Chapter 34: Fangs Are for Biting

"Oh god, that is... beyond disgusting." groaned Vale, er, Valentine. Garrett had just killed some poor lonely hiker for, well, dinner. He was stunned. A newborn vampire that thinks human blood is disgusting? What else were vampires supposed to eat? "Perhaps we can find an animal for you to try. I know this family in Washington - their leader is an old friend of mine, you see - and they do a whole "vegetarian diet" like THATS an actual thing when you're drinking ANIMAL blood..." "What's in his pack?" she interrupted him. "Here, check it out." He tossed her the bag. 

She sat on a snowbank and rummaged through it. She could smell something.... something delicious and sweet. She pulled out a plastic carton of strawberries, her crimson eyes sparkling. "SERIOUSLY?" Garrett cried, throwing his hands in the air. "BUT YOU HAVE FANGS! YA KNOW, FOR BITING PEOPLE WITH???" 

"Just because a creature has sharp teeth doesn't mean that they eat meat or drink blood, Garrett. It just means that they have sharp teeth. And you'd need that for lots of different fruits and vegetables." She responded, promptly sinking her teeth into a berry. 

"Oh my gosh that is BEYOND good!" she smiled. Garrett came and sat on the snowbank beside her. He took a berry, tried a bite, but promptly spat it out. "Nope. Tastes like dirt to me. Shame really, I used to love strawberries." She elbowed him in the ribs. "I wish you could taste this."

"I'm fine with being a vampire really. There's not a lot of people who's company I enjoy." he beamed at her. "See what else is in the pack." she said between bites. He shuffled through the items. "A few hundred dollars in his wallet and another pack of berries. Outside of that I don't see much that could be of use to us. Maybe you can buy some decent clothes in town." She hummed in acknowledgement. Under the coat that Garrett had given her, she still wore the skimpy tank top and shorts that she was wearing when Nick kidnapped her. Of course, she didn't remember being kidnapped, but she did think she needed to change.

The next couple of weeks were spent like this. Garrett hunting, and Vale experimenting with  the foliage around her. Now that she was a Vampire, immunity to poisons was a given. She found that she could drink animal blood, and found that it wasn't horrible, but she preferred the edible plant life she could find. (Garrett cheekily promised to buy her a juicer someday.) Her eyes began to loose their blood-red hue and become a dark ominous green. She looked like a cat in the dark. She found that her eyes would contain a gold-colored ring when she decided to feed on animal blood, but that wasn't very often.

She kept to herself mostly, aside from the constant sassy banter with Garrett. The two were quite alike in attitude, ( a LOT of sarcasm and dislike for the general population) but she was more intense and serious than he was. They actually made a great team together, and he had started giving her some training in self-defense. They quickly discovered that her body reacted instinctively against his attacks, leading them both to think that she had been given some training beforehand. 

She was often absent-minded, her eyes holding a faraway look. Her mind was trying to pierce the thick veil that was blocking her memories. She couldn't remember a face, but she remembered a sensation... Like someone was holding her safely in their arms. A feeling of trust...

"I'm going to see if I can get a good idea of where we are. You stay here and don't get into trouble." "Trouble? Me? PFTT." "Uh huh. Just trust me on this. There is a reservation not too far from here. It's werewolf territory, so don't get caught." "I don't see what they would have against a berry-eating vampire, but I'll do my best." Garrett ruffled her hair. "I'll be back." Off he sped through the snow.

At least two hours passed and Garrett had not returned. She wasn't worried, and didn't wander far from where he had left her. She was thinking deeply about what her past could have been like.

It was almost like she felt a pull, a calling, coming from somewhere afar. 

She hummed to herself softly, a tune that she faintly remembered.

"Well I'll use you as a warning sign...

If you talk enough sense you could loose your mind...

And I'll use you as focal point...

So I'll never loose sight of what I want....

And I've moved father than I thought I could...

But I missed you more that I thought I would...

And I'll use you as a warning sign...

If you talk enough sense you could loose your mind...

Oh, and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be...

Right in front of me..

Talk some sense to me.

Talk some sense to me...."

Her gaze wandered over the frozen lake. Somewhere, beyond it, something, no, someone was calling to her.

A soft growl came from behind her. Her head snapped around to see a large wolf, werewolf, staring at her. He was a reddish-black color, and seemed genuinely surprised to see her. He stared with large brown eyes.

"Oh, sorry. I thought the reservation was further south of here." She said politely. 

Please don't kill me Mr. Werewolf. I'm actually a vegetarian vampire. Or mostly vegetarian. I like bunnies on occasion... ok, so I'm not actually a vegetarian, I just have a healthy diet.

The werewolf promptly shifted to his human form. His face held a shocked expression. 


(Recommended song: I Found by Amber Run) This is the song that Vale is singing to herself.
