Camp Winnepacaca And A Very Angry Fox

After the guys and Autumn parked infront of the big cabin house they walked through the house and out to the back, there were a lot of vampire kids doing fun camp activities and Autumn adored the children 

you see Denisovich, this where i learned to catch mice and shapeshift, and use my incredible powers and strength, it's pretty cool huh asked Dracula as he pounced on the grounds and transformed into a wolf, a snake and a bat and he transformed into his normal self and he held Dennis 

badminton said Dennis as he pointed at some kids playing badminton

yes i don't remember this badminton said Dracula as he placed Dennis on the ground

well it has been a long time since you last been here Drac, things change over the years, like with humans for example said Autumn as she smirked at him 

well well is this a night, how you doing folks, i'm Dana the director, we're sure excited to have you legends visitin us, what can i do you for asked Dana 

well i'm very interested in sending my grandboy Denisovich here said Dracula as he leaned down and placed his hands on Dennis's shoulders as Dennis smiled

oh, this little red headed non fangy little guy asked Dana as he moved his glasses a bit so he can get a proper look at Dennis 

oh they're in there, he's a late fanger that's why we came here, can you show us some the drills like where they catch the mice asked Dracula as he stood up

can do, course now we call it tee mousing said Dana as he walked away 

Dracula was confused of what he just said while Autumn just giggled

a second later a vampire helper was placing mice on a tee stand and the vampire kids were just gently taking the mice 

so they don't have to catch the mice asked Dracula 

nope, we find this a good way to build their confidence said Dana as a vampire kid was a bit afriad to touch the mouse until Dracula got in his face

it's right there what's the matter with you! asked Dracula as stood up Autumn smacked him upside the head and she glared at him with her arms crossed over her chest, this made Dracula chuckle nervously

hokey pokey said Dana as he held the mice cage 

a bit later Dracula spotted something that helped him fly when he was a kid 

ah there it is Denisovich, where papa learned to fly said Dracula 

ooo i wanna like papa said Dennis 

they were looking at a tall dangerous wooden structure that looked like it wasn't gonna hold for very long 

uh yeah, we're over now said Dana as he pointed at a safer wooden structure and two vampire assistants were helping them as they turned into bats until one got stuck

had to scale it down, insurance, hokey pokey, see ya at the camp fire said Dana as he walked away 

honestly Drac, you have to get used to these things now, like i said things change over the years and that thing is definitely not safe for Dennis said Autumn as she gestured to the wooden structure 

i think these new activites are fun and adorable, just get them them and you'll see said Autumn as she kissed him on the cheek 

meanwhile in California Johnny and Mavis arrived at Linda and Mike's house and Mavis range the doorbell and they answered

well gosh welcome you two said Linda 

hey gang said Mike

hi guys, this is so exciting said Mavis as she hugged them and she walked into the living room 

look at all of this, so cool, wow i can't believe i'm actually here said Mavis as she looked at some pictures 

well you are, now how does it work, are up all night and sleep all day asked Linda as she walked over to Mavis 

yeah said Johnny as he walked over 

oh, i'll what ever you guys want said Mavis as she placed the picture back on top of the fire place

good, cause i brought this pretty sunhat for you said Linda as she showed Mavis a sunhat 

Linda said Mike

but otherwise this poncho, if you wanna be safe said Linda as she showed Mavis a pancho

we can deal with it later Linda said Mike

ok said Linda as Mike took the suitcase from Johnny 

oh come see, i've set up your bedroom said Linda as she opened the door to Johnny's old bedroom, it has two beds and Mavis's bed is surrounded with Halloween decorations

it's, just like Transylvania said Mavis 

oh Transylvania that was a fun experience, Mike was afraid he'd get disembowled and eaten but i told him he was just being silly said Linda

that was you Linda said Mike as the doorbell rang 

oh there they are, you know we have a couple of mixed families in the nighborhood, so i thought i'd invite them over, they might be nice to for you guys to talk to since you're thinkin about moving here said Linda as she answered the door to reveal a monster and girl couple

hi Caren, hi Pandragora said Linda 

welcome Mavis said Caren as she waved at them 

hey guys said Pandragora at he ate a bug as he walked in 

yeah you're gonna dig it here, don't even worry, people are totally cool with our lifestyle choice said Pandragora 

i mean the kids get picked on a little but it toughens them up said Caren as the doorbell rang again and Mike answered and the couple was a girl and a hairy guy 

oh hey you guys, and this Loretta, she's married to Paul who's a werewolf said Linda

excuse me asked Paul 

yes, i was telling Mavis about the other monster human couples in town said Linda

i am not a werewolf said Paul 

oh, i thought, well you're welcome to stay and have some cupcakes said Linda as she left and the couple left 

back with the guys, they were sitting by the campfire singing a song and Dracula was the only one not particapating in the song and when the song ended everyone cheered

great job vampires give yourselves a hug said Dana as everyone expect Dracula hugged themselves, Dracula had enough of this picked up Dennis and he walked away

we're going said Dracula as he place Dennis on his shoulder

what, where asked Frank as he looked at Murray, Wayne and Autumn

oh no, please don't tell me where i think we're going said Autumn 

a bit later they were now climbing the dangerous wooden structure

why are we doing this asked Murray

you rather listening to those putried new songs, what happened to Micheal row your corpse ashore, or old mcwerewolf had an axe said Dracula 

they were cute though, i get why you don't like them but they were fun said Autumn as she and the others were climbing the structure while Wayne was taking his time

we shouldn't be up here Drac said Frank as they made it to the top 

who's ready to fly asked Dracula 

me, me, like a superhero said Dennis as he did a flying pose

better like a vampire said Dracula 

this thing is rickety, you know what, maybe the kid isn't suppose to fly said Frank 

quiet this how they learn, you throw them and they figure it out, it's was how i was taught said Dracula 

i wanna fly now said Dennis 

attabat, you know papa's right here if you need him said Dracula 

i can't watch this said Griffon as he took off his glasses 

Dracula don't you dare throw Dennis off of here! exclaimed Autumn in a bit of anger

please don't said Murray

here we go said Dracula as he threw Dennis off the structure as he shouted wheee

Dracula! screamed Autumn as she hurried down the steps so she can save Dennis 

don't worry Dennis grandma Autumn is coming said Autumn as she was hurrying down the steps while the guys were looking down at Dennis

he's still not flying said Frank 

he will said Dracula 

still not said Wayne

it'll happen said Dracula 

this is a tall tower said Frank

that's why it's good said Dracula

you should get him said Murray

 he's gonna fall to his death said Wayne 

he's taking his time said Dracula as Dennis started screaming

i'm almost down Dennis hold on said Autumn as she off the ladder and she was running to where Dennis would land

Drac! exclaimed Frank as the others looked at him 

i did that my first time said Dracula 

he's getting too close to the ground! exclaimed Murray as he placed his hands on his head

you know what he's not gonna fly said Dracula as he flew down and transformed into a bat, he was flying as fast as he could to get to Dennis 

the vampire kids gasped and pulled out their phones and they started to record the whole thing, even Dana saw what was happening and he hurried over to the structure

as Dennis was almost to the ground Dracula swooped in and saved him 

i told you, papa's always here for you said Dracula 

again, again said Dennis 

Autumn was panting from hurrying down the ladder but she sighed in relief when she saw that Dennis was ok, until she glared at Dracula angrily like there were fires in her eyes and she stomped over to Dracula and he laughed nervously 

Dracula!! shouted Autumn in range 

wait Autumn i can explain said Dracula as he sat Dennis down

i don't wanna hear it, you could have killed Dennis, first of all why the heck would you think was that a good idea!! and second of all, you haven't done that to Mavis when she was Dennis's age, do you really think vampires learn to fly like that!! screamed Autumn 

Autumn please calm down, i was trying to make Denisovich a vampire so he would stay at the hotel in Transylvania, i thought throwing him the structure would him and i was also thinking maybe you can show him your element powers to maybe help him Dracula said nervously


um yes said Dracula even though it was more of a question 

Autumn couldn't take it anymore she was so angry, suddenly her whole body was up in flames shocking everybody including Dracula

Autumn's body was in flames and she turned into a regular fox, but her paws, her back and her tail was on fire and her eyes were glowing red and she roared at Dracula and she ran off and she started burning trees 

(i do not own this)

as Autumn was burning tree Dana walked over

oh dear, oh my devil, we're gonna have to report this said Dana as he walked over to Dracula 

you mean to the papers, i guess it was pretty cool but i'm not about getting press said Dracula

no sir, i mean the authorities, i can't not report child endangerment said Dana as he started writing on his clipboard 

 woah listen to me, that was fun, your singing is child endangerment! exclaimed Dracula 

should we go down and help him asked Wayne 

nope i told him this was nuts, he's on his own said Frank 

uh guys said Griffon as he was looking at something, the others followed his gaze and they saw Autumn going over to the cabins 

oh no said Frank as he and the guys were hurrying down the ladder so they can stop Autumn 

we have to call the boy's mother said Dana 

no that ain't happening, his mother's already nutsy koo koo said Dracula 

i have to follow protocol said Dana as he pointed at his clipboard and Dracula tried to hypnotize Dana

you will follow protocol said Dracula as Dana was in a daze for a second until he snapped out of it

i'm a vampire, i can't be hypnotized said Dana

oh right said Dracula as he frowned 

now please don't make me call the police said Dana

no one's calling nobody said Dracula until they heard something, they turned and saw Autumn breathing fire at all the cabins and everywhere near the cabins and the guys were running after her trying to stop her

Autumn stop! exclaimed Murray

this isn't solving anything said Wayne as Autumn kept breathing fire in range 

all the kids cheered and pulled out marshmellows and they ran to the fire, Dennis was the only one who said behind, he could believe how angry Autumn was and he was kinda scared of her, he walked over to Dracula and he tugged on his cape while he and Dana couldn't believe Autumn can breathe out fire

are we bad guys papa Drac, and does mama Autumn hate you asked Dennis 

bad, hate? asked Dracula as he looked at Dennis 

no, you're the best kid in the world,  Autum doesn't hate me, she's just very upset that i threw you off the structure, we just need to wait until she calms down, come on let's go home my hero said Dracula as he placed Dennis on his shoulders

cebause i'm batman to the batmobile said Dennis as Dracula chuckled 

yes to the- but Dracula was cut off when a tree landed on the car and Autumn's motorcycle destorying them, a tire flew past them and Wayne chased after it 
