i love you

Soo you've been waiting for me too update and I'm soo soo sorry guys and gays i was just having some projects that are a little too important and I had to leave you hanging (sorry again)

But I'll just end it with this chapter because there are more stories and ships to be made.

ANDD i may be making a YouTube channel soo yeah.


Third person POV

After last night the two best friends were sleeping calmly in the bed without a clue of what happened the night before. The sun was rising from the ground and the light came in the room.
Catra woke up by the light in her eyes and shifted to the other side and she was surprised to see her blond best friend sleeping next to her. Her shoulder was showing which made Catra blush a little. The beauty of the blue eyes girl always made the furry dizzy.

Adora shifted and the covers moved down which revealed naked Adora

Catra blushed HARD

'Why is Adora naked? ' Thought Catra shocked to see her best friend naked with bite and hickeys and her body.

"What the..." Said Catra making Adora move a little closer.

'Shit. It looks like cat bites. Wait.........well shit' Catra panicked.

As the cat girl was panicking Adora eyes opened and saw a panicked Catra looking at her with pink cheeks.

"Good morning Catra" Adora yawned and stood up the blanket falling down reviewing her covered in marks boobies.

Adora looked down feeling a little cold.

"What the... Why am i naked? Catra? " Said Adora looking at Catra.

By the way Catra was looking Adora understood what happened.

"We drank too much didn't we " Adora chuckled. Catra didn't say anything avoiding the blue eyes that are staring at her.

"I'm going to make something to eat, you put something on k? " Catra got up and walked out. 'She have a lot of scratches on her shoulders' Adora thought blushing.

She stood up too and looked for her underwear that was spread around the floor.

She found it and put it on. Opening Catra's closet Adora found some baggy grey t shirt and jean shorts.
After getting dressed she walks out of the room going downstairs.

'Me and Catra did IT last night. This is going to be a awkward day' The blue eyed girl though.

When Adora came down she sat on a chair next to the bar looking table.

"Here" Catra put a plate with eggs and bacon in front of her.

"Thanks" Adora didn't wait to eat and shove the hole egg in her mouth.

"You're hungry" Catra giggles.

The blonde blushes and slowed her eating pace. She wanted to talk about what happened but was afraid Catra don't want to talk about it and tell her she don't want to be friends anymore. Little did Adora know Catra too was afraid to talk about it thinking Adora is straight and she's grossed by her having a dick and also that she is a lesbo. But they can't avoid it forever because it'll be too answered.

After breakfast they sat on the couch not speaking or looking eachother.
Catra broke the silents.

"Sooo. How are you? " Asked the the furry.

"Um good.... You? "

"Good to I guess? " Catra answer.

"Look we need to talk about it or we are going to be awkward all the time" Adora said looking at Catra.

"Let's just forget it ok? It happened and we can't undo it. It's before to me so... Wait a sec.... Are you a virgin?"

Adora blushed "Not anymore"

"Shit.. I'm soo sorry. I didn't know you were a virgin" Catra panicked. Adora hugged her.

"Hey it's ok. I'm actually glad you were my first" Adora Confort her.

"Really.....? "

"Yup. I don't remember what happened last night but I know I had fun" Adora laughed.

Catra fake giggled. "Well now what? "

"I have to go to Glimmer house for a project" Adora answered.

"Oh okay. Wanna ride you there? "

"Nah go sleep" Adora kissed Catra on the cheek and left.

As soon as Adora left Catra blushed so hard. But Adora don't remember a thing which was a little disappointing, but less awkward.

Catra decided to go out and walk around the town.


Adora mentally prepared herself for what was gonna happen because she want to tell Catra her feelings. But what if she don't feel the same and never talks to Adora again.

Well it's now or never. She called Catra

'Hello' Catra said

'Hey um can we meet at the park next to my house. I have to tell you something' Adora said with fear in her voice.

'Okey. Is something wrong? ' Catra asked.

'Nope' Adora said and hung up.


The park

Adora was sitting at a bench waiting for the furry to come. She was loosing hope but when she heard the sound of a motor she smiled.

Catra was confused. She didn't know what to expect to hear from Adora. But she came to find out.

She got of her bike and went inside the park. Walking she saw Adora's back and decided to scare her. She tiptoed slowly to her and raped her hands around the blonde.

"AHHhh" Adora screamed before trying to kick the figure but seeing the cat she calmed.

"Catraaa. You scared meee" Whined the blue eyed girl.

"Hehehe ok now what it is " Catra asked.

Adora blushed and got nervous all of the sudden.

"Umm i-ii wann-ted toOoo.. " Adora couldn't say it. She was scared that Catra will ghost her forever.

"Adora? You okey? " Catra was getting worried.

"I i shit I can't" Adora gave up.

"What? You can't what. Adora? " Catra is soo confused now.

"Ughh damn it. Promise not to ghost me after this" Adora with fear in her eyes said.

"Wha- I would never do that " Catra said offended.

"Look we've been friends for a long time and I can't help but fall in love with you. You may be stubborn and bossy but that's what what I love about you. And when you protect me are I protect you I feel like we are a couple and i want to feel like that everytime" Adora finished

Catra was shocked to hear that. Because she felt the same way. Her eyes watered and she smiled so bright. She grabbed Adora by the waist and kissed her with so much passion.

Adora confused at first but kissed back.

It was a long kiss but they needed to breathe they parted.

"Wow" Catra breathed out.

"Wow indeed"

"Soo what are we now? " Catra asked.

"What do you want us to be" Adora questioned.

"I want kiss you whenever I want.

" Then it's sealed " Adora laughed and kissed Catra lovingly.

Soo this is it guys. The end of my first story. I'm so happy to see people like my story and waited for my update. I'm so so soo sorry for leaving you like that. I'm about to make new stories soo stay tuned for that.

Love you all 💞💞💞
