
You've got me feeling so empty
(You used to fill me up with your soul until it came pouring down my neck, your black black soul infecting my poor white lungs...)
You've got me thinking about those eyes of yours...
They never did fit you, baby, those oceans of blue and grey, of wild winds raising the chaotic waves from the world's floor...
They never did fit your darkness, always stood out, always light light light, different...
That is, of course, until one got to know you. And then, then they didn't just fit, they became the very centre of you, the very thing that defines you...
Because your eyes,
They're cold, they're cold and they pin me to a wall and burn me alive. They freeze the hot red blood running in my veins, they stop it and they turn it to ice and then
Every arterie in the body snaps and all that is left is a melted puddle of my love for you... If you don't need me, darling, at least keep that...
Your eyes lure me closer until your lips are close enough to take my soul out of my chest. I've always wondered: what does one do with broken fragments of my little me?
Until one day I saw your precious wall of trophies...
Enjoy your bedroom decoration, love, there's still some left in my chest...

And when my mind has sobered from your touch and my system is cleared of the drug of your breath,
When my love for you has passed like a dangerous, dangerous addiction,
When I am going to leave,
To leave you alone with the screaming presence of my absence,
Then, it is always your eyes to bring me back...
One locked moment with that freezing fire and I am locked in a time loop with you forever...
So no matter how far and wide, how odd and dark, how sad, or happy, or in love with someone who is painfully not you, those eyes of yours will always pull me right back into your burning world...
My dear pyromaniac, you manage to turn into fire even the coldest of things...
Your eyes, your eyes, your eyes...
I tuoi occhi amore,
I tuoi occhi
I tuoi occh-
I tuoi o...
As I have said so many times before, and as I will say again and again and again, as if fate itself shoves the words in my mouth, as if you yourself stain my lips with the letters, I will say it again (repetition was always my thing, darling, so why not run back to my comfort..? [perhaps, because comfort is everything you're not], but perhaps, that is why I love you..)
Your eyes will be the end of me...
And if I run to a faraway land and find the world's most beautiful criminal, if I steal his heart and if I fall in love, in a faraway land with the world's most black eyed, dark haired, wild desert tanned criminal, if I truly, truly fall in love, your eyes would always pull me right back into your arms...
Just your eyes and your eyes and your eyes and your touch and your eyes...

Your eyes whisper "know when you're beaten"
You said I never did learn to feel pain, oh love, oh sweet, poisonous darling...
Pull me down, knock me out, send the red the hot and the iron down my nose,
Stain your tongue with my very scarlet and throw me to the cold cold marble floor...
And then, then watch me run right back to those eyes of yours...
Know when you're beaten...
I love the way your touch stays on my pale pale skin (even if it stays in dark blue..)
You've always made things darker, fire boy...

I love the way we fight, the thousands of scars and wounds and bleeding lines I have left on the inside of your skull,
The black black maps you drew on the surface of my heart...
The way our lips and hands and kisses have always resolved in blood...
We can only end with a tragedy, sorry...
Oh, you hurt me lover boy, but I was far from innocent myself...
Know when you're beaten...
I love the way your ash coloured skin feels underneath my nails,
I love the way we get along...
I love the way we hurt and bleed and never ever get bandaids...
I love
The way we get along,
           We get along like a house on fire..

We have always gotten along like a house on fire, honey, 
                  (Because it's always a fire gone bad with you...)
