Chapter 5: The Unofficial Consulting Detective

Inside the plain, white room, Bobby, the leader of the Lost Sons has his wrists cuffed on to the desk. He is joined by Brooks, who is giving him the bad cop treatment, but seems to have little effect on him as he simply stares at him. While the interrogation is happening, behind the one-way mirror is another room, where Biggs and Ame are observing the situation. Rather, Biggs is observing, while Ame is on the side of the room with her arms crossed and her eyes closed.

After some more attempts, Brooks finally gives up, grabs the files on the desk and leaves the room, heading inside the other room.

Brooks: I cannot get anything out of that guy. He's been quiet the whole hour.

Biggs: Have you tried going harder?

Brooks: What?

Biggs: You know, beat some sense into him!

Brooks: .... You see how big that guy is?

Biggs: Okay, well, do you a better idea?

Brooks: I say we don't need one. We already know what they're up to. It was a--

Ame: If you're about to say that it was a heist, detective, then might I respectfully comment that you watch too many crime movies.

She exclaimed as she finally joins them to watch Bobby alone in the interrogation room.

Brooks: Says the rip-off of Sherlock Holmes.

Ame: The man did assault several officers, yes, but I'm afraid that's the only crime he has committed. Along with half of his boys.

Biggs: How can you tell?

Ame: Come on, detective, it's simple math.

Biggs: What?

Ame: Him and his gang of bikers arrived at the scene after the glass door was shattered. It could not have been great planned heist if they chose to wait for the police to show up, beat them up and not go inside. Plus, if it were a heist, they would've stolen something inside the Holo Tower.

Brooks: Well, they would've if the police hadn't caught them.

Ame: Didn't you hear me? The glass door was already shattered before they came in.

Biggs: So, they had nothing to do with the shattered door, is that what you're saying?

Ame: No... They still do...

She leans closer to the glass window, observing every little action Bobby does in the other room.

Ame: After they arrived at the scene, the glass door was already broken... Someone must have already been inside that tower. But for what made them so eager to get inside?

Brooks: Maybe it was an employee that forgot something?

Biggs: It must've been very important to them if they had to break the glass door. The police didn't find anyone and there was no sign of anything being stolen.

Ame: ...

Brooks: ... Well... who'da that this glass door would be such a mystery.

Ame: Then let us change the question then.... What did they use to break inside?

She asked, confusing the two detectives.

Biggs: W-We don't follow.

Ame: I'm not expecting you to.

She replied as her phone beeps, notifying her that her Uber ride has arrived.

Ame: Gentlemen.

She greeted as she then makes her way out.

Biggs: Where are you going?

Ame: My Uber driver is here, I must take this.

Biggs: You know, we could just drive you somewhere?

Ame: I'm sure, you boys have more important matters to attend to.

She pointed at Bobby.

Brooks: Where are you going?

Ame: Somewhere you boys wouldn't be so interested... Well, not anymore. Good day!

With that, Amelia leaves the two detectives confused and suspicious of her antics.


After a few minutes on the road, her Uber driver then finally arrived at her chose destination -- The Holo Tower.

Ame: Stay here, please. I'll be in just a moment.

She ordered at the driver before exiting the car, where the driver then drives away to find a parking spot. 

She stands there, eyeing the Holo Tower from top to bottom. The investigation had just finished, therefore no one as at the scene though entrance is still closed, blocking the shattered door with police tapes. 

Ame: Perfect.

She then goes inside and begins to observe the place. Following the trails of shattered glass, which led towards the elevators. The perpetrator was trying to go up, tried the elevator but then found out it was shut down. While observing, she relays the words of detective Biggs' testimony.

"The police didn't find anyone and there was no sign of anything being stolen."

The police did not find anyone at the time. And the response time of the police were 30 seconds after the alarm. Which means, the perpetrator only had a few seconds to find a hiding place. With those in mind, she found a hiding place that is close enough for anyone in the floor...

Ame: The reception desk...

She then approaches the reception desk, with her magnifying glass, expecting every speck of the desk. So far, she found nothing peculiar, until she went behind it. She found few pieces of the shattered glass under the desk.

Ame: Hmm~

The perpetrator clearly knows his destination, but did not plan on how to get there. If they did have a plan, they would've chosen a more silent route. If they were an employee, they would have just used a key to open the locks. Not to mention that they seemed to be in a hurry.

Taking the elevator means that they already have a floor in mind. But the entire floor was closed during at that time, so there was only one place they have access to -- the rooftop. "But how did they get up there?" "Did they manage to get up there?" Were the questions she asked herself. And both of those questions were then answered as soon as she has her gaze turned towards the fire exit door.

After keeping the lead pipe to herself, she then proceeds inside the fire exit. Only to find what seemed to be over a thousand steps above her. Remembering that the Holo Tower has a total of 100 floors.

Ame: Interesting...

She took the elevator up to the rooftop and as she arrived, she found nothing of interest.

Ame: No... But they were in such a hurry... Something must have been here...

Beginning the observe the entire area of the rooftop, and still she found nothing. Only ending up to here, it felt like she found a dead end. Pacing around back and forth, thinking.

Ame: Come on... No... No... There must have been something....

She stops in place and looked back at the fire exit door, noticing the lead pipe that is in front of it. After a thorough examination on the lead pipe, by sniffing it, she then opened the fire exit door and then took a few steps back inside, posing as if she was about to walk out the door.

Ame: ... Or someone....


After hours until sunset, (Y/N) is confined to his bed, due to his extreme fatigue, from climbing up 100 floors. Still able to stand up and walk, but only for a short time until he loses his balance from the soreness of his entire lower body.

Ina showed up with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk, placing it at the side of (Y/N)'s bed as she then grabs a chair and sit next to him. (Y/N) slowly sits up from his bed, groaning from the pain on his lower body.

(Y/N): Thanks, Ina. Where's IRyS?

Ina: She's still showering at my room. You really went up 100 floors?

(Y/N): Yeah... Probably the craziest thing I've ever done.

Ina: What about when you chased the ice cream truck, barefoot?

(Y/N): Well, there's that.

Ina: And the one where you were grabbing my kite from a wasps nest?

(Y/N): And that...

Ina: Ran down the hallway and slipped on a banana peel and fall off the 3rd floor?

(Y/N): Okay, okay, thanks for reminding me my misfortunes.

He aggressively grabs a cookie as Ina watches him eat with a smile, trying to hide her laughter by making it sound like a giggle.

Ina: That's just like you. Always pushing through when others are in trouble. You're so admirable...

Not catching that last part, due to the sound of his aggressive chewing, (Y/N) replied with a...

(Y/N): Huh?

Making Ina's face turn red as she then suddenly walk out the door, leaving (Y/N) alone in his confusion.

(Y/N): Uh... okay....

After shrugging that weird encounter, he then grabs another cookie off the plate. And as he was about to take a bite, he hears a knock on the door.

(Y/N): Who is it?

He shouted but no answer.

(Y/N): Is that you, Ina?

He asked but still no answer. Growing more curious, he decided to answer it, following a very painful process of getting off the bed and standing up. And after slowly and painfully making his way towards the door, he opens and encounters...

Ame: Hihihiii~ Well, aren't you quite the peculiar one...

(Y/N): ...

With a deadpanned expression, he then slowly closes the door on her.

(Y/N): ...

After a brief pause, he opens the door again, just to check if he is still sane. As the door opened, it revealed that no one is outside.

(Y/N): ...

Again, with a deadpan expression, he slowly closes the door. And as he turned around, by his surprise, he sees the same girl that was outside his door. 

(Y/N): What the?!

Who is now inspecting every part of his room.

Ame: Hmm... No, I take it back. You're just an average guy. But I won't lie, there is something about you. I just know it.

(Y/N): How did you get into my apartment?!

Ame: The window, my dear (Y/N). You left it open. Surely, any living being would deduce this without difficulty. 

(Y/N): Okay, first off; rude. Second; I don't know you and you better get out of here before I call cops!

Ame: Oh, that will not be necessary, my friend, for you have nothing to worry.

She stated while inspecting his bathroom.

(Y/N): What?

Afterwards, she comes out of the bathroom with a small container in hand, accompanied by the sound of a toilet flush.

Ame: Honestly though, didn't your mother tell you to flush your toilet after using it?

After a careful look on (Y/N)'s side, inside the small container is filled with what seems to look like an orange liquid.

(Y/N): ...

Ame: ...

(Y/N): Did... Did you just fill that up from my toilet?

Ame: Clearly. I could ask you if you've been hydrating, but clearly you haven't. Now answer me, where's the girl?

(Y/N): Girl?

Suddenly, IRyS enters the room wearing a bath towel.

IRyS: Good morning, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): IRyS!

Ame: ...

(Y/N): IRyS, put something on!

IRyS: I am, I have this towel around. It's okay, right?

(Y/N): No, it's not!

IRyS: But, last time you said I should wrap myself with a towel after a shower.

(Y/N): I didn't mean that you can go out looking like that after!

IRyS: Ooooh! I see. I can take it off if you--

(Y/N): NO NO NO NO NO NO! Don't! Don't! Just get changed, please!

IRyS tilts her head to the side and notices Ame.

IRyS: Oh, I see you have a visitor.

(Y/N): Yeah, well, no, she just kinda--

As he turned around, Ame is no longer there. As soon as he turns back to IRyS, then noticed that Ame is behind IRyS, who is inspecting her horns. Ina then enters the room.

Ina: IRyS, we've talked about--.... Um... Who is she?

(Y/N): I-I don't know. She just snuck in.

Ame: Amazing... It's as if they are part of you already.

IRyS: Oh, actually, they are part of me.

Ame: Really?

(Y/N): IRyS, don't encourage her. And you, please leave my apartment.

Ina: Yes, um, can we help you?

Ame: No, but I'm sure I can be of help to you, but you're gonna have to come to me at Breaker Street first and talk there.

(Y/N): What?

Ame: My card.

She hands him her business card.

(Y/N): "Consulting Detective"? 

Ina: You work for the police?

Ame: Yes... Well, unofficially. 

(Y/N): "Unofficially"?

Ame: The detectives of the HCPD only comes to me to consult.

IRyS: Ooooh! So that's what the "consulting" part is for.

Ame: You catch on quick, Madame!

(Y/N): Okay, I get it. But that doesn't excuse you for just sneaking into my apartment.

Ina: Why are you here, Detective?

Ame: Please, just call me Ame. I am an unofficial detective.

The three stayed silent for a moment, still not getting Amelia's self-proclaimed title.

Ame: I am here to investigate the Holo Tower case.

IRyS: Holo Tower case?

Ame: Yes. It's all over the news. Apparently, someone has broken inside Holo City at 4:00 AM at night.

(Y/N) and Ina's eyes widened.

Ame: Which is why I'm here.

She stated as she turns to (Y/N), making his eyes widen even more and beginning to sweat.

(Y/N): Uh... I-I have no idea what you're talking about?

Ame: Oh, I think you know fully, Mr. (Y/N).

(Y/N): Y-You do?

Ame: Was it not you that broke through the glass door?

(Y/N): G-Glass door?

Ame: With this.

Amelia pulls out the lead pipe out from her coat, surprising (Y/N) even more.

Ame: Such a simple material and yet enough to bring me in the right track of things.

(Y/N): I... I wouldn't know about that.

Ame: Of course you won't. As I've said, it is a simple material. Anyone would often look over the simplest things and focus more on the bigger ones. You wouldn't remember and yet after I showed it to you, it struck you like crowbar on the head. 

After what seemed to be minutes of silence, (Y/N) finally gave in.

(Y/N): O-Okay, it was me!

Ina & IRyS: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I-I can't hide it forever. What's the point?

Ina: But, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No. It's okay...

Ame: ... Tell me, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Y-Yeah...

Ame: Why did you break in to the Holo Tower?

(Y/N): ...

Ame: What was it that made you so eager to get inside?

After a few deep breaths, (Y/N) finally spoke...

(Y/N): I... I wanted someone to come back.

IRyS: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I... I hurt her and I just couldn't let that go... So I had to go see her...

He stated. Judging from his gaze Amelia noticed that it was pointed at the worried IRyS, getting the idea that that someone she was looking for was her all along.

Ame: I see... You've hurt your friend and you wanted to apologize.

(Y/N): ...

Ame: You knew this person was at the top of the tower and forced every bone and muscle you have to climb 100 floors to apologize.

(Y/N): Yes.... That's the gist of it...

Ame: ...

(Y/N): Okay... I'm ready... Take me in. I may be responsible for my crimes, but at least I have already made my amends to her.

Ina: ...

IRyS: ...

After a long sudden silence Ame then shoves the lead pipe back into her coat.

Ame: Well, I think my this case has been solved.

She said as she makes her way towards the door.

(Y/N): Wait, you're not gonna turn me in?

Ame: For what? Vandalism?

(Y/N): I broke in.

Ame: Without the intent of stealing anything. Breaking and Entering only comes when a criminal also has the intent to steal. For of which, you did not. There, by the court of law, Vandalism is your only crime here. Whereas your average punishment maybe... about a $500 fine and possibly one day in jail.

(Y/N): ...

Ame: Yeah, not worth it. Also, you have a kind heart, Mr. (L/N).

(Y/N): Please, (Y/N) is fine.

Amelia's eyes widened for a brief moment after his statement, before she then smiles back at him.

Ame: Very well, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thank you, Ame.

Ame: ...

(Y/N): You know, I have to ask, how did you know--

Before he could ask her, Amelia has already left the building. The three remaining in the apartment all lookout the window and see Amelia already in her Uber driver's car, waving at them.

Ame: I'll see you when I see you, (Y/N)! Pleased to make your acquaintance!

She shouted before the Uber driver finally drives off.

Ina: That... was something...

IRyS: She is quite an eccentric human. But I can sense her heart is also on the good side.

Ina: Right... I should get back to my room. I'll see you guys later.

After Ina leaves the room (Y/N) then begins to stare at the business card she gave.

(Y/N): Amelia Watson, 221B. Break Street.

IRyS: I say we should visit her. I am quite fond of this Amelia human.

(Y/N): Well, she's... eccentric...

IRyS: (Y/N)... did you really meant what you just said?

(Y/N): Huh?

IRyS is staring with her eyes full of hope into his own eyes, expecting an answer.

(Y/N): Well... yeah... I... didn't mean to hurt you in anyway, IRyS. I wanted to apologize and express what I really feel... So... I just had to see and talk to you...

After hearing those words, IRyS smiles and closes her eyes as she clasps her hands together.

IRyS: I've... never been so personally happy. So... (Y/N)...

(Y/N): ...

She lifts her head back up towards him with a passionate smile and asks...

IRyS: ... Am.... Am I special to you now?

Still, that question boggled (Y/N)'s mind and is still unsure of what to say.

(Y/N): Well... Um...

IRyS: ..?

(Y/N): L-Like I said, IRyS, that can go... in... like... different ways... you know?

IRyS: ... I... I think I understand...

(Y/N): Look, IRyS--

IRyS: But that's okay. Because I can feel it, (Y/N). Your heart is slowly opening up to me.

She takes a step towards him whereas he, by instinct, takes a step back while hiding his flushed face from her.

IRyS: I'm close. I can almost reach you, (Y/N). And I will not rest until I do...

She stated as silence filled the air. (Y/N) is not making eye contact with IRyS.

IRyS: (Y/N), please look at me.

(Y/N): ...

IRyS: ...(Y/N)?

(Y/N): ...Would you please put some clothes on?


After a good night sleep, the three decided to visit Amelia Watson's home. They arrived via Uber at the same address written on Amelia's business card -- 221B Breaker Street. After exiting the car, with Ina holding a cake, and helping (Y/N) get out from the car, accompanied by his loud painful groan, they then stop and stare at the apartment.

IRyS: Is this the place?

(Y/N): I think so, yeah.

Ina: I don't know if I should be out here...

While Ina is silently expressing her agoraphobia, IRyS cheers her up with a hug.

IRyS: Come on now, Ina. You need to go out of your homes and take in the fresh air once in a while. Your world is filled with wonderful things!

She exclaimed, whereas (Y/N) instinctively turns his gaze towards a homeless man sitting beside the apartment door.

Hobo: Hope ya'll get cancer! Buzz off!

The man shouted, flipping the bird at him. 

IRyS: I-I'm sure he has experienced such a tragic event in his life.

Shrugging it off and ignoring the homeless man's story of his soldier days, they then proceed inside the apartment. And inside the apartment has the one thing all apartments have, that made (Y/N) fear for his life.

(Y/N): Stairs...

After helping (Y/N) climb up three floors, by lifting him up by his shoulders, Ina and IRyS then let's go of (Y/N) as he drops on the floor, chin first.

(Y/N): Ow.

Ina: Phew, that was close. At least the cake is fine.

(Y/N): I'm fine, thanks for asking!

After that sarcastic remark, they lift him back up and then walk towards the end of the hallway and finally arrive at Amelia's room. With the door labeled with her name. (Y/N) knocks on the door that is then replied by the sound of the door unlocking. The three stands in silence, unsure of what to do next.

Ina: ...

(Y/N): ...

IRyS: So... Do we just go in?

(Y/N) then twists the knob. As soon as he pushes the door open, they then hear a loud gremlin-like screech as (Y/N) then receives a controller to the head, knocking him down.

Ame: Stupid... freaking.... INPUT LAAAAAAAAAAAG!

She slams her fist down on her console, resulting it to be bent in half and her TV displaying -- CONNECTION ERROR. While the three outside the door stood in fear, Amelia took the time to breathe and invite them in.

Ame: Ah! (Y/N) and friends, come in.

After a second of hesitation they decide to enter Amelia's apartment while she makes her way to her desk. 

Though her room may similarly compared to a hoarder, it is somewhat arranged in surreal way. On the left side of her apartment seems to be her lab. Test tubes, flasks and other chemistry related items are placed and stacked in a rather bizarre looking way. On the right side of her apartment appears to be her gaming side. Consoles, controllers, PC and discs of video games are neatly placed and stacked together, but the sight of numerous bent consoles and ripped controllers ruins the neatness. Finally, in the middle part of the room, is Amelia's office. Her desk is placed at the end of her room, right in front of the window.

Ame: Honestly, I didn't expect you guys to actually visit me.

IRyS: Why wouldn't we do that? It's only natural to visit a fellow friend.

Ame: Friend huh? Sorry, I didn't catch your name.

IRyS: I am IRyS. I am very pleased to be called as your friend.

She greeted with her signature curtsy.

Ame: IRyS... Interesting...

(Y/N): Oh, right, we haven't really introduced ourselves properly.

Ame: No need for that, (Y/N). I already know exactly who you are. As well as your friend over there. Ina'nis Ninomae I presume?

Ina: H-How do you know our names?

Ame: I know everyone in Holo City. It's part of my profession.

(Y/N): We didn't know you.

Ame: Who says you have to?

Ina and (Y/N) both shrug at that point being made.

Ina: We, uh, brought cake.

Ame: Really?

Ina then placed the cake on her desk. Judging by the looks of things, Amelia is somewhat unsure of how to react to the situation.

Ame: You... Um... For me?

IRyS: Why of course!

Amelia hesitantly opens the box of cake. Inside is a cake with frostings that is written -- "THANK YOU FOR NOT TURNING ME IN!", with a big chocolate heart below its label.

Ame: Huh... Well... um... t-thank you...

IRyS: What an amazing abode you have! This place is just filled with questionable items that just fills your curiosity.

Ina: You have a Switch too?! What games do you have?

While the two girls are exploring Amelia's apartment, (Y/N) couldn't help but notice that Amelia is looking rather troubled at the moment, resting her chin on her hands as if she is deep in thought. 

(Y/N): You alright, Ame?

Ame: Hm? Oh, uh, yes. Sorry about that. How was your day, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, well, legs are still sore... But other than that it's... fine...

Ame: ...

(Y/N): What?

Ame: I can tell that there's more.

(Y/N): More?

Ame: Where to begin. First off, your chin. It's rather red-ish at the moment, so I'm saying you've fallen chin first. Perhaps you tripped and fell from the stairs?

(Y/N): W-Well--

Ame: Not to mention your left eyebrow is slightly raised. I can tell that someone on the road gave quite a shock on the way here. Perhaps they have said something that offended you?

She deduced the homeless man giving him the finger from before, leaving (Y/N) somewhat speechless.

(Y/N): Woah.

Ame: Oh don't act so surprise, (Y/N), it's quite simple when you observe.

(Y/N): Yeah, well, no, um.... Actually, I've been meaning to ask, how did you know that I broke in the Holo Tower?

He asked as Ame smirked and laid back onto her chair with gleam of amusement in her eyes.

Ame: Now confess, you're utterly taken aback. 

(Y/N): Well, yes, I am.

Ame: I should bet my entire savings on you.

(Y/N): On what?

Ame: That in a few minutes, you'll say it was all so absurdly simple.

(Y/N): Come on, Ame, I highly doubt that. I'm not smart like you.

She stood up from her seat and began to lecture, like a professor in her class.

Ame: You see, (Y/N), it's not really difficult to construct a series of inferences, dependent upon its predecessor and each simple in itself. If, after doing so, one simply knocks out all the central inferences and presents one's audience with a starting point and the conclusion, one may produce a startling, though possibly a meretricious, effect.

(Y/N): ... I... I don't get it. Your English... You speak like you're from the 19th century.

Ame: It's easy. I can tell just by the shaking of your legs, to feel sure that you are the one that broke in.

(Y/N): ...I don't see how that connects.

Ame: Very likely not; but I can give you some close connections. Number One, the perpetrator smashed the glass door with a lead pipe. They did know that the building was equipped with an alarm, but it did not stop them to make their way towards the elevator. And just heading towards the elevator already states that they already have a destination in mind, but did not plan on how to get in the building.

(Y/N): ... But the lead pipe.

Ame: There are two types of criminals, (Y/N). Dumb and Smart. Only an idiot would think of smashing the glass door in the middle of the night. No one does that anymore, unless they want to be caught.

(Y/N): ...

Ame: Number two, another thing that the perpetrator didn't know was the elevator not working. Giving time for the police to arrive. As they did, the perpetrator only had one place that was closest to the elevators -- the reception desk. The perpetrator hid from the police until their luck came knocking with group biker gangs.

(Y/N): ...

Ame: Last but not the least, with luck on their side, they decided to rush up via the fire exit stairs. All the way up the rooftop. Climbing an overly amount of stairs can result soreness on the legs for a week. And judging by the shaking of your legs, as if they are about to give, suggests that you've done some extraordinarily, overwhelming exercise. Therefore, it was you broke in the Holo Tower.

(Y/N): That was simple enough.

Amelia raises an eyebrow at him as hides his embarrassment.

Ame: Quite so. Every problem becomes very simple when it is explained to you.

(Y/N): Yeah, but how did you know where to look? How did you know that you had to look for me?

Ame: I analyzed the fingerprints on the lead pipe. It shows that it was yours, so I had to make sure.

All of them then heard a loud bark coming from Amelia's bedroom. And emerging from inside is a hunting terrier in a dog wheelchair.

Ame: Bubba, I told you to say inside.

Bubba: *Ruff* *Ruff*

Bubba, with the support of the dog wheelchair, makes his way towards his master, with his tail wagging and smile on his face.

Ame: Oh boy...

With that smile, Ame couldn't help but crouch down and give him pets.

Ame: There, there, boy. You hungry?

Bubba: *Ruff*

Ina: Oh my god! He's so cute!

Ina runs over to Bubba and begins to pet him. With the wheelchair behind him, (Y/N) couldn't help but ask...

(Y/N): What happened to him?

Ame: It was a hit and run. I was working one of my cases and he saved my life getting hit by the car.

(Y/N): ...

Ame: It was ages ago. I had him checked with the vet and said he is in a permanent paralysis.

(Y/N): O-Oh... I'm sorry...

Ame: ... I've had him for years... The days when he could still walk... 

(Y/N) stayed silent and notice the sad smile on Amelia's expression.

IRyS: Hello, little one.

She greeted towards Bubba, whereas Bubba happily turns his attention towards her.

Bubba: *Ruff* *Ruff*

Ame: ...

Amelia couldn't help but notice that Bubba's happy expression quickly rose after seeing IRyS. As if he just found some form of angel. IRyS kneels down and pets Bubba.

IRyS: There, there.

As she kneeled down, Bubba began to let out some sobbing sounds while trying reach her with his two remaining legs.

IRyS: Oh, shh... It's okay. Here let me take those off.

(Y/N): I-IRyS, I don't think that's a good--

After IRyS removed the straps of the wheelchair off of Bubba, he seems to no problem walking. Almost as if the paralysis on his hind legs were completely healed. With the wheelchair out of the way, Bubba quickly gets up on his hind legs and lick IRyS' nose.

IRyS: There, there, little one. It was heavy wasn't it?

Ame: Bubba?

Bubba: *Ruff* *Ruff*

Bubba quickly dashes towards his master, happily running a few laps around her before trying to reach her face as she kneels down and hugs him happily. While Amelia and Bubba are having a moment and (Y/N) and Ina are stunned in place, IRyS is happily watching their happiness, until she noticed something interesting in Amelia's lab.

IRyS: Ooooh. What's that?

 On the counter, there is a small packet of what seems to look like blue crystals.


Ina and (Y/N) rushes towards IRyS and smacks the packet away from her hand.

While the two are lecturing IRyS like a couple of disappointed parents, Ame is observing IRyS from top to bottom. And for the first time in all of her observations, she could not read her in anyway. Or rather, her movements are not normal. With those in mind, she mumbles to herself...

Ame: ... IRyS... Who are you?
