Chapter 14

After 2 days -

Yujin 's Pov :

Finally I'm done with my cooking. It's dinner time I'm hungry.

I serve dinner & took it towards the room next to living room .

I sigh as I saw my bestie is looking outside with a blank face .

But I can see her broken soul. I'm really angry at that bastard. He hurt my Yniee .

I keep the plate on the night stand & sit in front of her .

Yn look at me & try to smile.

Yujin : Now eat babe's dinner time.

Yn : I'm not hungry.

Yujin : look how long U will waste your tears for that useless bastard...he doesn't deserve your precious tears .

(Author - Here Yujin is a random girl not any idol)

Btw It's Han Yujin .

Yn : I ...

Yujin : If you are not going to eat then I will starve myself like you ...& You know I'm a foodie. *Pout*

Finally Yn showed a small smile & nodded.

I smile & start to feed her & feed myself.

Author pov:

After dinner Yn is sited on bed , Yujin came out of the bathroom after a shower .

Yn : Yuji I'm thinking of going out of Seoul .

Yujin : Huh but why ?

Yn : It's ...just I want to start a new life...If I will stay here all memories will haunt me for sure.

Yujin : Hmm ..ok you can go to my Aunt's house , she is living alone ...she doesn't have kids so she raised me after my parents death....she will be happy....she really wants to meet you again .

Yn : But Yuji...I don't want to be a burden...I

Yujin: Oh ..-_- shut up are my bestie & my sister so obey me or I will kick your pretty ass .

Yn : *Sigh* ok but I will take care of my expenses.

Yujin: This girl -_- ok ok .

Yn : Can you buy me tickets... tomorrow I will leave. I want to do a job & settle in my life.

Yujin hugged her .

Yujin : Ok .

Yn smile & hug her back .

Yujin still remember how Yn called her & Yujin quickly pick her from a park middle of the night. After coming back Yujin got to know everything, she was angry & wanted to kill Jungkook but Yn hold her .

Yujin :*in mind* Plz God keep her happy & give her a hope .


Meanwhile -

Jungkook is talking to someone who is searching for Yn as per Jk's order.

Call -

Man : Boss We ate still searching but we can't track her , her SIM is closed, her lady location was near your mansion after that Mrs.Jeon maybe destroyed her SIM .

Jungkook: I don't care !!do everything to find her if not ...I will kill you for sure!!

Man : We will keep searching for her boss.. don't worry.

Jungkook: I don't want anything just track her .

With that Jungkook cut the call & throw the vase on the floor .

His eyes are teary. He lost her again.

Jungkook: God plz help me..I know I did wrong...I will kill myself but before that plz I want to meet her ....I will clear all misunderstanding. *Crying*

Jungkook cried while holding her locket .

Jimin : Kook stays strong...we will find her soon .

Jungkook: Hyung ...I hurt her....she was my Yn first love , my wife .My destiny made her my wife but I was blind to see that she was my fairy .She was in front of me but I refused to look at her .*sob*

Jimin feel bad for him so he hug Jungkook.

Jimin : Shh... everything will be fine.

Jungkook sob in his arms .

Jimin wiped his tears .

Jimin : Stay eat something.

Jungkook: I don't want to Hyung...plz ..

Jimin : Then how U will punish that person sho mixed Viagra in your drink that night ?

Jungkook's eyes turned into emotionless .

Jimin : You need to be strong Kook .

Searching again......


I hope you like it 😊
