
Today I was going shopping with Ellie, Hannah and Lee. Nick was coming because I still didn't know my way around LA properly but I was getting used to it. We were going to Santa Monica, I had never been there so I was excited. I got into this outfit:

"You ready" nick said knocking on the bathroom door
"Yep coming" I said and he looked at me when I opened the door
"You look beautiful" he said
"Thank you Nicky" I said and pecked his lips.

We drove in nicks car and when we got there, there was loads of paparazzi. Nick rolled his eyes but then put in a fake smile.
"Is this what it's like to be famous" liam laughed And I looked at him and raised my eyebrows
"It's not fun when they follow you everywhere" I laughed and nick agreed. The paparazzi walked over to us and nick took my hand.
"Heyy nick and poppy" the man said and he nodded at my friends.
"Hey man" nick said
"So your official now" he said and me and nick nodded.
"I actually have a few questions that the fans wanna know" he said and I took a deep breathe and smiled.
"Go ahead" I said and the man looked at Ellie
"The other night a picture was sent to us, Tony was with a girl, do you know anything about it" he asked me and nick and I knew it was Ellie. Nick looked at me and we both shook our heads.
"No sorry" I said
"Oh well that's weird because you two were with them" the man said. Ellie looked embarrassed and I wasn't just going to drop her in this.
"Oh well I was tired and I can't really remember anything, Tony was just helping the girl I think, I don't think anything's going on" I said trying to save it.
"Oh ok yeah that makes sense thank you for answering the question" he said
"We better get going" nick said politely taking my hand and I took Ellie's arm who was next to Hannah and Lee.
Once we were out of sight I sighed.
"You know what I mean now?" I said
"I'm sorry you had to lie" Ellie said
"Don't worry I weren't just going to drop you in there like that" I said
"So how are you and Tony since the other night" I asked
"Pops I really like him" she said
"We know you told us that many times in the car home from the party" nick laughed.
"Well he likes you too" I said and she nodded
"Me and Ondreaz kissed" Hannah blurted our and I smiled.
"See I told you he liked you" I said
"Liam? Any news" I said
"Me and Addison have a date tomorrow" he said and I smiled
"I'm so excited for you all!" I said. Nick kissed my cheek. We went in a place to get food and we all sat down with our bags full of stuff we had bought.

When we finished eating nick stood up
"Where are you going babe?" I said
"I'm just going to get something in that Um shop over there" he said.
"I'll come" I said
"No no it's fine stay here I'll be back soon" he said and I frowned and just said okay. He walked away then Ellie got a text and she looked at Hannah. Hannah gave her a look and ellie looked at me and smiled then at Hannah and nudged her.
"Is everything okay?" I said
"Yeah Um I'm just going to the toilet" Hannah said and got up and walked to the toilets. That was weird I thought to myself.
"So how's everything back in England?" I said
"Not good really" Liam said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Well we have to go to uni without you" Ellie said
"And it's so boring" Liam said
"Is it that bad" I laughed
"Lee nearly burnt his apartment down" Ellie laughed
"The party's are great though" Liam said
"Aww I wish I could be there" I said
"I love it here but I miss England, it's so different here" I said
"It really is" Liam said. We had been speaking for 5 minutes and neither nick or Hannah were back.
"Where are they both?" I said confused.
"I'm I don't know" Liam said As I started to get up.
"They'll be back soon I'm sure" Ellie said
"Yeah they will be" Liam said
"So do you enjoy the weather here a lot better than England?" Liam said changing the subject
"Really? We're that bored we're talking about weather? Come on guys I'm not stupid, you know something I don't" I said
"We don't know anything" Ellie said looking a round at the shops.
"Why are you lying to me? Where have they gone?" I said getting a tiny bit upset. I obviously trusted them both but something was going on that everyone knew about but me.
"Nothings going o-" Liam started to say but was cut off by nick and Hannah sitting down at the table with a bag that nick quickly hid. I don't know where it was from I didn't get chance to read the bag.
"Where did you go?" I asked and nick looked alarmed
"Ummm I-I went to get some clothes-I needed some new uh socks" he said and I raised my eyebrows
"Right okay and you want me to believe that" I said sitting back in my chair. Everyone looked at eachother. Why was he lying to me? Again. I trust him I do it's just hard when he doesn't tell me what's going on.
