."

Word Count: 6,107
