Moby Dick: Heather Duke x Fem!Reader [FLUFF]

POV: Duke

         I walked out of the local coffee shop, carrying a sweet tea, when I saw (y/n) sitting on a bench reading her book, "Moby Dick". (y/n) and I shared a thing in common, which was our taste in books. We both loved "Moby Dick"; in fact, "Moby Dick" was our favorite book. I smiled in her direction, and admired her from afar. Her concentration was like solid Teflon. No matter what was going on around her, she didn't let it bother her. For example, last week she was reading "Catcher in the Rye," when a bunch of loud teenagers were messing around in front of the shop, which was right behind her, and she didn't even look up; not for a second.

         The wind blew through her hair, throwing it around left and right. Continuing reading, she tugged on the right side of her jacket, pulling it closer to the left side. I waited eagerly for lights to change, so I could walk over to her. It took about ten seconds before the light changed, and when it did, I hurried over to the bench she was sitting on. I sat down beside her.

         "Hey, Peaches." I said, causing her to look up from her book.

         "Heather! Hi!" She said happily, before placing her bookmark in her book and shutting it.

        She scooted closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. Having the advantage of being taller than her, I leaned my head on her head. I could feel her shivering.

         "(y/n), do you want to take a walk around the shops with me?" I asked.

         "Oh, I don't know." She replied.

         "Come on, it'll be very." I tried to persuade her.

         "All right, all right. Fine." She said. 

         I lifted up my head, and she quickly followed, before I stood up. I extended my free hand out to (y/n), who was still sitting on the bench, to help her up. She graciously took it, and as she stood up, she planted a cold peck on my cheek. I couldn't help but wonder how long she'd been  out here for her lips to be that cold. Like I said, she had hard concentration. 

         She grabbed my hand, her hand was cold (not a surprise), and started leading me to a nearby shop. This shop just so happened to be a bookstore (again, not a surprise). As she opened the door, I felt a rush of warm air come running towards me, and embracing me. I heard (y/n) let out a sigh of relief. (y/n) pulled me over to the rows of books and started looking for a novel she'd be interested in, and forcing me to help her. This process ended up taking us about thirty minutes, until I found a novel, which looked interesting; so, I shared it with her.

"How about "And Then There Were None"? It's a mystery." I said, knowing she loved mystery books.

"Oo! Let me see!" She said, quickly taking the book out of my hands.

I stood up, leaving my crouching position on the floor. She hastily read through the description of the book before looking up at me, smiling.

"It's perfect!" She squealed.

"My gosh, who gave you coffee today?" I asked in response to her being overly hyper.

"No one!" She said smiling.

"Yea, sure." I said, teasingly while rolling my eyes.

"You know you love me." She said, looking up at me.

"You're right." I sighed.

She stood on her tippy toes and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before telling me, "You're paying."

"What am I ever going to do with you?" I asked, laughing, before getting out my grey wallet.


(a/n) I'm sorry! This wasn't very good, but I think they'll get better soon. I hope you enjoyed it though!
