crazy/killer scientist reader beginning

Two heads are better than one
Running a hand through your slicked back hair, you sighed.

All the results for Your test subjects had come out, and you didn't like the result one bit, half and half of the kids you took had failed miserably.

Tossing the papers onto your desk you grumbled.

This was the second batch of kids who failed the test, and you were at your wits end.

What to do... What... To... Do...

Turning around you began speed typing on your computer, out of all the kids who failed only one made it.

Turning towards the cage behind you stared into it, watching the child crawl up to the bars, wings attached to the back of it along with a pair of horse ears.

It was a success, everything worked, it was able to fly with its wings and it's hearing was impeccable.


The child whimpered, struggling to sit up.

You turned back to your computer looking at all the duds that failed, looking over your desk, your finger hovered over a large red button.

A soft voice spoke into your ear.

"Do it, you know you want to."

It spoke, hovering its pale hand over your own, pushing your hand down onto the red button.

You watched in horror as a convaderbelt began moving, the weak kids struggling to move away from the gears.

Quickly you turned your head, tears springing up in your eyes as a cold hand grabbed your chin, forcing you to face the monitor, watching as the kids began screaming out in pain, the sound of squelching bodies being torn apart filled your ears.

The voice began laughing, watching as the kids arms and legs began flailing around before being crushed in between the chrome like gears, staining the stainless metal a rosey red.

The only sound in the room was the crunch of bones and flesh, blood splattered across the camera as the last kid's head was crushed slowly.

"See? Was it that hard? I mean, you've done it before-"

Throwing your hands over your ears you collapsed to the ground, tears flowing down your cheeks.

"S- stop- stop it!"

Opening your eyes You stated down at the ground, hands shaking violently as your mind grew hazy, all the memories flooding back to you.

You remember the first time you had ever harmed anybody.

You had been sitting down on the family couch next to your sickly mother, the house was quiet besides the sound of your drunk step-father cursing under his breath.

He stumbled into the living room, bumping into almost everything he could bump into.

Turning towards you both he glared daggers into your mother, and for some sick reason he found pleasure in bullying her.

Shifting your hand into your sweater pocket you held the small switch blade knife, daring him to come closer.

He turned back to his chair, settling down in it, taking a swing of his booze.

Turning to look at the green substance you had in a bottle next to you was extremely dangerous acid that could melt anything it touched and was extremely damaging to a person who came into contact with it.

Your mother stood up, leaving the room to use the washroom.

Looking over to where your step-father was he was fast asleep, snoring loudly his bottle on the ground.

Standing up You approached him slowly, bitterness in your eyes as You glared at him.

Remembering all the times he's hit, beaten, and abused your mother when she slept, she always would wake up with large ads bruises on her neck, arms and legs.

Looking back to the washroom to make sure she wasn't coming out, you pulled out the switch blade, pushing they blade out of its sleeve.

Raising it up You quickly pressed it into the side of his neck, slamming a hand over his mouth as he screamed out in pain, muffling his cries.

His eyes slowly closed, you lifted your hand away from him, pulling out the knife in his neck you Quickly shoved it into your pocket as fast as you could, making your way to the acid bottle, poping the cap off of it.

Walking back to his half dead body you opened his mouth, pouring the deadly green acid into his open mouth, burning his tongue and throat as it trickled down to his stomach.

Putting the cap back on, you moved back hiding the acid into Your little compartment hidden away in the back of your guitar.

Moving away from the guitar you left your room, watching as he threw up blood and the green goop that ate at the inside of his stomach.

Your mother's screams filled your ears as she ran to him, tears filling her eyes as she held his melted face in her hands.

You leaned in trying to pull her away as the goop ate at her hands, causing her hands to bleed out fast as she shoved you away.

"Y- you monster! You! You did this!"

Your mother shouted out, pointing a boney finger at you, the flesh falling off the bone and onto the ground.

And then? All went black and all you could remember was her pain filled screams and cries.

"I'm- I'm not a monster... I'm not a monster... I'm not a monster... Not a monster..."

You repeated over and over again, panting as your mind slowly grew foggy, the smell of blood filled your nose as the room next to you opened, the smell of rotting corpses filled the air.

Slowly the voice cackled loudly, forcing you to face it.

A large smile was on it's pale face as it continues to cackle, blood covered its face, obscuring it's face.

The only thing you could see on it was it's mouth that was filled with large sharp teeth.

"Ain't it fun? Don't you love the smell of blood? The sound of their screams?"

It spoke tauntingly, it's head tilting to the side with a malicious smile.

You closed your eyes as it tackled louder, wiping the chunks and wads of flesh off its face, revealing itself to you.

"We're two of the same y/n, no matter how much you repress your emotions I'll be there to break the damn, so, just face it, two head are better than one."

you taunted, staring at the broken glass on the floor, a wicked smile on your face as tears streamed your face.

Standing back up, you grabbed the large glass shard holding it up to your face.

"It's time to have some fun."

You spoke, your voice crackling as you cackled, turning to the three remaining kids who were huddled close shivering.

Stepping inside you shut the door behind you, the sound of screams and cries filled the building as your cackles mixed with the screams.

Word count 1148
