
Smut ahead. Also like I mentioned G!P
Catra. Yes Catra is top. Fite me

Catra POV*

"This ice cream is so delicious" Adora happily said while jumping like a anime girl.

"Let's go to the swings" I said and started running towards them.

"Hey slow down" Adora yelled.

"Haha only if you catch me" I laughed.

I got to the swings and sat down on one. Adora came seconds later and sat on the other panting like crazy.

"You need to run more" I jokingly said.

"Shut up" Adora still panting said.

Even sweaty she is beautiful. God really give his everything to make her the most beautiful person in the world. Adora was swinging with a smile. I can't do anything but stare. Her hair was down, moving with her from the swinging.

"Catra, why aren't you moving? " Adora asked stopping.

"Ah um nothing. Just thinking what to wear for to night" I lied.

"Oh okay"

"What about you? What are you going to wear? " I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe some shorts and a crop top" Damn I'm gonna die is I see her like that.



"Hey we should get ready" I said looking at the time.

"Right. I'll see you later" Adora said and drifted away.

That's strange.

I ran to my motor and drove to my house to get change clothes.

Catra's outfit:

I'm ready. I got my keys and got out. I drove to Adora's house and waited for her to come out.

Her door opened.

"Sorry i took so long"

Adora's outfit:

(Not that club-y but eh)

Wow. Just wow. I'm sure I look like a fool with a open mouth now.

"Wow. You look... beautiful" I said.

She blushed"Thank you. You look good as well "Adora complimented me.

"Well let's go I guess"I said lost in her body.

"Ok let's party wohooo" Adora shouted.

"He he"


"Hiiiii Catra who is your friend. Oh Adora! Long time no see" Entrapta said.

"Hey. Oh I'm Adora nice to meet you" Adora said offering a hand to Scorpia

"Hello I'm Scorpia. You look so nice. Catra was right when she talk that yo---" I covered Scorpia's mouth.

"Ha ha funny. Let's go inside" I pushed  Scorpia and Entrapta while Adora giggling followed.

We got inside and immediately the smell of alcohol hit me nose.

"The smell of  sweat and alcohol is strong here" Adora said.

"Well welcome to a club Adora" I sarcastically said.

We went to the bar and ordered drinks. I got whisky, Adora the same as mine, Scorpia got vodka, and Entrapta has a little drink that they make for her especially. She eats and drinks small things. Weird.


Adora's POV*

I feel a little dizzy. And hot especially down there after i drank wine. Catra was a little drunk looking. And I think she has a twin haha.

"Heyy~ cutie. Wanna come with me? "
She sounds so hot.

"Sureee" I said almost tripping.


We were in a house after some time and Catra and her twin were pinning me to a wall and kissing me hard. There legs were between mine.

"Ah~" I moaned pushing myself harder.

"You like it babygirl? " The twins said near my ear.

"Ahh~ yess" I moaned.

Suddenly one of the twins disappeared. Catra was kissing and biting my neck. It feels so good~

"Ah~ fuck me  already! " I demanded.

"Hehe getting to the point huh? " Catra said and started touching my chest.


Catra got me to a bed and took off my crop top.

Her hand playing with one of my boobs and her mouth on the other.
Her free hand traveled down my stomach. My hands were pushing Catra's head wanting to feel more.
Her hand was between my thighs rubbing my pussy.

"Ahh~ stop teasing me~" I said and moaned loudly.

I couldn't stop moaning her name. It feels so good. Every touch is making me go crazy.

She got more down and opened my short jeans, after getting them off Catra trow them somewhere.

"Already wet babygirl? " Catra said touching my most sensitive part of the body.

"AH~ fuu..hc"I was covering my mouth with my hand. Catra grabbed it

" Don't cover this beautiful mouth" Catra said before kissing me with passion.


"Yes? "

"Fuck mee"I plead

She didn't say anything. Removing my panties she inserted her tongue.

" FUCKKK~" How something so small is so biggg.

( well she's drunk isn't she. It's not because I don't know what to write)

I'm moaning so loud that even in Asia people might heat me.

Catra stopped and got her head up to mine.

Her hand grabbed mine and she moved it to her vagina. But it wasn't that it was.... A DICK?!?!

Wow. No need for straps then.

I grabbed it and played with it. Now I was on top of her. I slide her mermaid shit down with her pants and boxers.

"Can i?" I asked.

"Yes please" She answered.

I carefully tried to put it inside me. It hurted a little but it's not that bad.

I started bouncing while Catra was squeezing my ass.

"Mmm so good" I panted.

"Your so tight" Catra said squeezed one of my boobs.

Catra laid my back to the bed. I rapped my legs around her waist. She started thrusting faster and deeper.

"Ohh shit~" I moaned.

"You like that? " She whispered in my ear.

"Ah yeees"

I feel like I'm close.

"Ah fuckk. I'm close" I panted.

"Good" With that she turned full Naruto mode and thrusted as hard as she could.

"Ah yes. Fuck. Faster. AHHGGG~" I came and Catra got down to lick me clean.

"Hmm you taste so good" Catra said.

"You are so good at this" I panted still trying to calm down from what happened.

Catra got up and covered my body with a blanket and laid next to me.

"Well good night prrrincess" She said and kissed me deeply.

"Good night kitten" With that we fell asleep.


(Author note)

Well I don't know what I just wrote. Soo if you like it (probably not) you can vote. I also take ideas so if you have something you can comment.
Thank for reading. Bye ❤❤❤
