Chapter 13

Summer POV

Myra's head massage was beneficial. That helped me start my preparation for the last exam.

By the time Myra came back from the hospital, I was done putting my books at their places. I greeted her with a wave and started checking the phone that I had put on the nightstand for better focus since I was already behind schedule. Portia suggested, 'don't cry like a baby and put the phone away and actually do some shit.'

I had a text from Penny and one from Mister Sterling. I sighed. I'm so done. Mister Sterling was a lovely person most of the time when things were going his way. I liked to think of him as a family that made things go easy. When I was coming home from school, I still remember not paying much attention to the road in front when he called me from behind. He talked with me for an hour outside his house and, later that day called my parents and presented his wish of sending me to UCB for further studies. It was like a dream come true. But like everything in life, it came with a price. And before you assume, No, he didn't harass me.

"How many redheads do you think our college has that I'm not aware of!" Myra, as always, interrupted my thoughts and fell on her bed. I took a deep breath.

"Was he good?" Portia asked without looking up from her laptop. She had been typing forever.

"sooooooo good." Myra said as if swooning, but as if realizing something, she plopped herself on her elbows, "Since when you started asking questions like that? The last I checked, you didn't give a fuck about people. So you like red hair?"

"I don't like redheads, as a matter of fact. Redhead boys. Maybe girls, but surely not redhead boys." Portia said.

" Awwwww. My baby is into girls. I fucking knew it." Myra charged at her.

"No!No!No!" Portia shouted, but Myra jumped on her nevertheless.

"It's about time you people stop jumping on me out of nowhere. It's so annoying."

"And I love it."

"Sure you do, honey. Now get off."


After having dinner, Myra was ready to call Erin and thank him because he wasn't checking his messages.

This girl had the talent of making simple things hard.

"For my sanity's sake, just call him and get over this, Myra!" Portia exclaimed.

"But wouldn't it be weird that I'm calling just to say thanks? It should be greater than that." Myra chewed her bottom lip. Then, she pulled out her phone and started dialling.

After what felt like a minute, she looked alarmed. "Hey! This is Myra." She put her hand on the receiver and mouthed something along, 'He picked up.' Always making a huge fuss about phone calls.

And promptly, Myra made a plan to thank him with a coffee.

If only we could return all favours with coffee.

Portia was checking her phone the whole time.

" Will you guys come with me?" Myra asked, pocketing her phone.

"That guy helped you, Mishi. It is not fair to beat him up right now. Unless you have already planned to. in that case, I need to get my heels on."

"He is a nice guy," Myra commented.

"I need to pack my stuff for tomorrow," I made myself clear. Myra sighed and left us with a goodbye.

I couldn't go home last weekend, and things would get more demanding in a week. It was the only chance I could be home. I tried ignoring all the important things at once. I needed a break.

Portia clarified that she wanted to sleep since she was emotionally done with the exam the next day. It was good for me. I finished packing and went to bed.

Myra POV

Erin was late by almost an hour, which I spent going through a self-defence media page. Not that I was in a position to complain, it was me who insisted. It was quiet in the cafe, which was kind of obvious at that time.

We both requested cold coffee. Neither of us spoke for a minute at first. We knew each other, but we weren't friends.

I took a deep breath and tried to initiate a conversation.

"Soooooo.. you don't like messaging or replying to texts. I see." That came out sarcastic, not precisely how I had planned.

"I didn't mean to ignore your messages. I was busy with some stuff and wasn't really in a reliable place of mind."He shook his head " I apologize."

"Hey, no problem", I raised my hands in submission ", at all! We are here because you helped me," I showed with hand waves.

"That, " he shook his head again, his curls bouncing this time", was nothing. You don't have to thank me for that. I told you on the call too."

"No. I want to return the favour. Please tell me if I can help you with anything" I air quoted", EVER."

He was silent for a moment, then nodded and attempted a smile.

" What is it that's been bugging you this week, as you mentioned earlier?" I added quickly," if I may ask!"

"Uh," He hesitated," It's nothing."

It was getting awkward. I could see that something was troubling him, but what could I say?

"You were working on a video last week."Erin tried.

"Yeah! We wrapped it yesterday. it was supposed to be done with last week itself, but then everybody got concerned about quizzes this week, and I couldn't do much because, you know," I tilted my head", speaking about quizzes, how are they going for you?"

"Just how I prepared for them. mediocre." He took a sip.

"Fair enough."

"How is your wound now? I never got to ask you what happened in the first place?"

"There was some construction work going on, and something sharp hit me, and at the party, I mishandled it and fell once. It's almost healed now. The doc said the stitches can be removed tomorrow. But that's not something to be worried about, the highlight is they wouldn't let me stay overnight! it's so outrageous!"

"Do you want to stay at the hospital?"

"It's a completely normal thing to wish for, Erin," I said bitterly.

"True that." He finished his coffee. His phone rang. He excused himself and took the call, which was apparently important.

"Myra, are you friends with Olivia?"

"No. we did have one or two activities together but we never talked much. Why?"

"Nothing, just establishing mutual friends."

"Well," I said, pushing the mug away from me." We should leave now. We still have an exam in the morning. Thanks again."

Erin stood up " Friends don't thank each other"

I took my bag. Erin came with me to the door," Good night."

"Good night." I left with a smile.

Just when I reached the dorm and looked for my phone, did I remember the phone was on the coffee table.

I groaned and started the journey back to the cafe.

How things tend to go wrong when you want to sleep!

Erin was still there with some other boy. Do these people not care about exams at all? I tried not to disturb them and to sneak in, but one can't stop listening now!

"I told you already! she wasn't home! Is it too hard for you to trust me?" The other boy was half shouting.

'"You know I believe every word you say, but where can she be? I told you it wasn't good for any of us!"

There was silence for a moment.

"I miss Olivia," the other boy confessed, who I assumed would be Kristen.

I was close now, so I thought it better to reveal my presence.

I cleared my throat. Both boys looked at me, alarmed.

I told them I had forgotten my phone there and added, " I assume Olivia is missing."

