Chapter 1

???'s POV:


'That's nice..'

The water was cold yet America couldn't care less. If you wanted to, you could hear him hum a sad tone. Evelyn, Evelyn.

He thought of his brother. He did this a few times each day. Sometimes, countries have found him crying in meetings for no reason. It was not loud, no. America didn't make any noises in meetings. He did talk once in awhile but that was it. And the countries that where near him could hear a sizzle every time his tears hit his chin.


Rhode island walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to see his father who looked like he just came out of the shower. And keep in mind that it was 2am on a Sunday.

"Hey Rhode" America said, sipping some of his very hot coffee. The coffees bitter taste reminded him of his feelings, so he drank it regularly. America looked up to see his son with a confessed look on his face.

" Huh? Why- Why are you up? You don't get up this early on the weekends."

"I have a meeting, and you should be in bed." America stared coldly at his son. Knowing full well that he should also go to bed and stop drinking so much coffee. For America has only got a good, six hours of rest-less sleep that week. And that he should probably eat something.

"I just wanted some water" America stared at his son.

"That's all right. Just go to bed. And tell Del that he's in charge. I'll be back around two pm. Make sure that your siblings do their school work!" America said as he walked to the door.

"Yes sir"

At the meeting house

"Again America? Really you don't need to do this" UN sighed as America continued to sort the papers for the meeting they had that day. However, America wasn't doing this out of the kindest of his heart. No, no, no, my friends. He was reading what they were doing at the meeting and seeing if it was worth listening to. There was two hours until the next meeting but some of the country's like America, come early. But America came in at around 3:30 in the morning. Most of the early countries come at around a hour till the meeting would actually start. It gives him time to do what he wants. And what he wants to do at the moment is see what their doing at the meeting.

America has a room he often stays in until he's at lest 20-minutes late for the meetings. The organisations know where this place is, but don't bother to get him because they know that he won't come until their late. Why? You ask. Because the rest of the countries seem to think that at lest five of the stereotypes that are associated with the U.S.A are true. Which is normally not the case. 

"It's fine UN, I really couldn't care less. You need time to wake up." America smiled brightly at his seemingly tiered boss.

"All right."

Resounding in a tired tone, UN left to go find the other organisations. Leaving America to the papers. When he read what was there, he broke out laughing. Ya wanna know why? It was because it was America's turn to have a dinner at his house. And you wanna know why he broke out laughing? It was because most of the counties seemed to think America could cook, and that he just would have a very big house like some of the other countries. Which would be incredibly stupid as they were all told that they all had to have a house big enough for all of the encase of a emergency. UN wanted to have a dinner at his house. Right. Like ANY of the countries would ever come to a-lazy-good-for-nothing-American's house? Where it would be messy, old, and probably wouldn't fit them all? What a laugh! He put the paper down in it's place.

He stopped laughing. Dinner? His house? With everyone there? All being able enough to walk the four floors of his house without getting tired? Most with the ability to search rooms and find out his family? 'Oh god.' He thought. 

At the real meeting.

Canada's POV:

"Where is he?" UN sighed looking around the room. "Yeah! We've been here for 40 minutes!" Australia stated while the rest of us looked around at each other in agreement. "WHY WOULD YOU SET A BOMB!??!?!?" A loud voice came form outside the room.

"To get you out here." The doors opened and both America and NATO walk into the room. But what is strange is, America was carrying tools and what looked like blue prints. "Fine. But I am never giving you my plans ever again" He replied in a annoyed tone.

"That is fine with me, I have copies."

"You made copies?" America looks at NATO. NATO looks back at America with a smirk. "What the hell did we raise?" As America says that, he hit NATO on the shoulder.

"Nothing to be proud of." NATO said while laughing. They both went to their respected seats and the meeting started. Again. 


HI! So you find me! The book's first chapter with edits and everything! See you in like, a day!

