
Abeforth went back to school. I do miss him. I wish my brothers would have left me to drop Abe at the train station. My brothers never allowed me to go. They believe it is too dangerous for me. I know what they mean. They think I am too dangerous that I would cause another outbreak. I wish I were allowed to go out into the world freely. There are many places I would love to see, but I know I will never be allowed to go on my own. I will always have Albus and Abeforth take care of me.

I know Albus is ready to leave this place. He had planned to travel the world after he graduated. He has that plan on hold right now since he has to take care of me. But I know Al would be happy to leave when Abe graduates. I know Al is planning to travel with Gellert. They mostly talk about the dealthy hallow book.

Gellert believes the tale is true. I believe it, too, and so does Albus. Azzy is the one who created the wand, cloak, and stone. But I do wonder why Gellert and Albus would want them. That is why I am asking Azzy.

Azzy laughed. "They will never find all three of them," Azzy stated his belief.

"What would happen if they do?" I asked him. I believe one day, my brother will find the three deathly hallows.

"Then, one would be the master of death," Azzy explained. Master of death...?

"Hmm... does that mean one person will be powerful?" I asked.

Azzy nodded. "Humans have ambitions. Having all three will make them a master of death. They will not die, but I have seen humans try to use other methods to avoid death. It amuses me, yet I end up visiting them at the proper time. Human ambition can lead to the worst or best thing in life. But with the wand, stone, and cloak, one will not only be powerful and avoid me but suffer in life," Azzy explained what would happen. I don't want my brother to suffer.

"Do you know where they are?" I asked Azzy. It would help me know their location so I can stop my brother from finding it.

"Why the sudden interest? Do you desire that power?" Azzy didn't seem pleased with my question.

I shook my head," I don't want my brother and Gellert finding it," I told Azzy the truth. I have no desire for power. I don't want my brother to change. It worries me.

Azzy smiled, "You have a good soul, Ariana. That is why I trust to tell you where they are," Azrael said before telling where the elder wand, resurrection stone, and invisible cloak are located.

"I promise I will not find the wand, the stone, and the cloak," I raised my pinky, swearing my words. Azzy skeletal pinky intertwined mine," I have complete trust in you," Azzy gave me a warm smile.

"Would you like more tea?" Ariana asked the grim.

"I have to go back to work," Azrael stood up with his scythe.

"Ok," Ariana placed her tea set on the tray.

Death noticed a small planet. He was about to touch it," It's my Silver Leaf Tree," Ariana said. Death stopped himself from touching her plant.

"A fully grown tree will bear golden apples. The apples have special healing powers, including saving someone from dying," Death explained the purpose of the tree.

Ariana noticed the plant needed water. She looked back at her friend to find him gone. She picked up her things and headed back home.

Ariana placed her tea set on the kitchen table before grabbing a bucket and filling it with water. However, she overfilled the bucket of water, making it very heavy to carry.

Quickly, a pair of extra hands helped her before she could drop the bucket. "Thank you, Gellert," Ariana looked at the Bulgarian boy.

"Silver, you ought to be careful. You wouldn't want a pretty face like yourself to get hurt," Gellert worried that she would have slipped and injured herself.

"I was trying to water my plant," Ariana explained what she was trying to do.

Gellert understood and joined to help her. Ariana was glad to have an extra hand, although she was capable of doing it herself.

Arriving at the small silver leaf plant, Gellert poured the water into the plant. "Azzy said my tree will grow apples. I want it to grow quickly," Ariana said.

Gellert wanted her to be happy. He took out his wand," Herbivicus," Gellert tried to impress her. The purpose of this spell is to rapidly increase the growth rate of plants and cause flowers to bloom. However, the spell did not result in rapid growth.

This confused Gellert. "It's ok, Gellert. I need water & care," Ariana tapped on the soil holding the plant.

"But it was supposed to work. With magic, the plant would have been a tree," Gellert looked confused at the plant.

Ariana smiled, staring at her plant," I like it this way, no magic." Gellert was confused at her words. He has always preferred magic.

"With magic, you could do anything," Gellert said.

"Not everything can be done with magic, Gellert. I think it's better to do things without magic," Ariana said. Gellert didn't understand her point of view. He preferred not to speak about it further.

"Let's go inside, Silver," Gellert noticed the sunsetting. Ariana agreed as the weather was starting to get more chilly.

Once they stepped inside, Albus sighed in relief," I thought you were in your room," Albus worried that Ariana escaped home after searching for her.

"I was playing outside," Ariana told her brother where she was.

"Thank you, Gellert, for bringing her home," Albus smiled as he admired Gellert's good looks and well-mannered behavior.

"Who did you drink tea with?" Gellert noticed the second tea cup.

"Azzy," Ariana smiled. Gellert felt the same sensation he had before. He wasn't sure what it was, but he didn't like it. He was becoming jealous of Azzy, as Ariana seemed to care more for Azrael than him.

Ariana went to the sink to clean her tea set. She is glad to have spoken with her dear friend. "I am going to cook dinner. Want to help me?" Albus asked his sister, as he knows she loves to help. "Yes," Ariana smiled and quickly finished drying her tea set.

Gellert sat on the couch reading the daily prophet. He couldn't get his mind off Ariana's friend. He wanted to know what this person was like. He knows the girl is not lying. If only he had the time to find out, but he is busy working with Albus.

"Has brother wrote back?" Ariana asked her brother while gathering the ingredients.

"Um. No. He hasn't written to me," Albus said while chopping the vegetables. He used some magic while cooking. Albus knows that Abeforth may not write to him, not after that huge fight. He sent Abeforth to school, knowing he didn't want to continue, but it was necessary. Abeforth must graduate in order to be responsible for Ariana and have a better future.

"Oh. Abe promised he would," Ariana knows her brother would write to her. Abeforth promises are unbreakable.

"Hm. Then, I hope he does," Albus said. Ariana disregarded his words and focused on stirring the stew.

"Could you read me a bedtime story tonight?" Ariana asked as Albus added more ingredients to the boiling pot. Ariana knows Albus is busy at night. She has seen him very busy with Gellert in his room. She misses spending more time with Albus, especially when he tells her bedtime stories.

"I will try to make the time to read you a bedtime story. I have a bunch of things to do with Gellert. I promise to read you a story," Albus wasn't sure if he had the time. He wants to spend his time reading her a bedtime story. However, he wants to spend more time with Gellert, finding all the deathly hallow objects and finding a cure for Ariana's curse.

Dinner was served on the table. Albus, Ariana, and Gellert sat at the table eating the food on the table. Ariana ate silently, hearing her brother's conversation with Gellert.

"That old man in the bar told you Loxias had a wand he called Deathstick. I believe Loxias had the Elder wand before he was killed. Whoever killed Loxias has it," Gellert spoke to Albus about the previous owner of the elder wand.

"Gellert, there are many people who wanted him dead. There are people who claim to have killed Loxias, including his mother. How do we know which rumor is true?" Albus was confused about solving the puzzle. No one knows who killed Loxias, the wizard who had the elder wand in his possession.

"We infiltrated the Ministry and gathered the reports of Loxias's death. At least it will give us a clue as to who has the wand," Gellert explained his plan of infiltration the Ministry of Magic to gather documental reports.

"Infiltrating the Ministry? Gellert, how are we going to do that? What if we are discovered? What about Ariana? What will happen to her and Aberforth? They cannot be on their own," Albus worried their plan would backfire. Ariana began to worry hearing Albus's words.

Should I tell them, Ariana thought

"No," Ariana said to herself. She has promised Azzy not to tell anyone.

"No?" Gellert looked at her confused. So did Albus, "No, to what, Ari?" her brother wondered the meaning of her reply.

"N-nothing," Ariana shook her head before taking about a sip of her soap. Gellert wondered what she was thinking, but he couldn't read her.

"Ari, ignore our conversation. If you are finished eating your stew, you may go upstairs. I will be there in a bit to read your book," Albus said

Ariana nodded. She had finished. She wanted seconds, but it was clear to her that her brother wanted to be alone with his friend. She could hear their conversation resume but decided to ignore it.

Entering her room, she kept hearing taps on her bedroom. She recognizes her brother's owl. Allowing the brown owl inside, she saw the letter it was carrying.

My Dearest Sister,

I hope our brother is taking good care of you. If it were my choice, I would stay at home and take great care of you. Honestly, I'd rather be home than deal in this mad asylum. Celine, Amos, and the new girl Amata understand what I feel; they are the ones keeping me sain in this prison. I promise, when I graduate, Albus and that Stranger will leave to who knows where. I promise to take care of you, we don't need them.

Your brother,


Ariana is glad her brother is fine in school. She knows Aberforth likes going to Hogwarts and is pretending to dislike it because she can't go. She would imagine how life would be different for her if only those three boys didn't torment her. Her beloved father and mother would be with them, and she would have attended the school her brothers attended. Perhaps she would have been a Gryffindor like the rest of her family and made new friends. Her family wouldn't worry much about her, but this curse... it's keeping her in prison.

"Your brother is keeping you in this house because he is afraid of you," Ariana heard the dark voice inside her head.

"No, Ab said I have to stay home to protect myself from bad people," Ariana refused to listen to the voice in her head.

The voice inside her laughed," Sounds to me he is afraid of you. He locked you in the basement because he is afraid you will kill him in his sleep. Just wait until that blond boy leaves. He will take you downstairs to sleep," the voice in her mind spoke.

Ariana heard the door slammed shut; someone had left the house. Peaking outside the window, Ariana saw it was Gellert who had left the house. She heard footsteps coming upstairs. She knows it was her brother coming to read her a story.

She looked at her brother entering her bedroom," You've come to read me a book," Ariana had hoped the voice in her head was wrong about her brother sending her to sleep in the basement.

Albus and Gellert had an argument. Albus didn't like arguing with Gellert, but he couldn't let Gellert not take his sister on his account. Albus believes Gellert doesn't like Ariana because he is the older brother and is responsible for taking care of her. In reality, Gellert doesn't care much about Ariana. He wants to find the Deathly Hallow and start his world domination. Gellert wants Albus on his side and doesn't want Albus to worry about his family. He knows there is no helping Ariana, but he could use her one day.

Ariana chose a book from the shelf, "Could you read me this book," Ariana took out a book. Albus eye's softened. He realized he had been ignoring the time to spend with his sister. He has promised his father to take care of her, and he will.

"Let's get you tucked in," Albus said. Ariana smiled that he brother wasn't taking her to the basement. She is glad her brother is keeping his promise. Albus helped tuck her to bed and began to read her the story.

"The Swan Princess," Albus read the book title. Ariana quietly listen the bedtime story and soon get sleepy.
