McOwen- A Normal Life pt3

3rd Person POV

John-Paul and Russ arrived back at the McQueen house. The sun had just set and the sky was cloudy. Appropriate weather for the mood inside the house. The boys entered to see Mercedes and Myra sat at the kitchen counter with mugs of tea in front of them. The wind slammed the door shut. Mercedes and Myra both stood on the kitchen border where the kitchen became the living room. Russ and John-Paul stayed at the door.

"Where have you been?" Myra asked looking at John-Paul.

"School then for a drink at the pub." He said, looking down at his shoes.

"What about you?" Mercedes said, venom present on her tongue.

"Had some things to sort out at work then a drink at the pub." Russ said.

"Is there anything you have to say for yourselves? Mercedes told me everything." Myra said. John-paul and Russ looked at each other with confusion.

"Told you what exactly?" John-paul asked his mother.

"That Russ had told Mercedes that he would rather be with you than her. That he was queer and that he was sleeping with you last night." Myra said, angrily.

"So she didn't tell you everything." Russ muttered just loud enough for all to hear.

"Go on then. What's the rest?" Myra said, looking between her daughter and Russ.

"Firstly, I am not queer. It's called bisexual, I bat for both. Secondly, where was all the homophobic language. Queer, freak, denying that your brother is gay. Also, you told me to go to John-Paul and you wouldn't care. Apparently you do. So come on Mercedes, finish the fucking story." Russ ended up shouting.

"Mercy is that all true?" Myra asked. Mercedes just smirked as if it was funny.

"I was only telling the truth." She smiled and folded her arms.

"You were being down right homophobic." John-Paul says, looking directly at his sister. He put the flowers on the stairs so that his hands were free.

"Mercedes, You said that you tried to apologize." Myra said, looking at her daughter.

"I did." Mercedes retorted.

"Did you ek. You message me to save you because Carmel and Myra were giving you a hard time while I was busy comforting your brother. When we got back, you said that he needs a wife and kids as if he can choose." Russ shouted at her.

"He chose to be a freak." Mercedes retorted back.

"I didn't choose to get bullied everyday. I don't choose to be called McQueer while I am at school. I didn't choose to have a beating almost daily because I love guys. I didn't choose to be discriminated against by my own sister." John-Paul ranted and ended up shouting. Russ and Myra were both shocked at John-Paul's outburst but Mercedes stood cold. She didn't flinch, move or even react to her brother. Russ put a hand on John-Pauls back for comfort and watched him take a deep breath to steady himself.

"Having a go at me isn't going to solve anything." Mercedes said and put her hands on her hips.

"No but it may make you realise that I am going through enough shit of my own without my so-called sister adding to it." John-Paul said, calmly.

"I am your sister." Mercedes said. She was hurt that John-Paul was going against her.

"Are you?" John-Paul said.

"Mercedes, can you go to your room, love. I want to talk to them alone." Myra said. Mercedes huffed and walked away. John-Paul picked up his flowers and walked into the kitchen to get a vase.

"I'm sorry mum." John-Paul said as he put water into the vase.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart." Myra said She sat facing outwards of the kitchen counter while John-Paul and Russ leaned on the opposite counter so they could face her.

"I think it's me that should be sorry. If I hadn't come here, none of this would have happened." Russ said as he looked down at his shoes.

"Neither of you have anything to be sorry for. I could see from the moment you met that something was there. It was only a matter of time." Myra said. She walked over to the vase and started arranging John-Paul's flowers for him.

"You're ok with this?" Russ said. Both boys looked at each other as if they had just been caught in the cookie jar.

"I'm not happy you broke Mercedes heart, but I am happy that you two are happy." Myra said. She finished the flowers and walked over to her son and Russ.

"Are you sure mum?" John-Paul asked looking into his mothers eyes.

"Yes, I am sure. However, next time, mark your love further down. Love bites could stay for weeks you know." Myra giggled. She hugged them both and kissed their cheeks.

"Yes Myra. I will keep biting your son to a minimum." Russ laughed as they broke the hug.

"Treat him well. Now how about a movie and a take away?" Myra suggested. Russ and John-Paul nod before they walk over to the sofa. They sat next to each other and Russ wrapped one arm around John-Paul as they cuddled into each other. Carmel, Tina and Michaela joined them on the sofas and didn't comment on the pair. Jacqui joined Myra in the kitchen to help order the chip shop.

"So are you two a proper couple now then?" Carmel asked the two men sitting next to her.

"Yeah, we are." Russ said. Carmel squealed and Tina congratulated the couple.

"Where's Mercy?" Michaela commented noticing that only 4 of her siblings were there.

"She's in her room and not coming out unless it's to get food or apologise." Myra said as she and Jacqui sat on the sofa next to michaela. Both sofas were packed now.

"How come?" Jacqui asked.

"I do not support homophobia in this house. Especially when it's towards your own family." Myra said.

"Here here." Jacqui chimed in. the other three copied.

"And anyway, they make a good couple." Myra said.

"Mum!" John-Paul said which made everyone laugh.

"Right what film are we watching?" Tina said as she got up to put the film on.

"American Psycho?" Michaela suggested and everyone agreed.

The evening went great for everyone (Well except Mercedes). They had a good dinner and enjoyed a good film. John-Paul and Russ were happy that the rest of the family were happy for them and accepted them as a couple.
