Dinner Difficulty

IMAGINE... you're eating dinner with your boyfriend, Harry Styles. You're having fun. He goes to the bathroom, leaving you alone in his kitchen. The toilet flushes and the power goes out. You look around, scared. You look around more and see Harry. He's put a flashlight under his face, he looks scary :(... he runs at you and shoves his hotdog in your buns. You scream. He contaminated your buns >:(! The lights turn back on and you see that he really put the hotdog in his buns. You feel relieved. He looks at you. He's been crying. You ask him what's wrong and he turns around. He takes his pants off and turns back to you. Ruh-roh! There's no pENIS! You look at his buns and see that the "hotdog" was really his chopped off weiner. His eyes dart up to you. He hits you in the head with his four pepperoni nipples. You pass out and he eats all your food. You wake up and all of One Direction is smacking you with their massive cocks. They hit you so hard you die.

