Feeling his Love (18+)

Author's POV

You came downstairs and saw Natalie in the house saying something to Mrs. Jung.

Natalie : Mrs. Jung please call Mr. Jeon. I have important papers to get signatures on.

Mrs. Jung nodded and went to Jungkook's office.

Natalie : Good Morning Mrs. Jeon.
Y/n : Good Morning.

Just then Jungkook came. You sat down scrolling your phone.

Jungkook : Yes Natalie.
Natalie : Sir I need your signature on this file and the previous file which is with you.
Jungkook : Give me the file.
Natalie : Here.

As Jungkook sat down and was reading the file, Natalie was staring at him continuously.

Jungkook looked at you who was glaring at Natalie. He smiled at looked at the file again.

JK : Brilliant Natalie. All the things are clear and perfect.
Natalie was shocked as Jungkook never praises anyone.
Natalie : T-Thank you, Sir.
JK : Am glad you are my secretary you make my work so easy.
Natalie and Jungkook smiled at each other and you looked away and took a deep breath.
How can he flirt in front of his wife?

JK : I don't think I need to recheck the previous file since you have worked on it.
Natalie nodded.
JK : Thank you Natalie you made my work easier. And you look pretty today.
Natalie blushed at his comment.

You stood up angrily and threw your phone on the couch.

You went from there to the kitchen and started cutting vegetables.
Mrs. Jung looked at you as you were cutting vegetables so angrily.

Mrs. Jung : Y/n my child are you fine.
Y/n : No Mrs. Jung that girl.....that Natalie is eyeing my husband in front of me. And Jungkook is flirting with her. How dare he?
Mrs. Jung chuckled.
Mrs. Jung : Don't be jealous Y/n she just his secretary-
Y/n : I am not jealous. It's just...she....how dare she.....You know she even tried to flirt with him before. And that angry bunny is praising her and appreciating her beauty. H-He...How can he flirt with someone in front of me? 

Mrs. Jung smiled as you called Jungkook an angry bunny after so long.

Mrs. Jung : Y/n..calm down...She is just a mere secretary you are his wife. Jungkook loves you only okay.
Y/n : Yes Jungkook only loves me- What...... Mrs. Jung... 
You got red as you uttered the words that you didn't want to.
Mrs. Jung : What? It's the truth. Oh someone is blushing I see. You are changing Y/n. I guess you have feelings for Jungkook.
Y/n : What? NO. I don't love that angry bunny.

Mrs. Jung chuckled and went back to do her work

You came to the living room and saw Jungkook going to his room.

Natalie : You are lucky to have Mr. Jeon as your husband Mrs. Jeon.
You didn't say anything and she continued.
Natalie : I was supposed to be his wife but you ruined it all.
Y/n : What are you trying to say, Natalie?
Natalie : I am saying that you ruined our relationship. Jungkook and I liked each other, but you came suddenly and has to marry you because of his mom. If not for you, I would have been in your place. You know Jungkook will never love you, he is just doing it because of his mom. He loved me but you just ruined it all. You came between us.
Natalie : Why? Is it hurting knowing that your husband loves someone else and married you because of his mom? Know that Y/n Jungkook could never love you. You should have known it from beginning he hates you as you come between us. He will leave you soon Y/n-

Mrs. Jung : NATALIE! Enough go from here.

Natalie went out of the house.
Mrs. Jung came and looked at you who was in tears thinking of Natalie's words.

Is Jungkook really playing with you?
That was on your mind.
And that he was flirting with her before was making it worst.

Mrs. Jung : Y/n don't think about what she said. She was lying. 
Y/n : But it could be true too.

You went to your room.
You sat near the window and let your tears out.

[ Meanwhile]

Jungkook comes downstairs and found a worried Mrs. Jung.

JK : Mrs. Jung where is Natalie? And where is Y/n I didn't see her?
Mrs. Jung : Mr. Jeon you need to talk with Y/n.

Mrs. Jung told Jungkook everything. 
He was boiling with anger right now.

JK : How dare she? I will kill her.
Mrs. Jung : First you need to see Y/n. She was crying. I am afraid that she got affected by Natalie's words. And she is hurt also for what you did.

Jungkook got worried hearing it.
The thought of you crying made his heart clench.
He was just making you jealous but this got worse.
He got afraid thinking of what all you could think of him now.

He rushed to your room. 
The door was opened so he got inside without you noticing.

JK : Baby...
You turned to him.
JK : Baby Natalie...she was-

Y/n : Jungkook divorce me. I know you don't love me you love her. I can't live with you now. I don't want to be a woman who ruins relationships. I don't want to be a second woman in your and Natalie's relationship. Please divorce me Jungkook.

Jungkook's heart clenched hearing the divorce word.
He felt terrible when you said you don't want to be a second woman.

JK : Y/n stop. Do you know what are you saying? How can you believe her? You are the only woman in my life Y/n. The one I loved. Trust me Y/n she was lying.
Y/n : Really but just a while ago you were flirting with her...
JK : Baby I am sorry. I was just making you jealous nothing els-

Y/n : But it's the truth that you married me because of your mom. That you never wanted to marry me in the first place and you hated me. Maybe you r-really love Natalie and I came between-
JK : Y/N.

You flinched when he suddenly raised his voice.

JK : Y/n...I only love you. Just remember this. I know it's hard for you to trust me for what I did in past but Y/n I really love you. Don't believe in anyone's words. It's true I married you because of my Mom but it's also true that I wanted to marry you. No one can force me to do anything that I don't want to. Mom was just an excuse, I wanted you for myself. Maybe it wasn't love that time it was an obsession but it was for you, only you. All my feelings are for you. My obsession, love, lust, desire, want, need everything is for you. Trust me Y/n please...

Y/n : But she said you loved her-
JK : She lied. I never loved anyone other than you. You are too naive to trust anyone. 

You looked down.
He was right you shouldn't have trusted her.
How can you forget how much Jungkook changed after confessing to you?

Y/n : I am sorry. 
JK : Do you trust me?
You nodded.
JK : Words babygirl.
Y/n : I trust you.


Jungkook leaned and kissed you.
His one hand was on your waist other was on your nape.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him back.

He carried you to bed and hovered over you still kissing you.
His lips moved down to your jaws to neck leaving marks.

He again kissed your lips and pulled back.

JK : I should stop now.
He was about to go but you held his wrist.
Y/n : I am not stopping you.

Jungkook was shocked by your words but didn't wasted time and kissed you again.
His lips move down on your skin leaving marks behind.

You were nervous but you wanted it. You were feeling different sensations in your body as the atmosphere became hot.

This was not the first intimate moment for you but this time it was different.
The feelings and emotions were different. The way of expressing it was different.
His actions were not rough like last time but this time they were delicate.

His hands were all over your body feeling you, loving you, claiming your presence.
You pressed your lips to suppress your moans, his touch was feeling like heaven to you.

His lips were trailing on your skin leaving his marks.
He kissed you and you kissed him back. It was a rough yet passionate kiss. You felt like he wanted it for so long.
 He bit your lower lip making you gasp and letting his tongue in. He was devouring every inch of your mouth. 

In few seconds both of your clothes were on the floor.

He caressed the tattoo of his name on your waist.
His lips moved down to your chest leaving his marks on your waist.

Y/n : Ah...Jungkook-ah...

Your moans were music to his ears. His lips left marks everywhere on your body.

A scream of pain left from your mouth with a tear when you felt him inside you.
He kissed you to distract you from pain and it was indeed a great distraction.

His slow thrust became fast with the passing of each intimate moment.
The pain soon turned into pleasure.
The night that once witnessed your pain in past again witnessed your love.
The room was filled with your sinful sounds.

He showed you love through his action.
You felt his every feeling towards you the love, desire, his want, need everything.

You were so tired that you already slept in his arms.

He kissed your forehead and went out.

He called Sehun.


JK : I want that bitch dead now.
Sehun : It would be.

Call End.

Jungkook went inside again. He laid beside you pulling your body towards him.

JK : I love you baby.

