Book three, chapter twenty-three

Harry Potter and the Grim Truth. It's the last chapter before this book ends!

We've made it! Who's excited for book 4?

I almost don't believe I managed it. Twenty-three chapters! And the name of this one?


Also, chapter publication update; chapters one and two of book four are gonna be out within the next week or two! depends on how much writing I get done between now and then (theyre both coming because chapter one isnt really a chapter lol)


"We've got ten minutes to get down to the Hospital wing," Hermione said, pulling open the door to the West Tower.

"Right." Harry nodded, forcing his eyes away from the spot in the sky where Sirius and Buckbeak previously were.

"Uh-- should I go down and check that- um- nobody's there?" Lisa asked as they sprinted down the tight, spiral staircase. But she didn't need to, because they could hear voices before they even made it to the bottom of the staircase. It sounded like Fudge and Snape. Harry peeked around the corner-- they were walking rather quickly along the corridor.

"...can only hope Dumbledore won't make any difficulties," Snape said. "The Kiss will be performed immediately, you say?"

"As soon as Macnair returns with the dementors. This whole Black-affair has been highly embarrassing, really, I can't wait to tell you how much I'm looking forward to informing the Prophet that we've caught him at last... I daresay they'll want to interview you, Snape... and once Hayden's back in his right mind, I'm sure he'll want to tell the Prophet himself... ah, excuse me, it's Harry now, isn't it...."

Harry had to bite his tongue to stop himself from doing anything stupid. Stupid "Hayden." He was just able to see Snape's smirk when he and Fudge passed. Their footsteps died away quite shortly. Harry, Hermione, Lisa and Draco didn't wait to see if they were really gone-- there wasn't time to spare, especially not now. Down one staircase, and then another, along one corridor-- then they heard a cackling up ahead.

Draco swore under his breath, before muttering, "Peeves! Stupid-- Peeves!"

"Just, I'unno, freeze him or something! That stuff works on ghosts it should work on Peeves!" Lisa insisted. "That one thingy-- Immo-something!"

"Genius!" cheered Hermione silently. When Peeves came into view, she whispered, "Immobulus!"

He fell to the ground, unmoving. His face hadn't moved either. Of course-- that was the intended outcome; It was just that none of them expected it to work. They didn't even spare it a second to think on-- there were much more important matters to focus on at the moment, as fascinating as the sight was. Lisa forced down laughter while they passed him.

"Three minutes!" Hermione gasped, tripping over her own feet.

After what felt like an eternity, the doors to the hospital wing entrance came into view at the end of the corridor they'd made it to. Draco-- the one who'd yet to use the Time-Turner-- had ran past them only moments ago, looking very startled, but nonetheless, he went into the hospital wing.

They could hear Dumbledore speaking through the now-ajar door.

"I will lock you in. It is currently five minutes to midnight. Three turns should do it. I, personally, would suggest a singular trip between you all, but if it's easier, you may break into groups.... Good luck."

Dumbledore exited the wing, closing the door behind him and taking out his wand to lock it.

"Wait!" Lisa whispered sharply as they all ran forwards. Dumbledore looked up, and a wide smile appeared underneath the silver hair concealing his face.

"Well?" he asked quietly.

"We did it!" Harry breathed. "We-- we saved Sirius, and Buckbeak!"

Dumbledore beamed, a proud look on his face.

"Brilliant. None of you are any more hurt than before, I hope? Now--" he paused, listening for any sound in the hospital wing. "I think you've all left. Here, get inside now-- I'll lock you in--"

The four slipped back into the infirmary-- it was empty, save for Padma and Ron, both of them still lying unconsciously on their beds. As the lock clicked behind them, Harry, Hermione, and Lisa went to their own beds, while Draco pulled up a chair to put beside Harry's bed. In moments time, Madam Pomfrey came striding out her office.

"Was that the Headmaster leaving? May I finally look after my patients?"

She was in a very bad mood, and seeing Draco hadn't pleased her at all, though with a thoughtful look and a side-glance at the locked door, she allowed Draco to stay-- muttering about how she needed to check him over anyhow, but he'd been far too restless to stay where he was supposed to be. She handed out chocolates, and since all of them had enough sense to not test her at the moment, they accepted it quietly.

Madam Pomfrey stood over them, making sure they ate their chocolate, and walking back and forth between cabinets, searching for a potion Lisa was supposedly overdue for drinking. Right when she found it, there was a distant roar from somewhere above them, no doubt one of fury.

"What was that?" Asked Madam Pomfrey airily, handing the potion to Lisa.

Now they could hear angry voices, growing louder and louder quite rapidly. Madam Pomfrey was staring at the door in obvious disdain.

"Really, they'll wake everybody up! What is so important they have to do it now?"

It wasn't very long until Harry could hear what the voices were saying with how fast they drew near--

"He must've Disapparated, Severus, we should've left somebody in the room with him. When this gets out--"


"Severus, be reasonable. Harry has been locked in the--"

BAM-- the door to the hospital wing flew open.

Fudge, Snape, and Dumbledore came striding in. Dumbledore looked calm-- infact-- he looked rather entertained. Fudge looked angry, but that felt like a sort of understatement in comarison to Snape, who was utterly beside himself.

"SAY IT, POTTER!" he bellowed. "WHAT -- DID -- YOU -- DO?"

"Professor Snape!" Shrieked Madam Pomfrey. "Control yourself this instant!"

"Snape, Snape, you see here now," said Fudge lightly, putting a hand on Snape's shoulder. "the door's been locked, as we just saw--"

"THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!" Snape howled in denial. His face was twisted more violently than normal, and spit was flying out his mouth.

"Calm down, man, Merlin's sake!" Fudge barked. "You're talking nonsense! How would--"


"Now, that is enough, Severus." Said Dumbledore lowly. "Unless you suggest that these children have found a way to Apparate within castle walls-- or at all, for that matter-- then there is no way they lent a hand in Sirius Black's escape. Think properly. This door was locked ever since I left them ten minutes ago. And, Madam Pomfrey, have these students left?"

"Of course not!" said Madam Pomfrey sharply. "I've been with them ever since! But, sir, I may need a word with you sooner or later--"

"You'll forgive me, Poppy, but it'll have to be later. But, now you see, Severus," said Dumbledore. "And now that you know, I believe the children are due to rest soon. It may be time for us to take our leave."

Snape stood, seething. Shaking. Fudge looked appalled. And suddenly, Snape whirled around, his robes swishing behind him, and stormed out the hospital wing.

"Poor fellow seems to need a bit of rest himself-- he's a good bit unbalanced, no?" said Fudge, staring after him. "I'd keep an eye on him if I were you, Dumbledore."

"Oh, he's not unbalanced." said Dumbledore quietly, a smile on his lips. "He's only suffered a grand disappointment. He'll be upright in no time at all."

"Not the only one disappointed, you know!" Huffed Fudge. "The Prophet 'll have a field day! A party, I reckon! We had Black cornered and he slipped through our fingers again! All it'll take for me to be an utter laughing stock is for the story of the Hippogriff's escape to get out! Urh... I best be on my way... I've got to inform the Ministry..."

"And the dementors?" Asked Dumbledore. "They'll be removed at once, yes? As per our agreement, if Black had fleed?"

"Uh, yes, they'll have to leave anyhow," Fudge muttered, running his hands through his hair. "Never would've thought they'd try to administer the Kiss on an innocent, young boy... utterly out of control. My deepest apologies, Harry.. If you wish for anything we can provide, just tell me whenever you get the chance... and to you, Dumbledore, I also apologise... they'll be returned to Azkaban at once... perhaps we could place dragons at the entrance...."

"I know quite a few people who wouldn't deny," said Dumbledore. "Now, Poppy, what was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked once Fudge left. Madam Pomfrey hurried over to lock the door before she responded.

"It may be better to not discuss so openly... my office may offer a bit more discretion.."

They disappeared behind a closed door, and Harry could hear them speaking, although what wasn't too clear.

"I think... I think I'll take that rest now," Harry mumbled, laying his head down. The beds of the hospital wing had never felt so comfortable, nor could he remember a time he ever had a sleep so dreamless, or so deep-- but it didn't matter; And he would take the chance to rest now, especially, because the past few hours had begun to catch up on him.

Although Madam Pomfrey put up quite the fight, they all were able to leave the hospital wing the next morning-- except for Padma, who'd yet to wake up. The castle was so deserted Harry would've suspected everyone had already gone home for the summer. But the sweltering heat and the end of exams meant everyone was actually most likely taking full advantage of the absence in their schedules for another Hogsmeade visit. Hermione, Ron, Lisa, and Draco didn't feel like going, and Harry couldn't go, so they just wandered the grounds. None of them spoke a word, as though the events of the previous night still stood out in their mind so vividly that it hadn't fully processed.

They sat near the lake in silence-- well, it wasn't for long, because Lisa had to speak, and she and Ron began a very animated conversation, and then Hermione had to change the subject when whatever they were talking about had gotten a bit controversial, and Draco had to add what he thought to it, and very soon, Harry was the only one not talking. But he was okay with that, and presumably, his friends could tell he didn't want to talk at the moment-- which he was very grateful for. There were more important thoughts that took up his brain anyhow.

Where was Sirius? Would he really pick up Harry and Hermione at King's Cross? Harry hoped he would. And Harry couldn't not wonder about it-- what if he and Hermione got to meet their mum over the summer? What if they got to meet Quinn? What if.... There were so many things that could happen, so many things he couldn't even begin to suspect the possibility of.. It was all so complicated, it made his head hurt.

Harry didn't even notice the grand shadow casting over the group, but he did see a teary-eyed Hagrid, wiping his face with a large handkerchief, in the reflection of the water. However, despite his tears, he was beaming.

"Know I shouldn' feel happy af'er what happened las' night," he said. "I mean, Black escapin', and all'at tha' happened... glad you're all okay, I mean-- but guess what?"

"What happened, Hagrid?"

"Beaky! He's escaped! He's free-- bin celebratin' all night!"

"That's wonderful!" Hermione said cheerfully. Lisa smacked Ron's nose when she saw he was close to laughing. Draco's face held up a smile not all too unlike the one he did when he was forcing himself, though Hagrid couldn't tell the difference. Harry was happy, but he couldn't bring himself to show it. That too, however, went unnoticed by Hagrid, who was now gazing over the grounds.

"Didn' think I'd tied 'im up right... I was worried this mornin' an'... well, I thought he met Professor Lupin when he ran off, but Lupin says he never ate anythin' this mornin'..."

"You know? I thought only the staff knew," Hermione asked.

"Eh-- you lot haven' heard?" Hagrid's smile faltered. He lowered his voice, although for no reason, really. "Snape told all the Slytherins this mornin'... would'a guessed everybody knew by now... Lupin's a werewolf, y'see, an' he was loose las' night. Full moon, y'know. He's packin' up now, o'course."

"He's packing?" Harry asked lightly, jumping up. "Why's he packing?"

"Leavin', y'know?" Responded Hagrid, looking rather surprised. "Resigned firs' thin' this mornin'. Says he can' risk anyone gettin' hurt. Most the school thought he's the one tha' got y'all in the hospital wing..."

Harry scrambled to his feet, and Hermione popped up behind him.

"We'll be back,"

"Hermione, make sure he doesn't collapse on himself," whispered Lisa, though Harry heard anyway.

"Harry will be fine. Really. We'll be back soon." Hermione said, following Harry at a sprint, as he'd already begun to stride back up to the castle.

The door to Lupin's office stood open; Most of his things were already packed. The Grindylow's empty tank stood behind his battered suitcase, which was wide open and looked a shirt or two away from exploding. Lupin was standing over his desk, staring at something.

"I saw you both coming," he said, smiling, before Harry could even knock. It was the Marauder's Map he was watching 

"It's not true, right?" Harry asked. "You're not-- you're not leaving, are you? Say you're not. You can't."

"I'm afraid it's true," replied Lupin, opening desk drawers to empty its contents.

"Why?" Hermione asked. "You're-- You're the best teacher we've had! And surely the-- the Ministry isn't making you, right? They've failed an easy task too... a bunch of third years pretty much did their job for them. Twice, actually! They shouldn't be allowed to do anything in the school!"

Lupin shook his head, closing the door with the wave of his hand.

"No, it's not the Ministry. Professor Dumbledore was kind enough to testify on my part while I couldn't do so myself. That, it seems, was the final straw for Severus. I don't know if it was the loss of the Order of Merlin, or if it was that you all managed to get off with no consequence-- how you freed Sirius, I doubt I'll ever know. So, he, accidentally let it slip that I was a werewolf at breakfast. I think it may have been better that you all were in the hospital wing. The students threw a fit, but I don't know if it was at me or at him."

"You can't leave just because of that! You..." Harry breathed. "Everyone agrees you're one of the best teachers we've ever had! So what if you're a werewolf? You haven't hurt anyone, you... you're innocent here."

Lupin smiled wryly.

"I wish the world saw it like you. But I'll be getting owls by tomorrow.. Parents won't want a werewolf teaching their children. And I see why-- just yesterday, I could've bitten any of you. It may not have happened any time before, but that doesn't make it impossible. I could've made your lives worse thousands... no, millions of times over. That window of possibility must never be open again. For you, any of the staff, or the other students."

Hermione was silent, but by the way her face slowly began to become a deep shade of scarlet, she had something she didn't want to say. Lupin then put on a sad smile.

"Professor Dumbledore tells me you two did a great deed yesterday. I'm proud of you both."

"I'm sorry," whispered Hermione. "I'm sorry for thinking you'd betray us. There was just-- so much going on, I couldn't think properly-- I--"

"It's okay," Lupin insisted, throwing books into his case. "You didn't know the whole story, and you shouldn't have been allowed to stay in the dark for so long. Hm-- you know, your cat-- I think he may have been Lily's."


"Yes, your parents had a cat just like Crookshanks. Well, he was more Lily's than he was James or Regulus's. They both insisted he looked like he'd face-planted into concrete, but Lily loved him. He loved you two when you were babies too, though I don't recall if the love was mutual with how his tail was always being pulled. And he always was quite the odd thing. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd lived this long. Ah, now-- speaking of family possessions--"

He turned around, and in his hands were the Invisibility Cloak and the Marauder's Map.

"It's your birthright, and as I'm no longer your Professor, it'd be wrong to keep. Even as your godfather. Count it as an early birthday gift. And I've got a lot of birthdays to make up for."

Hermione took the Map, while Harry grabbed the cloak.

"I hear Lily's been better. Though I can't say the same for Quinn, I think you might have the chance to meet him at some point." Lupin said, bending down to close his case.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Harry shrunk the cloak, shoving it in his pocket, and Hermione folded up the map until it was small enough to fit into her own pockets.

The door opened, and Professor Dumbledore entered the office. He didn't look surprised at all to see the twins there.

"Your carriage is at the gates, Remus."

"Thank you, Headmaster."

Lupin picked up his suitcase with one hand and used his other arm entirely to carry the Grindylow tank.

"Goodbye, Harry, Hermione," he said, smiling brightly. "I couldn't be more grateful to be able to teach you both. I'm sure we'll meet again sooner or later. If you two wouldn't mind giving my dear Sirius my greetings when you see him... Headmaster, there's no need to see me off. I can manage on my own."

"Goodbye then, Remus," said Dumbledore solemnly. Lupin shifted the tank so he and Dumbledore could shake hands. With one last glance to Harry and Hermione, followed by a swift smile, Lupin was gone.

Harry looked across the office. The presence Lupin had left over the school year was already fading. It felt empty.

"Harry, would you spare me a word?" Asked Dumbledore silently.

"Of course, sir," Harry nodded, trying his best to not sound glum.

"Well, Madam Pomfrey has informed me of some injuries she states were not attained before the school year.. I would like to know... are the Dursleys, daresay, treating you any less than adequately?"

Harry turned around. Had he not known? Years with them, and he never knew? He wasn't going to stay silent today; He couldn't. So, with his voice feeling stronger than it ever had before...

"A lot less. They hate me. They abuse me. Th-- they've abused me for... years. I've never hated anyone in my... my entire life i- in the same way I hate them. I- I never wanna go back. Please don't make me go back."

Dumbledore sighed, a solemn look in his eyes.

"I would never. I'm so sorry, Harry, that I didn't notice any sooner. I was a fool, many years ago, and I've yet to find a way I can properly atone for it. I left Severus in charge of assuring you were taken care of-- I thought he'd get over his feud with James, atleast for your sake.. I suspected long ago that he never did check, but when you came to Hogwarts, and I couldn't see any signs you grew up any differently than the average Muggleborn... I didn't think anything of it."

"Snape?" Hermione repeated. "He's the worst possible option you could've chosen! I-- I mean, not that I--"

"No, no, I understand. Snape is not the best of people, but at the moment, I have no choice but to keep him at my side. If I understand correctly, however... Sirius has offered you a place to stay, as Remus tells me?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry nodded, his voice now gone again.

"Yes... if my suspicions are correct, the Order will have to find a new place of operations."

"Sir?" Harry croaked out. "What about-- about Pettigrew? I-- I heard Professor Trelawney make-- a- a prediction, and-- she was saying that... that Voldemort's servant would return to him before midnight. I think-- no- I'm sure it was Pettigrew she was talking about."

Dumbledore hummed.

"You saved Pettigrew's life, in one way or another, no? A very noble thing you have done. And, on his part, a fatal mistake. If he does indeed turn out to be the one Professor Trelawney predicted, then you have sent Voldemort a servant that is in your debt. Pettigrew owes you his life, does he not? I do wonder how long he'll be put up with... I'd be quite mistaken if the day came in which Voldemort wants his servant in the debt of his enemy."

"But it'll be my fault Voldemort comes back in the first place! Because I couldn't stop Pettigrew from escaping--!"

"Harry, it would've happened nonetheless." Said Dumbledore quietly. "Had Voldemort truly died, you would not have that scar. Had he died, you would be lacking in knowledge that even you do not realise you have. There is a piece of him in you, and as long as that piece remains, so does he. There will be a day where you are grateful you saved Pettigrew's life-- where it will be a stab to Voldemort's sake. I know you both must be tired, very tired of hearing of your parents by now, but truly, it's what James would have done. Even knowing it was Pettigrew who betrayed him."

"Why?" Hermione asked. "How'd you--?"

"I know many things, Miss Granger. I knew your parents very well too. I suspect you learned of everything through Gringotts? They're rather informative, whether or not you like it.... Now, your father-- James, as I meant... he may never have been able to find the strength to let his friends kill Pettigrew. Even if he wished him dead. I knew James very well, as did I know Regulus and Lily, both at Hogwarts and afterwards. You both truly are like them, in more ways than even I am capable of knowing."

"Sir," Harry blurted. "I-- last night, when-- when I was seeing myself-- my- casting my Patronus, I- I thought it was my mum. I just-- I wanted to know if- if you knew how she's been. If she's really gotten better, like- like Professor Lupin and Sirius have said."

"Oh, yes," said Dumbledore simply. "quite tremendously, actually. She left Mungo's months ago. I hear she's gotten herself into a custody battle with your Aunt. And maybe more, on that. And she's sent me letters nonstop, asking if Harmi's at the school. I've informed her properly, of course.."

Both Harry and Hermione were gaping.

"Mum's okay?" Hermione repeated. "She's really okay?"

Dumbledore nodded, a bright smile on his face.

Hermione pulled Harry into a very tight hug in nearly an instant. His arms were oddly limp, however. His whole body felt limp. Their Mum was okay. And she was trying to get to them. But then, another thought crossed Harry's mind.

"What about my Patronus?"

"Ah," Dumbledore hummed lightly. "I remember seeing the form it took. Ms Runcorn was quite frightened. A dragon, wasn't it? The last time I saw someone who'd managed that was long, long ago.... But I can see the similarities between you both. A grand will for survival and excellence... a brilliant sense of right and wrong... ambitious and very brave.. Take it however you may wish, Harry, but I see it as a sign. A sign that you are more than what you seem. You're capable of a greatness beyond that of others."

Harry struggled to find a reply. Instead, he nodded, his throat tight, watching as Dumbledore left the office with a smile.

"I see what he means," Hermione said, ruffling Harry's hair.

"'Mione!" Harry laughed, trying to free himself from her grasp.


Nobody else in Hogwarts knew the truth behind what really happened that night, save for Harry and his friends, as well as Dumbledore. As the end of term grew nearer, more and more theories popped up on how things "happened," but none of them came anywhere near close to the truth.

Lyra Malfoy came storming up to their group one afternoon, asking over and over again that Draco hadn't gotten attacked by Buckbeak again. (He hadn't, obviously.) She was snivelling almost every time she came looking for them, and would walk off muttering to her friends about how she'd have Buckbeak's head if he ever dare to try. It was sort of endearing to watch.

Every day, even though the weather was perfect and the atmosphere a like never-ending fountain of joy, and while Harry should've been among the many who were excited with all that'd happened, he'd yet to join in on the happiness.

He'd helped Sirius, but he lost Professor Lupin in the process, one of the best Defence teachers they had so far, and by the current track record, he'd probably remain the best for a while.

And then there was Professor Trelawney's prediction that had made an imprint in the side of Harry's mind. Where was Pettigrew now? Surely, he and Voldemort had already reconciled... Trelawney predicted it would be before midnight. But there was a weight off his shoulders that he never imagined he'd manage to be free off.

He wouldn't have to return to the Dursleys. The horrible Dursleys, who hurt him, locked him in a cupboard, and lied to him for so many years about the truth. He wouldn't have to go back. Hopefully, ever. No, not hopefully.

He wouldn't go back, and it would be his own choice if he ever did, because nobody could make him. And, anyway, it wasn't as if he had anything worthwhile to go back for.

Small books he'd stolen from time to time-- books of which he could easily replicate if he ever wanted to read them-- and not much else. He never bothered to keep anything that mattered to him there.

The exam results, which came out early morning on the last day of term, were the perfect distraction. Harry, Padma, Lisa, Ron, Hermione, and Draco had all passed their exams; Mostly. Padma barely passed History of Magic and Astronomy, muttering about how she didn't like either of them anyway, and Lisa got a less than adequate grade in Transfiguration. She'd rant to anyone who'd listen about how she "only made one mistake" and that Art was much better of a class.

Harry decided he'd drop Arithmancy-- that'd leave him with just his normal classes, which tired him out enough, aswell as Care for Magical Creatures, Divination (sadly, he'd rather risk the chance of going mental if it meant he could hear another prediction; It was better to be aware, he figured), and Ancient Runes. Ancient Runes, despite it being among his lower grades, was rather useful. He didn't know how to put it down on paper, but he knew how to do them.

Apparently, that didn't mean much on the written half of the exams. But it'd matter when the day came that he needed him, would it not?

Although, he was surprised by the fact he didn't have a poor grade on Potions. Either Dumbledore stepped in to stop him from being failed, or he actually didn't do as bad as he initially suspected-- he preferred the latter, as unlikely as if were to ever happen, given that he couldn't tell draught from concoction from potion, because apparently there was a difference between them. He wouldn't ever have suspected there was a difference in the first place, because no matter what they're called, you still digest them, and they still had some sort of effect, so it didn't matter whether or not he knew, because they were pretty much the same.

[Author's note -- (it's been a while since I've done one of these, ik) I just wanna formally apologise for that potions rant but I just find it so stupid 😭]

But that was besides the point, because whatever the point was, it didn't have anything to do with Harry's incomprehension on potions.

Ron invited Harry, Padma, Lisa, and Draco(begrudgingly) to sit at Gryffindor table at dinner that night-- Percy was ecstatic, saying he'd gotten his top-grade NEWTs and was 'destined to be future Minister'; Fred and George mimicked him, bragging about the handful of OWLs they'd scraped.

Ravenclaw won the House Championship thanks to their brilliant performance in the Quidditch Cup(and not to mention that they won, so that definitely helped), and the feast was decorated in indigo and bronze, and the Great Hall had faded into a buzz of joy and excitement, everyone discussing the year's events.

Harry realised he'd been limiting himself to the lesser side of things for longer than he'd thought-- for the first time in days, he was among the many who were happier than others; It was as if he'd been hit with a Cheering Charm. The apple juice he grabbed may have also attributed to that, however. It was a nice change from his usual pumpkin juice.

The Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station the next morning, and they crammed themselves in the one compartment they seemed to always find their way into. It seemed Padma refused to talk to Lisa; Or maybe it was the other way around, because she wasn't making any attempts at conversation either, despite how she constantly said in the days prior that her scar wasn't Padma's fault.

"I've decided to give Professor McGonagall back the Time-Turner," said Hermione suddenly, over the loud purring of Crookshanks.

"What?" Asked Ron. "You haven't even done anything fun yet! And you didn't tell us about it either."

"Well, it wasn't to be used for fun! It was only so me and Harry could get to our classes all year! And anyway, we weren't supposed to tell anyone. And, anyway, I'm pretty sure all the time-travelling we did gave me whiplash."

The words faded into obscurity when they reached Harry's ears as he found himself watching Hogwarts disappear from the window's view. The year echoed in his mind; It went by so fast, yet so slow at the same time, and even though he hadn't almost "died" as he had the last two school years, this year in particular felt the most eventful.

A tap on his shoulder broke Harry from his thoughts.

"Harry? I don't know if you were listening, but we're planning on going to the Quidditch World Cup." Said Lisa. "Ron says his dad can get tickets, and I doubt Draco's parents would have any problem getting some. They're, like, super rich. Purebloods, whatever, I don't care. You wanna go?" 

"Sure," shrugged Harry, turning away from the window. He had better things to do than staring at the castle, which was long gone from view. He already felt better, joining the others in a few games of Exploding Snap; Ron was winning by a landslide-- apparently, he'd lost enough times to Fred and George to know the best strategies.

When the trolley witch arrived, Harry bought himself a large lunch-- though he avoided the chocolate. The events after that flew by in a blur-- infact-- he didn't even know when, but he'd fallen asleep sometime between then and somewhere late in the afternoon.

"Harry," Draco whispered, tapping the side of his face. "This thing has a letter for you."

It took a moment for Harry to open his eyes, because the sun, now high in the sky, was very blinding, but when he did, it didn't seem like the thing looking him in the eyes was real.

A very tiny, grey owl, carrying a letter all too big for it, was fluttering before him, almost like a discoloured, fluffy Snitch. When Harry reached out his hand, it fell immediately, nudging his thumb with its head. Hydrus hissed out in a sort of rage, something along the lines of how he didn't like sharing. Hedwig hooted, seemingly in agreement.

The letter was addressed to Harry, reasonably, and ripped it open quickly.

It was from his mum.

He read over the entire letter, and then over it again. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was real, surely, and as much of a prankster he learned Sirius was, he doubted it went this far. It had to be a real letter from her.

Dear Harry,

   Hi. I'm your mother, Lily Potter. I don't know if anyone told you I wasn't dead. I've been in St. Mungo's for a long, long time now, and I was only released very recently.

  Sirius tells me you've been well. I'm sorry that I couldn't ever do anything for you or your sister (please tell her I said hi), but my recovery has been advancing and I've been working hard to make it up to you both. Sadly, Quinn's too far gone to recover anytime soon, but Sirius will be picking you up from the Station (or so he's said, I really don't know when I can or can't trust him), and I've gotten Petunia to hand over custody of you. I haven't been able to get in contact with Hermione's parents(did I spell her name right?) but I look forward to seeing you both some day nonetheless. 

   On another note, Sirius has been approved for a proper trial; I don't know if he got the chance to tell you, but he was the one that sent you the Firebolt back during Christmas. He signed it for both of us, but he paid for it(and apparently, the note didn't make it into the package because I found it in the dressing room after the owls had left with the package). I know that won't make up for twelve or so birthdays, but here's hoping it can be made up at some point. Do tell your sister we're sorry for not knowing to get her a present.

See you soon. My best regards until we can meet face to face. 


This little owl's name is Lainee. I heard you've got Crookshanks with you, would you mind seeing how he reacts to his new little brother? 

- P.S again(Sorry): 

I heard your friend lost his "pet rat." If he'd ever like a new little buddy, I've got a friend who handles baby crups(if he's the kind that likes crups), and an owl isn't out of the question if that's what he wishes for. 

"What is it?" asked Lisa. "Who's it from?" 

Harry looked up, and the first pair of eyes he saw was Hermione's. 


"You're lying." She said swiftly, jumping up. "Really? Harry, give it to me!" 

She swiped the letter out of his hands, and her eyes ran from one end of it to the other multiple times over. Squealing, she sprang across the compartment, pulling Harry into a hug. 

"Seriously?" asked Draco, putting the book in his hands to the side. 

"Siriusly Black?" said Lisa mockingly. 

"Ha-ha. Very funny. Really though, is it actually?" 

"YES!" Harry blurted. "I mean-- yes! It-- it has to be, she-- nobody knew about Quinn except people at Mungo's, and anyone who the Minister told, he-- and, and nobody even knows Hermione's my sister otherwise-- who would go that far to learn all of that just to-- to screw us over?" 

"Sirius did tell us he'd pick us up from the station," mumbled Hermione as she went back to her seat. 

"That sounds like an awesome summer in the making. Sirius is getting a trial, you get to see your mum, and we get to go to the Quidditch World Cup!" Ron cheered. 

"Yeah. Um, totally awesome. So, uh, hey, Ron, I know it's kinda last minute, but does your family have space for me over the summer?" Lisa asked suddenly. 

"I'unno. We might. I think either Charlie or Bill's gonna be staying with us for the Quidditch Cup... I can ask. Why?" 

"Er-- my... parents may... or may not be... moving to... well, um, moved, to, um... America?" Lisa said slowly. The compartment went quiet in nearly an instant. "I mean-- maybe, I haven't gotten a letter saying anything since... um, May, I don't think, but I don't know why they'd ever really move to America, it's just my lame ol' grandparents that live down there, and--" 

"Lisa, you're kidding." Padma finally spoke up. "You said they weren't going to move. You told me that you'd say something if--" 

"Well I didn't think they would, Padma! But they did! Yeah! They got on the plane and left, okay? They left me! I didn't know how to tell anyone!" 

"You could've just told us straight-up that you needed a place to stay!" 

"How was I supposed to? You're going to India in a week, if I asked Harry, literally any time before Sirius offered him a place to stay, we'd probably have to find a place for both of us to stay because his aunt and uncle would throw us out before we could even walk in, and I just asked Ron, and I didn't even know what Hermione was going to be doing! And not to mention Draco's purebloods-above-all parents, because I'm not exactly pure by stupid wizarding standards! What the hell was I supposed to do?" 

"Lisa, I'm serious right now! You could've said anything, and we would've figured something out like we always do!" 

"I'm tired of 'figuring things out,' Padma! I want to know! And, you know, I can't fucking know when we're too busy trying to study for exams and find a way for Buckbeak to not get executed, because who wants to look at places I can stay for two months inbetween Potions textbooks and laws from the 1960s? I'm sorry for not being one of those assholes who know what they're doing under pressure, so would you give me a goddamn break for trying?!" 

She flung the compartment door open, storming out as she threw a kick at Padma's knee. When the door slammed back shut, Padma buried her face in her hands, and sharp breaths turned into sobbing. 

"Great," muttered Ron confusedly. "What in the hell just happened?" 

"They got into a fight... uh, because Lisa didn't tell anyone that she had nowhere to go when the school year ended?"  Draco said. "I don't know either." 

"Wow, thanks so much for that very descriptive insight, Malfoy, because that helps so much," 

"Excuse me for trying to figure out what happened, Weasley! Damn!" 

"Would you two stop fighting?!" Hermione shrieked. "God, it's like it's impossible for you two to get along!" 

"It's Malfoy!" 

"It's Weasley!" 

Harry stood up, deciding he'd rather go search for Lisa than try to stop the inevitable fight that was likely about to break out. He tried to imagine where she could've gone-- there was no other compartment she could've gone to that quickly, right? If he remembered properly, Anthony was on the other side of the train entirely, and anyone else wouldn't even let her in; It had become a school-wide speculation that she was now a werewolf. Harry asked a couple people if they'd seen her anywhere, but nobody did. It got to the point where he had to go back to their compartment, because he couldn't find her anywhere and the train was slowly losing speed. He hoped she'd gone back to the compartment, but she hadn't.

She didn't come back to get her luggage, so Harry had to take it out to the station platform. He could see Sirius leaning against a pillar, but casting a glance over the platform didn't grant him even a strand of pale-orangish hair. Lisa was nowhere to be seen. 

Well, for a minute or two, that was the case; He spotted a familiar bird sitting atop the train. and purple, beady eyes stared at him. That was Lisa, he knew it. The eyes, the colour of the feathers-- and not to mention the scars that now showed through her Animagus form. 

Before he knew it, she was on his arm, talons digging into his skin. There was a pained look in her eyes that seemingly said enough, and she didn't turn back into her normal self, though she did drag along her own trunk, so that was definitely helpful, because even though Hydrus and Sly's cases were buried in his own trunk, which was covered in feather-light charm after charm, he still had to carry Hedwig's cage, and anyone could tell from her refined hoots that she was anything but pleased. 

Hermione, who previously stood behind him, was now ahead of him, walking up to Sirius. He noticed her immediately, and he was easily able to recognise her-- she'd stopped wearing her contacts only yesterday, but the change was noticeable-- infact, many people had mistaken her for Harry, because she'd been asked more than once why she had a Gryffindor tie. 


Sirius's barking laughter echoed over that of the entire platform as he pulled Hermione into a hug. Harry couldn't fight his smile while he walked over to them, as Lisa flew just behind him, her trunk dragging along the concrete. Nobody spared them odd glances, unless they were looking at Harry and Lisa, because apparently out-of-the-ordinary things happening to him(of all people) was still surprising. But that didn't stop Sirius from pulling him into the hug aswell, though seeing Lisa in her Animagus form was seemingly quite the shock.

"Who's this?"

"Lisa," Harry answered. "She and Padma got into a fight on the train and she hasn't got anywhere to go. She can stay with us, right?"

Sirius hummed, and a thoughtful look was on his face.

"Maybe. Can she sleep on a couch?"

Lisa cawed in excitement, presumably a yes.

"She can sleep anywhere." Harry said, ignoring the look Lisa was giving him. "I mean actually anywhere."

Sirius laughed, before asking, "Have you all said goodbye to your friends? Got all your things together? We've got time,"

Hermione and Harry shared a look, which, presumably, was enough, because they were both thinking the same thing.

"It might be better to stick to letters for a bit. Lisa and Padma weren't the only ones who got to fighting. We can speak to them at the World Cup."

"If you're sure," shrugged Sirius, and he reached out his arms. "We've got to Apparate. You may wanna close your eyes. It's not real nice the first few times."

Harry closed his eyes before he could even see if Hermione closed hers, and very quickly, it felt as though he'd been sucked into a tube, and like he was using his Time-Turner, because his feet left the ground for a minute, and he could've sworn he felt sudden gusts of wind, and unfamiliar smells graced his nostrils, but before he knew it, he was on the ground; A very wet, grassy ground, that felt like it was going to sink in at any moment, but it never did.

At some point, apparently, Lisa had turned back into her normal self, because right now, she was busy vomiting into a nearby bush. But Harry wasn't focused on that-- he was focused on the cabin infront of him.

It was a nice little place, yet it looked some kind of fragile, as if no one had ever even visited it, like it was made only very recently. Very, very recently.

It was a place Harry could imagine calling home.

"Your mum built it up herself. She's been working nonstop, and she didn't let me help. The rooms are pretty nice..." Sirius said, rummaging his pockets, presumably for a key. Finally, he found it.

"There are rooms? I mean, of course there are rooms," Hermione gasped. "Sorry, it's just really exciting! Is Mum really here?"

"Yeah, she should be resting... is your friend okay? She's been there for a minute now.." asked Sirius, shaking the key in the front door's lock.

"Lisa!" Harry called. "You okay?"

"Yeah! I-- eh-- I'm okay! Just give me a minute, I--"

She retched again, groaning.

"I don't think I like Apparating..."

"I didn't at first either," laughed Sirius. "You get used to it."

A new voice spoke.

"Sometimes, Sirius, sometimes. Regulus never got over the nausea, you know."

It was familiar in a way, like a voice Harry hadn't heard in a very long time.

"Mum? Is that you--?" He asked airily, his voice leaving him faster than his breath when he turned around.

It was. She froze, standing in the doorway, the bright smile on her face falling. She looked exactly like the pictures. The dark red hair, the green and brown eyes he and Hermione both had, but the scarred face was new... but, hell, if this was a dream, then Harry didn't ever want to wake up again.

She reached out a shaking hand, and touched Harry's cheek. Then her other hand reached out to Hermione. She gasped, tears filling her eyes.

"Oh. You're real. My babies... you're real.. I don't believe it.... I thought I'd never...."

She pulled them both into a hug swiftly, and her snivelling sounded loud in the silence. Harry didn't even realise it, but he'd began snivelling too-- no- he was crying. He was crying with all he had, to the point he was getting a headache, but he didn't mind. He'd bare it if he could have this moment. He dreamed of this moment for years, for so many years, and never once did he think the day would ever come where it came true, no matter how many times he wished for it.

This wasn't a dream. He was holding his mum's back so tightly that it had begun to hurt his hand, but he didn't mind that either. Anything was worth this moment-- twelve years of waiting, but he deemed that perfectly fine, because nothing would ever compare to this moment. Nothing even could.

It was a while before any of them let go, but it became almost a wonder when they did, finally stepping into what would now be "home."

The entrance was dark, lit only by a few lamps sitting atop small tables, but there was a calming smell in the air that strengthened the slowly growing sense of eery it was initially letting off. In the same way it was off-putting, it was welcoming.

"Okay-- your rooms are just this way," Mum said, and with the flick of her wand, which was now in her hand, the house lit up to show a very open hallway, with a living room and a kitchen, followed by door after door, leading into rooms they couldn't yet see. She led them to a pair of doors right beside eachother.

"They're pretty much the same, and, um, I didn't know what you'd like, so I filled it with anything I thought could be entertaining.. You can change it all with some easy Transfiguration,"

"We can't use magic outside of school grounds," said Hermione. "But I'm sure the rooms will be just perfect."

"Oh? You can't? I thought magical children didn't have that restriction... because they were in homes that already had magic and things... oh dear, maybe my mental health isn't as good as it was. Just tell me if there's anything you want to change, okay? I'll handle it."

With a bright smile, Lily tucked her wand into her pocket. "Is there anything you two want to eat? Takeout? Spaghetti? You both loved it when you were younger-- do you still?"

"Spaghetti sounds nice," said Hermione, turning to look at Harry. "what do you think?"

"I'd love spaghetti! Aunt Petunia wouldn't ever let me have any when she made it," agreed Harry, nodding.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Two rooms down to the right. The double doors." Lily said, kissing them both on the cheeks before going to the Kitchen. Sirius was waiting for her, and stood in the way of the kitchen entrance, a large smile on his face.

"You're so unserious. I'm surprised you were allowed to keep the Black name." She laughed, pushing him aside.

"I'm plenty serious, that's why my name's Sirius Black! I was the most serious in my family. And anyway, it just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Not like the family would be caught letting anyone lose the Black name just because."

They continued speaking, though it became muffled by the thick walls.

"This is gonna take some getting used to," said Lisa. "Not that it's bad! It's awesome, honestly. Sly', what room you gonna choose?"

"Probably whichever one 'Mione doesn't," shrugged Harry. It felt odd in the moment, for some reason, because he couldn't remember being called anything close to "Slysnout" anytime recently.

"I'm choosing the one on the left. My left eye's the one I haven't been covering up, so I may as well stick to the left, you know?" Hermione giggled, pushing open the door on the left hand side. It closed right behind her, not giving Harry or Lisa the chance to get a look at the room.

"You want a countdown? I can totally do a countdown if you're nervous." Lisa asked.

"Yeah, I think I'd like a countdown," breathed Harry, holding the doorknob of the door Hermione didn't enter.



... one!"

The door opened with a light push, and it was everything Harry didn't expect.

Unlike the small space he called a room at the Dursleys, his new, actual room had to have been atleast the size of their sitting room, and could've fit atleast twenty stair-cupboards. Which wasn't saying much, but it meant much more than "much" in Harry's head. The room kept up the calm atmosphere with the warm colours all over, and the four-poster double bed looked so soft that Harry could so much as sit down and fall asleep in that instant. There was even a bookshelf that could've held twice the books he kept back in his dorm room at the castle! Now this entire day had truly felt like a dream, but with a pinch to his arm, Harry could tell it was real.

"Holy fuck," Lisa swore, looking amazed. "Your room is enormous! How big is this house?"

"Lisa, watch your language!" Harry joked, nudging her arm while he lined up his trunk to not slide off the wall. Lisa, meanwhile, made a beeline for his bed and fell face-first into the comforter.

"This is nice," she said, trying to bury herself underneath the duvet. "This is really nice. I might have to take a nap."

"Lisa, you're not napping in my bed before I do," Harry denied, pushing her out of the way. The bed was really comfortable. It was hard to not fall asleep right there, actually. He managed, though he was suddenly very tired. But he wouldn't let himself sleep-- not now, atleast-- but he didn't get up. He just laid there, but still, he didn't fall asleep. He felt like it'd all go away if he did.

"This summer is so gonna be the best." Lisa said, propping her arms behind her head.

"Yeah," Harry mumbled, looking over the-- his room one more time. "The best."


So! This marks the end of book three, huh? It's been an amazing couple of months writing this, reading comments, and even just seeing that people enjoy the story.

I'm sad to say, however, Hexad will be going on hiatus once this chapter is released. There will not be a New Year's chapter, and if I'm being very honest, I don't know if there will be any chapters in January. I haven't been able to get much writing done at all in recent weeks because I've felt a loss in motivation, and the past week has not helped because I've been sick. The hiatus is purely so that in the case a situation like this happens again, I will have more chapters to post instead of me stressing and trying to write them day of publication.

But, in the meanwhile, I can say with certainty that book four is one I've been excited to write for a long while now and I'm even more excited for all of you to be able to read it. I hope this hiatus won't stretch very long into January, but I can make no guarantees.

Merry Christmas(or just have a nice day if you don't celebrate Christmas), and happy new year to everyone! It's been another great year on Wattpad.


So; This is after rewriting. Reading all the old comments and my old writing is such a call-back. I'm glad to say that, finally, Hexad will be making a return within the next two weeks! Hopefully, by next week. 

@whY_nOt_SaMaNtHa @Creator_Outside / 
(the entire series up to this point has been rewritten incase wattpad hasnt told you and you guys wanted to read it)  
